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My black lab loves the shower, when she know's I'm in there she cry's. Then when I do let her in, her favorite part is getting dried off.
My black lab loves the shower, when she know's I'm in there she cry's. Then when I do let her in, her favorite part is getting dried off.

Mine HATES getting a bath. The entire time he's in the tub he looks at you like he's being abused. But let him near a puddle or his little kiddy pool or even wet grass... and he'll happily splash or roll all day long.

And he also loves getting dried off. When he goes outside in the rain, he bugs us after he comes in until we towel him off.
Mine HATES getting a bath. The entire time he's in the tub he looks at you like he's being abused. But let him near a puddle or his little kiddy pool or even wet grass... and he'll happily splash or roll all day long.

And he also loves getting dried off. When he goes outside in the rain, he bugs us after he comes in until we towel him off.

LOL! Both of my labs are the same way! You would swear they are being tortured when they are getting baths. But give them a pond to swim in and they are in 7th heaven and I struggle to get them out of the water.

They both hate being out when it's raining too btw. If we have days where it rains all day, the only way I can get them out to go potty is to take them out on their leashes...
I haven't tried to bathe my Lab, but he doesn't like rain and hates walking on wet grass. He won't swim in a pond or play in a kiddie pool. He really loves rivers, though.
Ok OK OK, I have assumed the position. Let the butt kicking commence... I had a moment of brilliance when my wife says to me with that O so beautiful face. "That dog needs a playmate" and proceeds to regail me with her puppy exploits while on a food gathering mission in the local food jungle (Petsmart). I did not realize that she was going to the feared jungle on an ADOPTION SATURDAY....So she came home all puppyfied and smelling really strange to our two current pack members. Both of them noticed and immediately reported this intell to the General (That's Me). So in a wild attempt to avoid the fun of house breaking a puppy and going through teething, shots, Parvo and all the other ills that befall litters from the family mutt who had a fling with the neighborhood Romeo I made the "CALL". I spoke to my go to source of all wisdom of dogdum and much to my surprise she said sure an playmate would be excellent.... I waited for just a moment and then the other shoe fell. She says "Funny you should mention a playmate for Indi. I may have another girl that will be perfect for her and of course she is 100% obedience trained, HOUSEBROKEN, chipped, spayed and Public Access trained too." So she says "Would you be interested?" and I am like Hell yeah!!!! Another full blooded shepherd fully trained and ready to go from the same Kennel as her sister. I am all in. I ask cautiously what this dogs issue was that caused her to be removed from training and am told that she is "reactive to thunder and lightning as well as a Hand Held Flashlight. I think the foster home may have abused her too" So with my heart in my hands and feeling of my vast superiority because I have opposable thumbs I have agreed to take another dog "with issues". I am definitely a glutton for punishment... But I do have 2 full blooded German Shepherds from Great bloodlines who will ultimately be great companions for me at home since I am disabled and have vast amounts of time to work with them both. The first has made such significant progress that the foundation has recognized that she is "Cured" of slow transitions and invited her back to complete her final Service Dog training and remain with me as my personal Service Dog. The kicker to this is we have a 14 YO Golden Retriever who is also thunder reactive and have managed to help her deal with her issue well enough to survive for as long as she has and remain a viable member of our "Pack". At one time we had a pack of 6 strong, all over 100 pounds, all female and all spayed. The Golden is the last of that era and the beginning of the German Shepherd dynasty. We pick up Dixie in the afternoon tomorrow after a meeting of the two dogs on neutral ground for introductions and initial compatibility assessment. The one thing I have learned from my dog mentor is patience often brings great rewards and I think because we have made such great progress with Indi that they feel comfortable allowing us to adopt their less than perfect children. The owner of the foundation is a very discriminating woman who doesn't really care if she ever makes a profit breeding her dogs, she loves each one (All 50 or 60) and wont allow them to be placed in less than optimum conditions for them. So the fun begins.....again, tomorrow. Wish me luck...:drunk:

Wheelchair Bob
My three aren't thrilled with bath time, but a snap of the fingers and a point to the bathroom and they will go in. Head hung low in that "I can't believe you're doing this" kind of way.

The Shepherd mix and Catahoula mix will jump on up in the tub.
The Bassett sits next to it and looks at me as if to say "are you out of your mind, do you see these legs?"

After bath time, it's chase each other around the house time for 15 minutes followed by a 2 hour nap.

Conan 5.jpg
My german shorthair pointer's eye was runny and mucus for a couple of weeks so I bought saline drops. Didn't help.

Took him to the vet who ran a bunch of tests gave me some pills and drops. Didn't help $125

Vet tried some different drops. Didn't help $25

Vet sent me to a specialist who says that the drainage canal gets blocked (grass seed maybe) Pills, drops, and three flushes over 1 1/2 months. Did seem to fix the problem (this time) $500

Anyone else with bird dogs run into this problem?

And yes he has an in/out doggie door with a 1 1/2 acre fenced yard. And no he (or any other dog) should never sleep on the bed with master.
My three aren't thrilled with bath time, but a snap of the fingers and a point to the bathroom and they will go in. Head hung low in that "I can't believe you're doing this" kind of way.

That's how KB is. Take off his collar and say "Hop in the tub" and it becomes like watching a condemned man walking to the gallows.
My german shorthair pointer's eye was runny and mucus for a couple of weeks so I bought saline drops. Didn't help.

Took him to the vet who ran a bunch of tests gave me some pills and drops. Didn't help $125

Vet tried some different drops. Didn't help $25

Vet sent me to a specialist who says that the drainage canal gets blocked (grass seed maybe) Pills, drops, and three flushes over 1 1/2 months. Did seem to fix the problem (this time) $500

Anyone else with bird dogs run into this problem?

And yes he has an in/out doggie door with a 1 1/2 acre fenced yard. And no he (or any other dog) should never sleep on the bed with master.
It's a known possibility in the gun dog world. The guys I hunt with (myself included), when we get back home at the end of the day (or sometimes even when we get back to the trucks), the dog gets a complete check-over. Between the toes for burrs/seeds, check the coat for ticks, burrs, etc., and check the eyes for any debris. Dogs aren't exactly fond of it, but after a few times they start to tolerate it.
Because he looked cute this morning, here ya go. My boy is growing up fast. He will be 1 year old in 5 days, and is up to 30 kilos.


We have 2 Norwegian Elkhounds. Love them.

Anja when we first brought her home 2 years ago...


Then 2 years after we drove out to get her 1/2 sister - Sophie


Anja teaching Sophie to hunt birds (no Moose in the backyard!)


Anja being quite the watchdog...


...and trying to be a cat. Sophie being her quirky self.


But quirky or not she makes a good pillow

My cousin had a Norwegian Elkhound; he was an awesome dog. My family pet-sat him for her once while she was on vacation for a week. He had a rope toy that he loved playing tug-of-war with. Whenever we would see him after that (maybe only once or twice a year), he would make a point of coming over to us and bringing his rope to play. Even after several years, he still remembered us.
My cousin had a Norwegian Elkhound; he was an awesome dog. My family pet-sat him for her once while she was on vacation for a week. He had a rope toy that he loved playing tug-of-war with. Whenever we would see him after that (maybe only once or twice a year), he would make a point of coming over to us and bringing his rope to play. Even after several years, he still remembered us.

They are a very intelligent breed!!! I love my girls. :rockin:

Very good watchdogs too. I'm not saying they'll attack anyone, but any smell, noise they are on it.

Here they smelled someone out behind our garage before we even could see them...


Then they heard him... and heads turned.


I've even seen Elkies play basketball. LoL

I love dogs because they are good friends and always be with you. the best things is they are very loyal to you. I also have a dog but he is very young. actually its a shepherd. here is the picture.

I love dogs because they are good friends and always be with you. the best things is they are very loyal to you. I also have a dog but he is very young. actually its a shepherd. here is the picture.


LOL, my dog's a lab/shepherd mix and that's pretty much the exact same look with different markings I see ALL THE TIME.
Oakley has become a mooch lately. He'll get within a foot from your face and lick his lips. Probably what I get for letting him clean some plates.

Oakley has become a mooch lately. He'll get within a foot from your face and lick his lips. Probably what I get for letting him clean some plates.

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One of my Aussie, Blue, will drool profusely if I even look at him while holding a piece of human food...


Our departed ACD, Kronk, would salivate profusely at this time of year for candy corn. It was such a big deal that my Wife added a handful of candy corn to his urn before we sealed it and every year she puts a small handful of the stuff next to his urn on the mantle.
What kind of dog is that? He looks cool.

A West Virginia Wallowing Hound. Supposedly half Benji and half cocker spaniel, but like all WV mutts, I'm sure he's part beagle, too. I've thought about that silly dog DNA test.

I think I've told the story in this thread before, but I will again. I got Reggie when he was small enough to hold in my palm with his legs hanging down over the side of my hand. I was still raft guiding and living in a tent then. This POS I worked with got him from a box of puppies in front of the K-Mart in Oak Hill, WV. The POS already had a big, mean Akita he beat when he brought Reggie 'home' to the camprground. He'd leave Reggie in a cat carrier all day and when we got off the river, POS would scream at him and spray him with a hose because Reggie would $hit and pissed all over himself stuck in the carrier for 8+hrs at a time. I think it took me maybe two days to take the puppy away from POS. Reggie is still a little skittish almost (by which I mean scared of his own shadow) 9 years later, but he's also my best friend.
Any good reccomendations for reading on training a rescued dog or selecting a dog to adopt that will be suited to training?

Not something I'm planning on jumping into tomorrow by any means, but my wife wants a protection dog and I have always wanted to train a working dog. I understand it's not an easy thing to do and that the difficulty and time commitment would be compounded by working with a dog with baggage, but we'd prefer to get a dog that's not going to get a chance at a good life otherwise. Not dead set on a breed, but I was around Bouviers as a kid and have always loved them. Seems like the kind of dog someone might get for looks without realizing what the dogs needs are.
A West Virginia Wallowing Hound. Supposedly half Benji and half cocker spaniel, but like all WV mutts, I'm sure he's part beagle, too. I've thought about that silly dog DNA test.

I think I've told the story in this thread before, but I will again. I got Reggie when he was small enough to hold in my palm with his legs hanging down over the side of my hand. I was still raft guiding and living in a tent then. This POS I worked with got him from a box of puppies in front of the K-Mart in Oak Hill, WV. The POS already had a big, mean Akita he beat when he brought Reggie 'home' to the camprground. He'd leave Reggie in a cat carrier all day and when we got off the river, POS would scream at him and spray him with a hose because Reggie would $hit and pissed all over himself stuck in the carrier for 8+hrs at a time. I think it took me maybe two days to take the puppy away from POS. Reggie is still a little skittish almost (by which I mean scared of his own shadow) 9 years later, but he's also my best friend.

Its too bad we don't have 'an eye for an eye' laws anymore...