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I've been watching The Expanse on Amazon. It took me about 3 episodes to figure out what was going on, but I really like it. One thing that I really like about it is the "space science". It's not perfect, but it's a lot better science than most scifi's.
Iron Fist available today

haven't heard good things about it, apparently, according to Finn Jones, it's getting bad reviews because Trump

I'm still gonna watch it. like right now

I watched the first 3 episodes yesterday. It's not the best, but as long as you don't take it too seriously it was fun. My only real issue with it is the main character goes from goofy to bad azz like he's a human light switch.
Okay, finished Iron Fist and while I did like it, it's not nearly as good as the other 3 Netflix /Marvel shows.

Hope they step it up for Defenders & Punisher
Started watching a cute show called "Powerless". It's basically The Office, but set in a superhero universe. They characters live in Charm City, right next to Gotham. They work in a gadget R&D facility that is a small part of Wayne Enterprises. Their boss is played by Alan Tudyk and he is related to Bruce Wayne. He grew up in an excessively wealthy family and only wants to get promoted to the Gotham branch. But he's really bad at his job, kind of like how Steve Carrel was not very good managing in The Office, but probably exaggerated somewhat. he plays the part pretty well, and he's always fun to watch in a comedy. (Check out Con Man on the streaming channel, Comic-Con HQ

Vanessa Hudgens plays the new girl, who heads up one of the teams there and has to try to motivate the designers under her. She's new and not from the city, so the whole Superhero thing is new to her. Her team consists of a few dysfunctional nerdy types (including the guy who played Abed in "Community"). Together they are fun to watch.

I'd rate it a solid "B" on my scale. But I like cheesy comedies and cute girls. I think it could go a bit more cheesy and silly and go up a notch for me, but they writing is still pretty funny as is.
I've been watching The Expanse on Amazon. It took me about 3 episodes to figure out what was going on, but I really like it. One thing that I really like about it is the "space science". It's not perfect, but it's a lot better science than most scifi's.

Just finished Season 1 and see that Season 2 isn't included with Prime. :mad:
Okay, finished Iron Fist and while I did like it, it's not nearly as good as the other 3 Netflix /Marvel shows.

Hope they step it up for Defenders & Punisher

I agree. At first I got the feeling that they are planning on Iron Fist being the comic relief in Defenders but by the end he was getting pretty dark and grim.
Catching Sherlock on Netflix, jolly good

Up to Series 3 & think it's outstanding, especially 2nd episode

Pity their series/seasons are so short
Just got the notice for another season of TP Boys. Awesome

Wife just told me last night. I think I am behind. I started watching after they came back from the hiatus, but I don't think I watched more than a few episodes after that. I should probably load it up while I'm working out or something. It's not something the rest of the family should watch watches.
I'm giving up on Star Trek Voyager. I like to have something PG on my watch list in case I have time before the kids go to bed, but this is the ugly step-child of the Star Trek universe.
I'm giving up on Star Trek Voyager. I like to have something PG on my watch list in case I have time before the kids go to bed, but this is the ugly step-child of the Star Trek universe.

Please. It's nowhere near as bad as "DS9", where they "boldly stayed where a lot of people stayed before." That one got a bit too political for my tastes.

At least Voyager had some decent characters, even if it was a bit too cute most of the time.
Better Call Saul, season 2 just released. Should be done with it by the weekend.
TPB was on my phone last night as I rode my exercise bike. Got in two episodes of last season. It's still as F'ed up as ever. They swear an awful lot on that show.

Julian had his alcohol taken away and it was funny to see him walking around with his hand up and no glass in it. He's doing all kinds of things with the other hand, but out of habit, his drink hand is just held out there even though there is nothing in it.

Randy is grosser than ever. They have him pretty much naked in most scenes right now. And sweaty.

Oh well, at least they aren't throwing jugs of P!55 at each other...
So I am watching 100 on Netflix, Defiance on Amazon Prime, and reading the Post Human series all at the same time. At first, I didn't think they had anything to do with each other except being Sci-Fi but it is really weird how they are suddenly all converging around the same topic.
I must have missed the science fiction part of 300

did Xerxes have aliens in his army?

squads of Terminators armed with plasma rifles in the 40-watt range?
I hate that Netflix has switched from the star rating system to a thumbs up/thumbs down system. What are they thinking? Sometimes I take the time to look at ratings outside of Netflix before I try a show out but it's a pain to do it every time. I thought the old rating system was pretty decent.
Better Call Saul, season 2 just released. Should be done with it by the weekend.

I just finished season 2 of Breaking Bad (yeah, I know I'm way behind) Saul Goodman is one of my favorite characters. "You don't want a criminal lawyer, you want a *criminal* lawyer" :D

I figure I should at least watch season 3 of BB before starting Better Call Saul?
I suggest finishing Breaking Bad before starting Better Call Saul

the very first scene of BCS starts with the presumption you've finished BB

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