First Cider (Cat) Disaster

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
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Cotacachi, Ecuador (formerly Toronto, Canada)
Hey Gang,

So I thought I'd try my hand at cider, started small with a 1 gallon batch.

First ever time, and made a potentially fatal flaw: not putting it in the fermenting closet. I'd read that if it starts to smell like eggs to add some more yeast nutrient so in order to have easy access to add it if need be I left the carboy on a chest and not in my fermenting closet like I do my beers.

Had it wedged up against the wall in between heavy objects on either side.

But...... I have two cats. Figured that being wedged into a spot like it was the worst that would happen is that they knock off the airlock out of curiousity at the bubbling.

Discovered the hard way that they can be VERY industrious in said curiousity:

Woke up in the morning to discover a large pool of cider on my floor and the carboy on it's side. Cider had run through the airlock onto the floor (airlock stayed in! Honestly surprised at that). Lost more than 1/3 of the volume.

So after some rushed cleanup discover that not only did cider fill the airlock container but chances are the sanitizer I had in there probably ran into the carboy itself. (two white/ginger cat hairs on the top of the carboy led to the identification of which of our two monsters is the culprit).

Considering how much I'd tried to secure the carboy against our feline invaders, I'm amazed at two things: 1) the carboy is undamaged and 2) how in the hell did our fat bastard cat get behind the damn thing enough to push it over? He weighs about 20lbs and is a slobby lazy bastard at the best of times.

Now I haven't swapped or cleaned the airlock yet though I should as it's now full of cider, it was still bubbling up a storm even with the loss in volume and I was going to grab more cider to top it up and add maybe more yeast and nutrient.

Question is: is this salvageable? Would the sanitizer running into it cause any harm or make it undrinkable? Should I pitch a bit more yeast and nutrient and top it up again right away?

Oh, for the curious: I used UV pasteurized cider with no preservatives I picked up at a farmers market. Pitched with S-04.
If it was still bubbling away then the amount of sanitizer that got in was not enough to harm the majority of the yeast. You could top it off to recoup your lost volume but you're likely ok as far as yeast content.
I've been contemplating placing some carboys out in the open because I'm running out of closet space. I hesitate because of my 4 and 1 year old children. However, I hadn't even considered our 4 cats. Thanks for saving me from disaster.
What sanitizer? Star-San actually is a yeast nutrient at residual concentrations...

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Thanks for the insight gang, appreciate it. It’s put my mind to rest and I’m letting it ride after cleaning the airlock, will see how it goes.

Also punt the cat.

No. I know you’re joking but still…. no.

If it was still bubbling away then the amount of sanitizer that got in was not enough to harm the majority of the yeast. You could top it off to recoup your lost volume but you're likely ok as far as yeast content.

I'll top it off when transferring to the secondary, should give it a nudge :)

I've been contemplating placing some carboys out in the open because I'm running out of closet space. I hesitate because of my 4 and 1 year old children. However, I hadn't even considered our 4 cats. Thanks for saving me from disaster.

No prob! 4?!?! Egad…. Yah don’t make the same mistake I did! Glad my misfortune can be educational. :rockin:

What sanitizer? Star-San actually is a yeast nutrient at residual concentrations...

Yah I was worried about the full liquid form from the airlock, seems to be doing just fine still.

Surely, the cat must go "sleep with the fishes" ... ;)
I’m sure if I was to lay out some trout they’d be all over it. The culprit himself must have been a dog in a past life. Goes full-on hungry puppy-level mooch whenever we eat fish for dinner. :p
The cider will be fine. Just watched a video (on vimeo) about old time cider makers in the UK and the amount of mud and lack of sanitation is appalling. Their orchards are old, the trees to tall to pick, so all the apples are scooped up off the ground. One of the cider makers put his bare hand into the cider and tastes it to make sure he's got the blend right.
But they've been doing cider for like 1,000 years and everyone drinks it like crazy.
So I don't think a little cat hair or spilled star san is going to hurt anything.
20lbs of cat is a lot of cat.

1 gallon of cider is 8.3lbs.

The cat probably thought the smelly bubbling airlock was interesting and pulled it over.

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