Drunk Brewing

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
I have learned this lesson before but obviously it didn't sink in enough for me to not do it again. Having a brew or two is ok but drunk, :drunk: not so good.

On Thursday night i brewed and what is normally just a few hour process for me took several hours, ingredients were all over the place, my stove may be ruined from boil over, i missed steps entirely. Notes? What notes?! I could barely see and stand up straight let alone write and my wife just sat and laughed at me all night while she watched me try to brew drunk.
I drink to my hops schedule

1 oz cascade, open a bee
1 oz saaz, open a beer
Then once I am done I do drink a few.
Then me and my friends get together, put the fermenter in the middle of the room and play "Drink when it bubbles!" Whenever it bubbles....we take a drink!!!!
Yep - overdoing it caused me to "forget" to sanitize my stariner I used to starin the hops from the wort going into the primary. I figured this out AFTER all the brew was poured - DOH!!

I won't be surprised if this one gets infected.
I drink to my hops schedule

1 oz cascade, open a bee
1 oz saaz, open a beer
Then once I am done I do drink a few.
Then me and my friends get together, put the fermenter in the middle of the room and play "Drink when it bubbles!" Whenever it bubbles....we take a drink!!!!

Please tell me you leave your clothes on.

I usually hold off on the drinkin' until the chiller is in the kettle. Then, I can commence numbing the pain of washing up.

Boiling liquids, flammable gases, and glass containers that turn into spiky shards o' tendon destruction don't mix well with drucks. So I hold off drucking until I'm almost done.
When I decided to get serious about trying to make the best beer I could, I drastically reduced the brew day drinking. I have many brews where I didn't crack the first one until I was done. At most now I'll have 2 or 3 during the brew process, and I don't start until most of the way into the boil.

I just find I am a better brewer when I only see one brew kettle instead of three very blurry ones :).
I drink to my hops schedule

1 oz cascade, open a bee
1 oz saaz, open a beer
Then once I am done I do drink a few.
Then me and my friends get together, put the fermenter in the middle of the room and play "Drink when it bubbles!" Whenever it bubbles....we take a drink!!!!

I think your next beer should use a continuous hops addition :)
5 minutes, add some hops, open a beer
10 minutes, add some hops, open a beer
etc, etc and then :drunk:
I'm firmly convinced that if every brewer had brewed sober throughout recorded history, we would only have a third of the beer styles we appreciate today....

I'm just sayin....
My problem is that I usually open a beer after I gather my stuff and start sanitizing. Then directly when the water is heating, I get online and browse these forums. This has made me forget more stuff than any other thing.

I usually only drink 2 beers during the brew process. In fact, I rarely drink more than that in on sitting any time (except new years eve... no stories there!)
I have brewed some great beers while drunk.Course i start drinking when i get home from work,or (on weekends)right after coffee:mug:I'm 27 so i think my liver has a good 30 years left in it:D

Live,Love,Drink,And be happy.....And make beer!
I rarely drink while brewing, mostly because I tend to brew on work days (I work from home) and have my brewing planned out so I can be on my phone or laptop while waiting to do things to the brew. Its amazing what I've done while on a conference call muted. :D
I only drink two beers while brewing. I had a bomber of Boulevard 'BBQ' (12.5%) once while brewing a Belgian and it turned out just horrible. I have no idea what I did. Bad sanitation? Too much Candi Sugar? Too hot/cool steeping? I dont know, maybe all of those :confused:
Similar, but not the same... don't go messing with your beer when drunk and "curious".

Last spring I completed and pitched a batch, cleaned up and then went out with SWMBO for drinks with friends. We came back several hours later, a bit trashed, and I was curious if my newly pitched yeast had sprung into action. At the time I was using a plastic bucket, and I couldnt really see inside, so I was trying to peer down through the airlock into the bucket to see if there was any activity.

Well, stupid drunk ol' me pushed on the airlock with his big drunk head nad forced the airlock gasket down into the beer! That in itself probably wouldn't have been so bad, but then we tried various (UNCLEAN) ways of retrieving the gasket and very much contaminated the entire thing.

I remember waking up the next morning, shaking my head at the mess we made and thinking to myself MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!?

So yeah... If it aint broke and you're drunk? DON'T FIX IT.
On top of all the problems i had that night i also was steeping some grains and left the burner on and when i pulled the grains out the bag had a big hole burned into it. I am VERY curious how this batch is going to turn out.
On top of all the problems i had that night i also was steeping some grains and left the burner on and when i pulled the grains out the bag had a big hole burned into it. I am VERY curious how this batch is going to turn out.

was it melted to the bottom of the pot or just gone?
Just like when I work on cars or am doing projects that require a lot of precision, I also dring sparingly when I brew. I think the most I have ever had while brewing was 3 beers over the course of the few hours involved in brewing.