Hipsters? Am I really so close to being one?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2012
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So I read something about how hipsters are ruining craft beer and it was kind of funny but at the same time it made me wonder just what a hipster actually is. So after some google-fu I came across some startling things that help define hipsters that are traits I possess.

1. I refuse to think of myself as a hipster. This is apparently the universal rule of hipsters, they are not hipsters.

2. I brew my own beer. Apparently crafting things yourself is very hipster like thing to do. I am guilty of this to a very larger extent.

3. Foraging food. I haven't done it in a while but I intend to and I am sure that there will be a facebook post about it from the wife when we go morel hunting.

4. Not giving a damn about my clothes, or at least appearing to. This one bothers me more than the rest because I feel like I really don't give a damn, but maybe I am just in denial as all hipsters are.

5. Fixating on niche foods and beverages. I love oddball things and genuinely enjoy trying them. From Kombucha to craft beer made with beard yeast or goat brains. If it is available for trying then I want a sample. I even sometimes brag about it.

6. Pickles! I love pickles and have no idea why this is such a hipster thing. I blame media for this one though, I think real hipsters don't care a lick about pickles.

So am I a hipster? Have I deluded myself into thinking I am an individual when in reality I am just a member of the most vilified community this side of Hitler youth? Perhaps I am just experiencing a fringe hipsterism?
If hipsters do all the things you love doing, doesn't that mean they don't suck?

Hmmm... But if they don't suck then wouldn't they declare their hipster status proudly? Perhaps I suck and my suckiness is what makes me a hipster. Lol, no way do I suck (says every hipster).
There is a difference between a desire to consume quality, and an appreciation for craft, and hipsterism. I'm not sure which side of the line you're on, based on your post.

Question: do you look anything like this?

I look like a fat version of the guy second from the right. I'd self label as a hipster, which I guess disqualifies me as being a hipster... lol. I live just outside Philly which is a hipster mecha. Most of my friends would be labeled as hipsters as well. It's just a meaningless label. Who cares...
It also appears many of the hipsters do things because they are 'ironic'. Basically going to great lengths to dress/act far out of style. Once things become mainstream (again) they do not want anything to do with it. So, I guess the only way to get rid of hipsters would be for everyone to become that way. Then they would be forced to change things up.
There is a difference between a desire to consume quality, and an appreciation for craft, and hipsterism. I'm not sure which side of the line you're on, based on your post.

Question: do you look anything like this?

I'm guessing he looks like the middle guy.

More importantly do you love PBR?
tread softly. them hipsters just wanted to be like all us punks & skins.

I look like a fat version of the guy second from the right. I'd self label as a hipster, which I guess disqualifies me as being a hipster... lol. I live just outside Philly which is a hipster mecha. Most of my friends would be labeled as hipsters as well. It's just a meaningless label. Who cares...
you're out of order! you're all out of order! you can't handle the truth!!!
The first one looks like Tiny Tim. The second one has a third arm growing out his back. I guess that would be handy for itches. The next one, "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay." No. You're not. The fourth one has a crooked beard. And that last guy is a fuqqing poser. All of them clearly bought and carefully assembled those looks.
My look is definitely not hipster. However the overall idea of hipsters is so vague that I think any of us could be labeled a hipster and our denial of that label would just cement the label. Hipster appears to be just a group defined moreso by the hatred of them than what they actually stand for.
Do you have an iphone? A Mac? An ipad? If you do, and swear by Apple products, and look like any of the guys in the pictures, then there's a good possibility that you could be a hipster. I'm not sure what's up with the PBR thing, but I'm pretty sure they're starting to advance to ipa's now too.
View attachment 194248
They're pretty well accessorized, except Crooked Beard. He's rolled his cuffs perfectly, though. I've never worn so much stuff, not even on Halloween. I can't imagine the kind of girls who would find hipsters attractive.The last guy seems to have a backward fanny pack and is posing all dink-toed. It's hard to tell on my iPhone's small screen. :cross:
I fall victim to not liking stuff once it becomes more well-liked overall. You know, "I liked such-and-such before it was cool".

I like to think that since I recognize the fact that I behave this way (and intellectually, I realize it's really dumb) that maybe it's forgivable.

I also like beards, beers, and bears. Bicycles and boardgames. I like to do things that I think are good for the environment.

I've been called a hipster before, by a close friend no less. I was very offended.

I think I must be a hipster. So that means I'm not one right!?! Yippee!

Edit: Didn't realize I'd never posted on here before. Lame, first post on homebrew forum is about not being a hipster.
I fall victim to not liking stuff once it becomes more well-liked overall. You know, "I liked such-and-such before it was cool".

I like to think that since I recognize the fact that I behave this way (and intellectually, I realize it's really dumb) that maybe it's forgivable.

I also like beards, beers, and bears. Bicycles and boardgames. I like to do things that I think are good for the environment.

I've been called a hipster before, by a close friend no less. I was very offended.

I think I must be a hipster. So that means I'm not one right!?! Yippee!

Edit: Didn't realize I'd never posted on here before. Lame, first post on homebrew forum is about not being a hipster.

Welcome to hbt :) at least your first post wasn't asking if your beer is ruined!
I look like a fat version of the guy second from the right. I'd self label as a hipster, which I guess disqualifies me as being a hipster... lol. I live just outside Philly which is a hipster mecha. Most of my friends would be labeled as hipsters as well. It's just a meaningless label. Who cares...

accept you're always in shorts...
But I don't want to be a hipster [said in the tone of Seinfeld declaring he doesn't want to be a pirate].

I have a buzz cut and wear a suit to work. Do I get automatic non-hipster status for that?
Me thinks the important part of being a hipster is doing things ironically and turning your nose up at others not like you (common folk). This to me is hilarious, since they probably got picked on for not being normal at some point in their lives (kind of like child abusers that were abused as a child).

Also, you have to have several visible God-awful tattoos that have no meaning to the common person.

If you do things others dont just for the sake that others dont do them, then you definitely lean hipster.

Side note, I thought PBR= "public beer of Richmond".....Richmond btw is chock full of hipsters.
I never thought about what label fits me, at least not since high school.

I probably do fit most of the list in the first post- but I'm more of an old hippie than any sort of hipster. I'm old enough that I wear what I want, do what I want, and eat and drink what I want and I don't care at all what people think. I don't like pickles, although I love kimchee.

I am very mindful of what I eat (no packaged foods, no wheat, no industrial oils, no meat from the grocery store) but that's not because I want to be cool- it's because I eat only "real food" and generally it's grown or produced by us or by local friends. Foraging and hunting are a big part of our life.

I make my own beer because I like it. I make my own wine because I like it. I wear whatever I have in the closet because it's comfortable and I like it. I grow my own food and harvest my own meat whenever possible- because it's healthy and I like it.

I make my own soap because I like it, and dislike poisons in our shampoo and soap. Same with toothpaste, body lotions, deodorant, etc. If I can't pronounce it, I don't eat it/wear it/use it.

I don't own one item of fashionable clothing or shoes.

It's probably more my age and thinking "who gives a ****?" than any sort of hipster ideology, though!
I never thought about what label fits me, at least not since high school.

I probably do fit most of the list in the first post- but I'm more of an old hippie than any sort of hipster. I'm old enough that I wear what I want, do what I want, and eat and drink what I want and I don't care at all what people think. I don't like pickles, although I love kimchee.

I am very mindful of what I eat (no packaged foods, no wheat, no industrial oils, no meat from the grocery store) but that's not because I want to be cool- it's because I eat only "real food" and generally it's grown or produced by us or by local friends. Foraging and hunting are a big part of our life.

I make my own beer because I like it. I make my own wine because I like it. I wear whatever I have in the closet because it's comfortable and I like it. I grow my own food and harvest my own meat whenever possible- because it's healthy and I like it.

I make my own soap because I like it, and dislike poisons in our shampoo and soap. Same with toothpaste, body lotions, deodorant, etc. If I can't pronounce it, I don't eat it/wear it/use it.

I don't own one item of fashionable clothing or shoes.

It's probably more my age and thinking "who gives a ****?" than any sort of hipster ideology, though!

Hahah...well said. I'm not into the "all natural" stuff like yourself, but I am also at an age that I do not really care what people think of me. I think "hipster" is something for younger people to call other younger people. I'm too old for that crap...and my kids wouldn't say there is anything "hip" about me.
Hahah...well said. I'm not into the "all natural" stuff like yourself, but I am also at an age that I do not really care what people think of me. I think "hipster" is something for younger people to call other younger people. I'm too old for that crap...and my kids wouldn't say there is anything "hip" about me.

Yeah, the only person who thinks I"m "cool" is my 3 1/2 year old grandson. He thinks I'm awesome.

Everyone else in the universe thinks I'm 30 years (or more) behind the times. And I probably am, come to think of it!
Yeah, the only person who thinks I"m "cool" is my 3 1/2 year old grandson. He thinks I'm awesome.

Everyone else in the universe thinks I'm 30 years (or more) behind the times. And I probably am, come to think of it!

Well if yooper isn't cool then there is seriously no hope for me. On the plus side your post about how you have many of the things in common with hipsters that I do makes me feel much better about it. In the grand scheme of things I think hipsters are not all that bad and it could be a lot worse.
I think the biggest part of the hipster designation is the attitude. If things are done in the style of ironically out of style. Then you might be a hipster. Hipsters tend to like to advertise the fact that they are cool as a result of being different rather than being different and/or cool.
I think the biggest part of the hipster designation is the attitude. If things are done in the style of ironically out of style. Then you might be a hipster. Hipsters tend to like to advertise the fact that they are cool as a result of being different rather than being different and/or cool.

Except that they all look alike to each other.

If I can look at someone and basically immediately size them up and say "yeah, that guy/girl is clearly a hipster", then it has nothing to do with uniqueness or being different, it's just a signal of which club they chose to join.
Doesn't it go back to music culture? if you like punk, you're a punk. If you like oi, you're a skin. if you like the mediocre crap that hipsters are into... you're a hipster. Ask yourself: "do I like Mumford and Sons?" If the answer is "yes" then you're a hipster, simple as that
Doesn't it go back to music culture? if you like punk, you're a punk. If you like oi, you're a skin. if you like the mediocre crap that hipsters are into... you're a hipster. Ask yourself: "do I like Mumford and Sons?" If the answer is "yes" then you're a hipster, simple as that

But what if you like Mumford, the staple of your music diet lately has been Santana and you found yourself jamming Three Days Grace so loud this morning on the way to work that the old lady in the car next to you was giving you a look?
Anyone ever try any of these beers?

Rule #1 is pretty big. Hipsters will adamantly deny being hipsters, because dammit they're unique and eclectic, and they can't neatly fit into labels like that.

Doesn't it go back to music culture? if you like punk, you're a punk. If you like oi, you're a skin. if you like the mediocre crap that hipsters are into... you're a hipster. Ask yourself: "do I like Mumford and Sons?" If the answer is "yes" then you're a hipster, simple as that

"Well yeah, but just their early stuff. The new stuff is too over-produced and mainstream. I've moved on to [more obscure band]. Oh...you haven't heard of them? I'm not surprised. They played this show for me and like 5 other people at the coffee shop down the road last month."

Now THAT'S the hipster response.
Rule #1 is pretty big. Hipsters will adamantly deny being hipsters, because dammit they're unique and eclectic, and they can't neatly fit into labels like that.

"Well yeah, but just their early stuff. The new stuff is too over-produced and mainstream. I've moved on to [more obscure band]. Oh...you haven't heard of them? I'm not surprised. They played this show for me and like 5 other people at the coffee shop down the road last month."

Now THAT'S the hipster response.

Rapid City, SD is/was lousy with those a-holes. but about 1/2 of them called themselves "punk rock". I don't know how many we chased out of our bars.
I think a good rule for hipsterdom is if you are more interested in being seen enjoying something than actually enjoying it, you are likely a hipster.

At this point in my life, age 34, being a hipster would just be exhausting for this reason.
"Well yeah, but just their early stuff. The new stuff is too over-produced and mainstream. I've moved on to [more obscure band]. Oh...you haven't heard of them? I'm not surprised. They played this show for me and like 5 other people at the coffee shop down the road last month."

Now THAT'S the hipster response.

I can deal with the hats, the beards, the moustaches, and even the attitudes.

But - those damn scarves infuriate me. I want to use them to strangle the wearer.

Who wears a scarf in 90F weather?

The only time I should ever see a guy wearing a scarf is if he's pushing a snowblower. :D
I can deal with the hats, the beards, the moustaches, and even the attitudes.

But - those damn scarves infuriate me. I want to use them to strangle the wearer.

Who wears a scarf in 90F weather?

The only time I should ever see a guy wearing a scarf is if he's pushing a snowblower. :D

While I agree, I will say that the trend of ladies in their twenties and early thirties wearing t-shirts and wool hats is pretty cute.