Holiday humdrums

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2013
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Does anyone else just get the humdrums around the holidays? I mean a solid two weeks of not wanting to do my favorite things, not wanting to even get out of bed in the mornings. I don't know whats the matter with me. I don't want to be alone, but I can't be around people.
You're definitely not alone. Lots of folks get down around the holidays. Year-end work stress, stress associated with family obligations, financial stress re: gifts, it's cold, it gets dark at 4-$#&:15 in the afternoon, and we're all still expected to put on a Christmas cheer face and show up for all the work and family get-togethers. Wish I had a cure, but all I can say is I know what you're talking about.
People suffering from depression can't wait to go to bed at night, & don't wanna get up in the morning. Depression can be a serious malady. Many do get it around the holidays, but don't think on that stuff too long, it'll f*** with your mind after a while. Get up & do something you enjoy. Think about what family really means.
Right there with ya, and that's one of the reasons I can't stand the holidays/winter. For me, i think it's lack of light and/or vitamin D. It always starts during the holidays and really peaks in Feb when I'm always sorely tempted to quit my job, leave my family, and set off on a long road trip somewhere closer to the equator. In the meantime, long walks in the sunshine and/or vitamin d supplements might help. If it gets too bad, be sure and talk to a family member. People need to know what's going on with you. The doctor can also give you a pill to help. No stigma.

Oh, and this will be heresy around here, but I have to say it: sometimes moderating my drinking and cigar smoking helps, too, because alcohol is a depressant.
Working 60-70 hr weeks during the holiday season every year and everyone wants to get together and celebrate. All I want to do is sleep and make them all go away. I lost holiday spirit years ago when the true meaning is lost to commercialism.
Remember: there is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to the doctor about this - no need to be embarrassed or whatever.
Oh, and this will be heresy around here, but I have to say it: sometimes moderating my drinking and cigar smoking helps, too, because alcohol is a depressant.

Thank you guys, I'm sooooo tired all the time and yes, I do think I've been drinking more. Thanks gspot. I'm cutting back on the drinking.
It's very common.

Eat right, get lots of rest (But also get up and be social) and get some exercise.

I know you don't want to do it, but I highly recommend getting out and being with people. Call a friend and play some cards, or visit a family member, maybe volunteer at a senior center for a night. Hiding away tends to make things worse. Seeing other people and sharing a conversation can help you AND them.
I get a slight case of the "humdrums" leading up to Christmas. I don't know why, I honestly love Christmas and spend it with my small kids. I'm happy as a lark on Christmas day.

This year, I've decided to make things more tolerable by not really working much the last two weeks leading up to Christmas. I'm in the office now, doing some menial clean up stuff but am leaving at noon to take my kid to the new Star Wars movie.
Does anyone else just get the humdrums around the holidays? I mean a solid two weeks of not wanting to do my favorite things, not wanting to even get out of bed in the mornings. I don't know whats the matter with me. I don't want to be alone, but I can't be around people.

Let me get up on my high horse here... umhh, argh... there (get's harder every year).

I can't speak for you, but I can for myself. Like most of us in this post-modern, post-Christian culture, I watch TV, drive around town, go to the mall, talk with people, go to work, etc.. And what do I find everywhere I go and everything I see or do? Expectation. Expectation to conform to the modern world's standard of Christmas, er... I mean, the "holidays". Regardless of what I believe or don't believe, it's there and it's just about unavoidable if you live a normal American life. I'm just about sick of the question, "Are you ready for Christmas?"

The primarily "Happy Holidays" greetings we hear (occasionally, "Merry Christmas") come either through the TV screen or from a check-out clerk. Along with that, especially from those who depend upon the "holidays" to keep their businesses in the black by year's end, become pretentiously nicer to us. Want a new Chevy Silverado? Come in now for a great "holiday" deal.

If the holidays/Christmas mean anything different to you than what the world preaches through it's sermons of snow-sparkled "happiness", "magic" and "giving", it is downright oppressive, even depressing. Even as a Christian who knows how and why the Christmas season came to be (not talking about pagan rituals of celebration), I actually struggle to fight against the depression that mounts in the weeks leading up to Christmas day. As a family, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to "perform" and "conform" to the unrealistic number of expectations the season brings. From decorating the house, to doing the shopping, to preparing dinners, to the expense, the time and the exhaustive effort. And for what? To celebrate Christ's birth? I wonder what He would say if I asked Him what He wanted for Christmas? I doubt that it would be that I had a new Chevy Silverado.

I share your feelings of oppressiveness. The statistics regarding domestic violence, suicide, crime, etc. around the holidays are real, and it's no wonder that there is a correlation between the pressure the world exerts on people this time of year and their unwillingness, if not inability, to conform.

No, I'm not --- nor will I ever be --- "ready for" [the world's interpretation of] Christmas. I believe in Jesus, I believe in His birth, I believe He will come again. That --- and only that --- am I ready for.
It's the short days. I mean what kind of sadists designed a system that for two months a year you work inside when it's sunny out and then drive to and from work in the dark?

But that is what it is.. it's hibernation time for when human beings actually did physical work to live..

The good news is after tomorrow, it slowly starts to creep back up to reasonable day lengths again.. by March or so.. :(
Does anyone else just get the humdrums around the holidays? I mean a solid two weeks of not wanting to do my favorite things, not wanting to even get out of bed in the mornings. I don't know whats the matter with me. I don't want to be alone, but I can't be around people.

Holidays? No, that sounds more like every day.
Bah, humbug. I'm a huge grinch.

I want to go to sleep after the Thanksgiving meal and not wake up until December 26th. Just take a month dead. Ugh.
It's the short days. I mean what kind of sadists designed a system that for two months a year you work inside when it's sunny out and then drive to and from work in the dark?

But that is what it is.. it's hibernation time for when human beings actually did physical work to live..

The good news is after tomorrow, it slowly starts to creep back up to reasonable day lengths again.. by March or so.. :(

Don't forget, if there had never been a "Daylight Savings Time", this is how it was always supposed to be. So, I don't put much faith in that "it's not right" credo. Not that you are pushing that, I just mean we shouldn't complain.

Don't forget, if there had never been a "Daylight Savings Time", this is how it was always supposed to be. So, I don't put much faith in that "it's not right" credo. Not that you are pushing that, I just mean we shouldn't complain.


Nah, it's the 9-5 thing. (in my case 7:30-4:30) In the winter it should be skewed to the left or the right.

Yesterday and Today (at my Lat/Long, they were identical in length!) the sunrise/set was 9 hrs and 5 minutes. Literally if I was 100% to the "normal" schedule at work I would literally see 7 minutes of the sun over the horizon.

So I go back to humans are sadists..

My mother left me a lasting legacy - she died on Christmas day. The memory always lingers.

I also have a lot of unhappy memories that surround Christmas, so I've always hated it. Well, not always- only since 1977. I'm always glad when it's over.

The first good thing is the solstice- that means that these long winter days WILL end eventually. I love having my family enjoy Christmas, and so I look forward to that. But this year, I only put up a tree and said "Screw it" to everything else.

I don't go anywhere or visit anyone, or do any parties. I just wait until it's over and life goes back to normal.
My daughter died several years ago around Christms. My sister died two years ago around Christmas. Sometimes I don't blame them.
We had a lot of extended family deaths over an eight year period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. None impacted me that much. The death of any possibility of a relationship with my mother on Thanksgiving 1998 did impact me. Granted, the relationship had been on life support for eight years but...

I do OK most holiday season but I do hunker down, cozy up with my dogs and keep to myself except work. I have lots of things to distract me as long as I do not let myself wallow. The fact that I already dislike the vast majority humans to begin kinda of makes being a hermit in the holidays easier. Might sound depressing but it oddly is not. It is a bit like mental hibernation.
But this year, I only put up a tree and said "Screw it" to everything else.

I don't go anywhere or visit anyone, or do any parties. I just wait until it's over and life goes back to normal.

I have a wife and four kids, so there is my family. I live hundreds of miles from my closest relative and thousands from most of my living relatives. I don't actually have that many as I am an only child.

Having said that, I plan on brewing your Oatmeal stout sometime over my Christmas shutdown. I'm a bit overstocked on homemade alcohol right now and I need to cut back to lose weight, but I have the time.. ;)

That, cooking a lot, finishing up fixes on my weather station (Weather Underground KIACOGGO2), and doing another major house cleaning.. eh.. that sums it up. Maybe I'll let myself be bored for the first time in five+ years...

no stranger to seasonal affective disorder, or regular humdrums for that matter. Something about it being dark before i even leave work is just a major bummer.

I did actually decorate my place this year though. Got my bottle tree filled and strung with lights and another small lit xmas tree with my homebrew bottle caps glued onto it instead of popcorn
To be honest, the thing I really miss the most at Christmas time is mom & how she had us kids help with cookies, cooked frosting's for cakes, etc. We decorated cut out cookies like works of art with antique decorating tubes. I made wine & the whole neighborhood would show up on Christmas eve. We'd drink, eat & have a great time every year. But, they're all gone now, the house was sold, & since her parents died, there's definitely a void there. But my wife got hard at it this year, making cookies, little cakes, bars, etc. If this El Nino winter thing clears tomorrow, & wanna smoke the young turkey. I guess we'll just have to settle for drinking & eating to their memory. Very much like Bob Cratchet...
I'm feeling it bad this year. We moved mid-November away from our families. Tonight we opened my mother-in-law's traditional Christmas Eve gifts (always pajamas).

I lost it.

I took the dog for a 30 minute walk so my daughter wouldn't see me completely lose it.

I don't know how I'm going to make it through Christmas morning without breaking down again.
I'm feeling it bad this year. We moved mid-November away from our families. Tonight we opened my mother-in-law's traditional Christmas Eve gifts (always pajamas).

I lost it.

I took the dog for a 30 minute walk so my daughter wouldn't see me completely lose it.

I don't know how I'm going to make it through Christmas morning without breaking down again.

We do the same tradition we open one gift on Christmas Eve, and I lost it too. Same thing, why so weepy? My gift was a great leather bound copy of Frank Herberts Dune. Best book ever!
I'm feeling it bad this year. We moved mid-November away from our families. Tonight we opened my mother-in-law's traditional Christmas Eve gifts (always pajamas).

I lost it.

I took the dog for a 30 minute walk so my daughter wouldn't see me completely lose it.

I don't know how I'm going to make it through Christmas morning without breaking down again.

I always talk about moving to a warmer climate...THIS is why it will never happen...
Thanks all,

I'm actually doing better today. I think my daughter's excitement over all her presents from Santa helped.

And we had a brilliantly sunny day (not a drop of rain), which isn't too common in the middle of Puget Sound in December.

Also the flip side of moving far away is this is the first Christmas in 20ish years I haven't had to go anywhere. I couldn't even if I tried. Literally everything on the island is closed today.

We managed to do a 4-way video chat with my wife's family this morning. Her mom is in SLC, her brother in Hong Kong, and her sister in Phoenix. That was awesome.

I've texted with my folks a little bit during the day. I'm FaceTiming them in an hour.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
I'm glad it's over, and I got through it.

I'll take down the tree tomorrow, and then just be happy when it's January 1.

The grandsons were here today for a while, and that was great. It's always great to have them over.

I still hate the whole Christmas/family thing as my family pretty much has always sucked.
I am so freakin' glad it's over. No more pressure. No more BS. NYE & NYD are nothing to worry about.

So much better... and I now have 335 days before it all starts up again.
For those who dread this time of year I'd offer a possible solution.

Shake things up.

This is the first Christmas in a very long time that I've gotten excited about. I decided to spend it in Rome. I scored a ticket to Christmas Eve mass in Saint Peter's Basilica with Pope Francis and it really reminded me about what Christmas is really about. I don't know what I'll do next year but I hope I can pull off something like this again.
That's freaking awesome! I've always wanted to take a trip over Christmas. Mountains, Beach, etc. And some locations are better visited in winter than in summer (went to Rome last June for example, and the heat/humidity were oppressive). Seems like the older family members are always concerned with maintaining tradition however and sitting around at home owning presents. I'd rather put the money towards a vacation, too.
That's freaking awesome! I've always wanted to take a trip over Christmas. Mountains, Beach, etc. And some locations are better visited in winter than in summer (went to Rome last June for example, and the heat/humidity were oppressive). Seems like the older family members are always concerned with maintaining tradition however and sitting around at home owning presents. I'd rather put the money towards a vacation, too.

We did this twice when I was working in Iraq. Christmas in Malorca...awesome! Ended up having dinner with family that owned the restaurant we ate at most nights and went on a "pub crawl" after. This was the back door of all three bars in we basically had dinner or drinks with the entire friggin' town.

Christmas in Warsaw/ but do not suggest it if you have the worst winter in 3 decades...and your wife cannot come along (tax thing for me...long story).
My family has talked about foregoing presents for each other and all taking a cruise together over Christmas. I would love to, but it has yet to pan out. Now, as my mother gets older (77) I don't think it will ever happen.

Besides, they want to go somewhere tropical. I hate the heat, and would rather go for an Alaskan cruise around some glaciers & stuff.
