Equally Obnoxious Hockey Trash Talk Thread, eh?

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WTF Bruins!!!!!I can't believe they let that one go......Fu ck!!!!!!!! Sorry for the swearing,
But I'm so fu cking pissed.....
Detroit won again. Nice after so many injuries. Not a fan of that blindside hit that Stuart got 2 games ago. So what ever happened to cracking down on head shots?? So now we got Datsyuk, Modano, Stuart, Cleary all out with injuries and a couple of day-to-days.
Yeah, I am thinking the same thing. Thank God Lidstrom is still on the ice. I hate to think what it's going to be like when he retires!

Zetterberg is looking good out there, but I think he's going to get tired before the end of the season if he keeps playing as hard as he has been.
Well teh boy wonder is out with a concussion, but this proves more of what a lot of people think about him

Good job by the B's to rally back last night

Anyone catch all of the HBO 24/7 series? Thoughts?

I didn't hear him whining about blindside hits a month ago when his boy Malkin got laid out by one. He only cares because it happened to him. Little f'ing baby. Now the league will do something about it (you can't turn around without someone talking about blindside hits now), but only because it happened to Crosby.

Didn't catch the 24/7 series. Too bad because I really wanted to see it.
The shoot out is quickly becoming a freak show.

Might as well wear tutus and have judges hold up score cards. It is complete and utter bullshvt to have playoffs spots won and lost by circus acts.

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I didn't hear him whining about blindside hits a month ago when his boy Malkin got laid out by one. He only cares because it happened to him. Little f'ing baby. Now the league will do something about it (you can't turn around without someone talking about blindside hits now), but only because it happened to Crosby.

Didn't catch the 24/7 series. Too bad because I really wanted to see it.

If you hunt online you can find the 24/7 series. I'll try to dig up the like, but some where on AOL.
As long as the Nucks keep playing the way they are now, they are going to be tough to knock off. Haven't lost in regulation in almost a month. However, they are know for the big choke come playoff time.

As for the annoying Canadians at the World Juniors, Buffalo should be thanking them that they showed up. 80% of the tickets sold for the entire tourney were bought by Canadians. That would have been a massive flop if those tickets went unsold.
And people thought the Caps were going deep in the post season after owning the regualr season las year...Sometimes too much of a good thing isn't so good in the end.
I didn't hear him whining about blindside hits a month ago when his boy Malkin got laid out by one. He only cares because it happened to him. Little f'ing baby. Now the league will do something about it (you can't turn around without someone talking about blindside hits now), but only because it happened to Crosby.

Didn't catch the 24/7 series. Too bad because I really wanted to see it.

Just curious...would you feel the same way if he played for the Red Wings or whatever team you follow?
Just curious...would you feel the same way if he played for the Red Wings or whatever team you follow?

Of course I would but I just wouldn't be so vocal about it.:D

He's an awesome talent there's no way around it. He's just a whiny little baby everytime he opens his mouth. I've got a friend who is a huge Pens fan, has been for 20 years, and he says the exact same stuff about him. Malkin is his favorite player because he can't take all the whining, ego, and the nhl lovefest with Crosby.

I'll agree w/ that, esp your first sentence :)

I grew up watching the Pens (mostly in despair -- I go pretty far back) and he is an amazing player but he might have been better served if he wasn't chosen captain so quickly. He has gotten better about the whining (he does the hockey version of PC answers much better) and I think that is increasing the "nhl lovefest" with him since he's not so openly immature.

Steckel did do a good job of selling the "pursuit of the puck" movement on that hit -- in the view from behind it certainly looks like he changed direction when he surveyed the ice up ahead.

FWIW, the whole north/south east/west wording of the rule is crap. If the aggressor is coming at a 90 degree angle, regardless of which way the play is going, he should be penalized if he commits a 'head shot'.

Go 'guins!
RJ and Gak,
I agree he is and will be a great player, It is his attitude that bugs me.

The line that bugs me most from the interview about his hits in the WC and v Tampa that let to a concussion is this in reference to Steckel (see link on thread page 13)

" I feel like he could have gotten out of the way and avoided me."
What player in their right mind is going to tip-toe around an oppenent to join the rush. what ever happen to "keep you head up kid". Steckel is 6'5", Crosby 5'11" Off course his head got hit. Steckel is not the most nimble on the ice and that hit wasn't a bone crushing hit. A passing bump that took Sid of balance. I think when his head hit the ice caused more injury than Stecks. Wasn't like Sid was rushing to get back and help on D either.

Looks incidental to me. I don't like Crosby but I'm trying to be fair here. Still looks incidental. At the time I was watching the game I didn't see the hit or the replay. I was watching UFC at the same time.

" I feel like he could have gotten out of the way and avoided me."

In this case Crosby had his head turned one way and was skating another. Clearly, he's as much at fault, if not more so, than Steckel. Good non-call by the refs.
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Looks incidental to me. I don't like Crosby but I'm trying to be fair here. Still looks incidental. At the time I was watching the game I didn't see the hit or the replay. I was watching UFC at the same time.

" I feel like he could have gotten out of the way and avoided me."

In this case Crosby had his head turned one way and was skating another. Clearly, he's as much at fault, if not more so, than Steckel. Good non-call by the refs.

I agree. First time I've seen it. Crosby was turned back watching the puck, but continuing to skate the other way. It looked like the hit was meant as a light hit to shoulder. Sort of a bump on your way to the action. Like what happens on every shift of the game.
Quite frankly I don't like Crosby at all. Looking at the replay there's no doubt it was incidental. Crosby has been around long enough to know to keep his head up.
Crosby is a whiner " I feel like he could have gotten out of the way and avoided me." ppphhtt.......... No one can argue about his ability, but the guy has a lot to learn about class and sportsmanship. I see him take cheap shots often, yet when he gets hit he expects the refs to come running to his aid.
I've gotta go take some deep breaths and do some meditating now. :)
Who all watched the game tonight? Too bad it ended in a shootout (as we have discussed many before), but I got to drink a few good beers and watch hockey.
Yeah i was bummed about a shootout ending (WSHvNYR) Tough one for Holtby, I think its his first NHL shootout as a goalie. Poor kid stood on his head all game, let in a fluke of a goal and lost it in the SO.

On the other hand Matt Hendricks has magic hands. Can fight and can score one on one fancy pants goals.
I'm a convert. I used to love the shootout, and it's still exciting, but I'd really rather see a 10 minute OT (4-4 if you must) and then accept a tie. A 5 minute OT is just too short, and going until someone scores during the regular season seems a bit much. I'd rather they saved it for the playoffs.

Give them each a point for an OT tie, and zero points of they lose in OT. OT winner gets 2 points.
I'm a convert. I used to love the shootout, and it's still exciting, but I'd really rather see a 10 minute OT (4-4 if you must) and then accept a tie. A 5 minute OT is just too short, and going until someone scores during the regular season seems a bit much. I'd rather they saved it for the playoffs.

Give them each a point for an OT tie, and zero points of they lose in OT. OT winner gets 2 points.

That's exactly what I've been saying since this shootout stupidity started. Really? A point for a regulation tie? Why even have winners and loosers?
The idea of losing a game on a skills competition is ridiculous.

The whole game is a skills competition. I just don't think that a win ought to be determined based on the shooting ability of one person, versus the agility of the goalie.

What about defensive positioning? What about line matchups? What about teamwork?

Yeah, seeing a few one-on-ones is fun and exciting, but I don't think it's a fair indication of the team as a whole.

And can we please get rid of the stupid trapezoid?? I'd prefer the net to be moved out a foot or two, so you can do more behind the net. If the goalie still wants to go get the puck, let him!

And while we're on the subject of goalies, why are they untouchable?? I say, if they want to be a puck handler, let 'em get roughed up a bit... I think that would be the best (most interesting) way to keep the game entertaining, rather than that stupid trapezoid.

Players can decide whether or not it's worth it to bump the goalie and risk getting their blocks knocked off on the next shift.
That's an interesting proposition Homie. Let the goalies play the puck anywhere but they're fair game outside of the crease. I like it!
Although every sport is a competition of skilled people I would not call it a skills competition. Hockey is a team sport and should not be decided by the one v one skills competition called a shootout. But really we're just arguing semantics here, we agree about the shootout.

I also agree with the trapezoid. A goalie being free game when he leaves his crease would make him think twice about handling the puck.
I know in lacrosse attackmen love it when the goalie leaves the crease... They play whack an elbow

On a different ASG this weekend!! And it seems guys are droping like flies. Crosby - out, Malkin - out Enstrom - out

Friends were debating how they should pick teams. Mock draft with accpetance speeches, Stick in the pile, or Playground style "pick from the line up" (who would be last?)
It's the way it used to be, and TBH you would only get serious hits if the goalie was being dumb. The skaters want to be able to skate and handle the puck and I'm sure they would agree that allow bumps and some limited amount of contact would keep the goalie from stopping the play and messing with THEIR job, which is to handle the puck.

In the end, the players will enforce the amount of hits that a goalie will take, and the refs will hopefully keep the dirty plays from going unpunished.
That game was disappointing to watch. My wife and I both sat there hoping that it wouldn't end in a shoot out. Meh. The Shoot Out is killin' this sport. It's draggin' it through the mud.

If things keep up the way they are, hockey players'll be nothing but actors, punks.
I don't know if its killin the sports.. Just read that NHL is projecting a 14% $$$ increase this year. Making it an 85% increase over the past 4 years.
I don't know if its killin the sports.. Just read that NHL is projecting a 14% $$$ increase this year. Making it an 85% increase over the past 4 years.

It's battling back. The NHL took a giant popularity hit with the strike (at least in the US).
I don't really give a rats ass about increased revenue. It is the game that matters.

Of course, I would like to see all of the teams profitable. But fvcking with the rules in an attempt to appeal to a wider audience is a travesty.

If they want more excitement/scoring in the game there is a very easy answer: put more restrictions on the size of the goalie's pads. Specifically, the leg pads and catching glove.
. Read today that FOX is asking NASCAR to shorten the races due to a drop in ratings...

When it comes to it it is all about the $$$. They do it for all sports. Got to take the good with the crap.

HD tv I believe was the biggest booster to the sport. SO is just a side show. But a small part of the game big Milbury had his way there would be no
touch icing