Help me out with a Saison recipe :).

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Apr 11, 2020
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Hey guys!

I brewed some IPA-s and APA-s but i still kinda new in the brewing scene. Since the weather is warmer my base yeasts went out from fashion until autumn. (Safale US 04-05).

Ive decided to brew a saison so ive ordered a package of Safale Saison BE 134.

I have wheat malt, cara belge, chateu, vienna and pilsner at home atm.

For hops i have polaris, saaz and ekg.

What would be the best to brew this saison and how much needed(%) Im wanna use BIAB as i always do. My boil size is 12,5 and my batch is 12. Most of the time before pitching i have 8 L beer (just the clear wort). Brewing more is not possible in my flat sadly.

I want to do something around 1,06-1,65 OG and an IBU of 30-35.

I appreciate any suggestions, experiences!

A classic saison recipe from the book Farmhouse Ales includes:

90% Pilsner
10% Wheat

EKG for bittering hops (20-25 IBU)

Late Hop Addition (last 15-20 min. of boil) (0.5 oz/5 gal.)
EKG or Styrian Goldings

Finish Hop Addition (1.1 ozs/5 gal.)
EKG, Styrian Goldings and Saaz (in a blend)

There are lots of recipes you can find by searching. The Maltose Falcons web site has a lot of saison recipes.
Thanks for the advices, i dont know that website but i will definitely look around. Should I forget to put 5% Cara Belge to the Saison? I didnt see any Saison recipe with Cara Belge or any caramel malt.
I brewed this one, all grain version, and it came out great.

Looks like you have 4 of the 5 malts used, with the one you're missing being the one used the least (munich). I thought the color i got from this grain bill was gorgeous. I will reuse it for other Belgian beers I plan to brew. I'll post a pic when i open one this week end.

For temp (recipe doesn't mention anything), I started at 75F and ramped up to 85 over about 1 week then left it at 85 for a few more days.

Saisons are lovely, happy brewing!

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