HBT Fantasy Football League #2

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I have not set a draft date yet.. I will try and sit down this week and get this thing started.. I apologize for my slacking. 8 people have quite at work this month so it's been pretty busy for me lately. Firerat i'm sending you a PM..
I believe I was the 20th team to join. I got so excited to join I didn't even read through the forum entirely. HAHAHA! Thanks for running it and good luck to everyone.
Is there anything we need to do on the league site to confirm we are in for this season?

I like the new roster changes as well, should make it interesting.
Alright I have scrubbed the list of who sent they beers and who didn't. I have a total of 12 participating teams.. So, I think we will scrape everyone and sit at 12. 11 total beer packages sent and 1 champion. I'm having troubles crossing the Fantasy Football names versus their HBT names. So help me out.. Also the rooster has been changed. Additional bonus scores added. I still need ideas for the draft date. I want to say last year the draft was the sunday before pre-season started. So it maybe on August 3rd, 2014 11 am EST if no objections.

Airdog_47 - Beer Pressure
Acyr90 - Eskimo Bros
Grandpa Warriors - ?
Ben - ?
Zach - Reel Ale
Jay -
Punity - We Dangeruss
JohnnyO -
geoffm33 - Shenanigans
schemy - High Krausen
firerat - Firerat
To mix the pot a little bit and have fun.. I have this going on as well if anyone wants to join... There will be no beer exchanges in this league.. It will have reverse scoring .. So this is for those of you who say they pick the worst team or their teams sucks the big one.. It's your time to shine!! So, pick your worst prospects and Pray for fumbles and intersecptions!

Draft will be on the same day as the regular draft August 3rd but at 2:00pm EST.

Join information.. 10 team total league.

Join Here: http://fantasy.nfl.com/registration/privateleaguejoin?leagueId2348446
League ID: 2348446
League Password: keggles

Points will be for defense allowing so many points. Fumbles intersecptions. Loss of yards. etc..
Glad to see this back up and running! Few things I would like to point out after going over the updated league settings:

1. Rosters are currently set to 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex (QB/RB/WR/TE; QB flex is kinda weird), 1 K, 1 D/ST, 4 Bench.
2. D/ST are currently getting +3 points for ALLOWING 500+ total yards against them. Silly bonus for sucking :eek:
3. Interception return yards set at 1 point for every 10 yards, but it's for Individual defensive players (which we don't use).
4. I'd enable fractional scoring, it all but eliminates ties. There's no reason not to have it.
5. I still am pushing for waivers not resetting in inverse order of the standings after every week. This way there's an incentive to not use waiver claims like a brain-dead monkey and it rewards those who hold on to a high waiver claim.

Aside from that, I'd advise everyone to look over the settings for themselves since a lot of "bonuses" have been added.
I agree with #5 I like the strategy of when to blow your waiver load
Are we sticking with that roster setup, now that we are down to 12 teams? I'm good either way, just asking the question.
So is this league officially dead? Draft is in 3 days and nothing is set up. If people are still interested I'll set one up on Yahoo (I dislike the NFL.com layout).
Okay, I can try and salvage this but I'm going to need you guys to help me a bit.

I really have no idea what I'm doing, but it seems pretty self explanatory.

First, of the 12 players listed on the previous page, I have been able to identify 8:

Beer pressure
Eskimo Bros
Grandpa's warriors
Reel Ale
We dangerous
High Krausen

I can drop all of the other teams unidentified. I have the technology!! LOL

Can we do this with 8 people? Do we want to? Does anyone want out that is on the list?

Next, what do you guys want me to change in terms of rules and whatnot? What needs to be set up or changed? I'll do it, but you guys need to help me out a bit.

If I can't iron this out by tomorrow afternoon, then I think I'm jumping ship.

Sound good?
I'm in if you are going to do it. If not I'd like to know sooner rather than later, I pulled out of a Bbq comp for the draft.
I'm totally down to do it.

I just want to do it right.

So 8 people sounds doable?

What else should I change? Some of the scoring and whatnot seems a bit odd.

Any suggestions?
Okay, it's an 8 team league:

beer pressure
Eskimo Bros
Gandpa's warriors
Reel Ale
We DangeRuss
High Krausen

We can take up to 4 more teams but I need to know by today, 5PM Eastern time.

If anyone wants to drop, let me know by 5PM eastern time or you are committed.

Next step, lets get the rules and scoring and all of that corrected.....

Bear with me.

I'm going to change a few things and post the changes here.

If I don't get any objections to changes by tomorrow, let's say 2 PM Eastern, they will be set in stone. If you have a suggestion, please post it here.
If it's too much work for you in such a short time I can have a league set up today & hopefully everyone can join by this Sunday (if we still plan on having the draft the 3rd). We could always push it back to next weekend too

As far as suggestions I would change all scoring back to standard/defaults and set rosters at QB,RB,RB,WR,WR,TE,Flex,K,D/ST with 6 bench spots and call it good :rockin:
If it's too much work for you in such a short time I can have a league set up today & hopefully everyone can join by this Sunday (if we still plan on having the draft the 3rd). We could always push it back to next weekend too

As far as suggestions I would change all scoring back to standard/defaults and set rosters at QB,RB,RB,WR,WR,TE,Flex,K,D/ST with 6 bench spots and call it good :rockin:

Makes it simple since we're on a time crunch & hopefully we can get 4 more people to join.
If it's too much work for you in such a short time I can have a league set up today & hopefully everyone can join by this Sunday (if we still plan on having the draft the 3rd). We could always push it back to next weekend too

As far as suggestions I would change all scoring back to standard/defaults and set rosters at QB,RB,RB,WR,WR,TE,Flex,K,D/ST with 6 bench spots and call it good :rockin:

Dude you are awesome!!

I'm in!!
Is there an easy way to set back to default settings? If so I'll do that and we can be golden.

The only thing I can't do is move the draft date. I think the league manager needs to do that.


Acyr90, if you could start a new one we are better off.

I'm down for a draft next weekend so long as it's not on Sunday past 5 PM eastern.

I'm going to a NIN concert.
Is there an easy way to set back to default settings? If so I'll do that and we can be golden.

The only thing I can't do is move the draft date. I think the league manager needs to do that.


Acyr90, if you could start a new one we are better off.

I'm down for a draft next weekend so long as it's not on Sunday past 5 PM eastern.

I'm going to a NIN concert.

No problem, I'm off today so I'll be able to get it up and running (and hopefully filled) by tonight.

I'm more comfortable with league settings on Yahoo so I'll be setting it up there. Unfortunately, Yahoo made it so you can only invite people via email so I need everyone to PM me their emails.

Once again, PM me your emails and I'll send you all an invite. I'll try and shoot everyone who send beer a PM to let them know of the changes so they can get signed up.

Edit: Maybe not, try this link

I put the word out to our club that we may be looking for more fantasy players.
Sweet, thanks. If need be I can fill it with people I've played with in the past, but ideally I'd like to keep this league for people who frequent the forums (even if they're just lurkers like me haha).
I think you should still email everyone in case they don't see this thread.
It's set for 9:00 AM Pacific Time, but can be changed if people are having trouble making that.
yeah, can we change the time of the draft so I can sip some homebrews while doing so. Don't get me wrong a few brews at 10 a.m. Mtn. is fine with me but the wife doesn't think it's right.
Agreed, I'm thinking 1 PM Pacific Time/4 PM Eastern. Is everyone good with that?

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