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It'll be awhile before I can move forward on a bar rail anyways, but I can tell you it will be unique.. Looks like they will be ready to install everything late next week!
He just sent me these photos.. The first is of the stained dovetails that hold the top together. Second is a piece with the polyurethane applied against a piece without. Third is the top and front with polyurethane applied to both.



Hurry up and get those home and installed so I can start wishing it was mine already! (They look awesome ;) )
I decided I needed some additional power inside my kegerator, so I decided to cut a hole in it and then rewire everything. This seems like a controversial subject, but I was able to do it from inside the area where the compressor is without an issue. I figured if they put a 1" screw into the same spot I was going to drill, there must not be anything important behind there.. I prodded around with a long screw and didn't hit anything, so I decided to just drill it out very slowly- just to make sure.

Here is a photo from the inside before using Great Stuff to fill the hole back in:

And here is a shot from the other side:
Got the visible part of the keezer painted today.. you can't tell it in the photo, but it is a hammered bronze. Should help it blend in behind the bar much better than just leaving it white.


And here is one last photo of the inside of the room before the bar is delivered on Wednesday..

Do you not have to worry about condensation with the surge protector on the inside?

Probably a little.. But I ran it for over a week at 34* and didn't really notice much condensation build up. I'll keep an eye on it though. It will be on a GFCI plug and breaker. I'll also keep some damp rid in there just in case.
Will the urinal be enclosed or out in the open? I bought a waterless urinal for my shop but have not gotten around to installing it. Waterless is supposed to be less smelly etc.
Will the urinal be enclosed or out in the open? I bought a waterless urinal for my shop but have not gotten around to installing it. Waterless is supposed to be less smelly etc.

Less smelly? I take it you've never used one. As far as I'm concerned, they are one step above a bucket.
Will the urinal be enclosed or out in the open? I bought a waterless urinal for my shop but have not gotten around to installing it. Waterless is supposed to be less smelly etc.

You haven't been around a outhouse in summer heat lately?
Smells worse than leaking Limey gearbox oil. Gotcha ya!
You need a water flushing urinal and don't forget the mint!
"Waterless" is a new technology in urinals and toilets in general. It uses a bio film and some fancy systems to quickly degrade waste and keep it separated from the surrounding atmosphere. They are indeed not smelly at all.

He was not talking about a pit toilet, which in fact, smell like rotting turds.
"Waterless" is a new technology in urinals and toilets in general. It uses a bio film and some fancy systems to quickly degrade waste and keep it separated from the surrounding atmosphere. They are indeed not smelly at all.

He was not talking about a pit toilet, which in fact, smell like rotting turds.

I beg to differ. I have used several here in Florida and there is always a smell of piss. Sometimes faint, others very strong. They look like this one:

Couple of photos from yesterday and an update.. the electricians are here now getting power to the bar; the plumber will be back early afternoon to finish the urinal; and the builder will be back this afternoon to finish up as well. Much larger photos are in my gallery..

Cutting out the tile for the urinal's plumbing.. notice I didn't volunteer for this job.

From the front..

From the rear.. the kegerator really blends in well, just have to get it leveled with the rest of the countertops.
Wow, what a beautiful build! I think these kind of places are the mid life crisis' for HBT members as apposed to the standard sports car :D, I can't wait until I'm 40!
Awesome project!

This is a place I could call home. Like 'Cheers' , thats how I feel about mine.
You will REALLY enjoy it.

I know you put a ton of work and money in you place, but the feeling of satisfaction whne you sit back with a beer, and look around, is undescribable. Not to mention the feeling of pride, when folks walk in for the first time, and fall in love with it too!
Wow, what a beautiful build! I think these kind of places are the mid life crisis' for HBT members as apposed to the standard sports car :D, I can't wait until I'm 40!

LOL.. I'm not quite to a mid-life crisis stage in my life yet, but close enough I guess. heh

Here is one more photo of the chunk they cut off the end of the bar to get it flush with the wall.. this stuff is straight fat lighter.

"Waterless" is a new technology in urinals and toilets in general. It uses a bio film and some fancy systems to quickly degrade waste and keep it separated from the surrounding atmosphere. They are indeed not smelly at all.

He was not talking about a pit toilet, which in fact, smell like rotting turds.

OK, this is a myth that needs to be dispelled. Waterless toilets are VERY SMELLY! I work for a very large IT company and we have had them in a few bathrooms for as long as I've been there, around 5.5 years. They have Falcon Waterfree written on them. When they work correctly, they smell kinda bad. When they back up (which is often), they smell HORRIBLE! I purposefully avoid the bathroom's that have them and my company has finally gotten around to converting the 'experimental' urinals back to water using urinals. As far as I can see, they have two main drawbacks. 1) They are incapable of washing the porcelain down. This means there is always dried urine all over the surface that builds up over time. It stinks. This is why they only kinda stink when they work. 2) The little disc that's supposed to contain the blue liquid and allow the urine to flow through runs out after awhile. When this happens, no urine can pass through it. Well, you can imagine what its like when it starts backing up and 3-4 more people still use it and the cleaning people aren't coming back until tomorrow. Your options are to change it when its still got life left or change it once the urinal is full of other peoples piss.

They finally changed them over to ultra low usage urinals that use 16 oz of water per flush. Those work great and if anyone's interested, I can get the name next time I'm 'utilizing' them. I stand by my statement that they are one step above buckets.

Just to be clear, the urinals at work look exactly like these:

And yes, I read the article that was recently in Wired. I sent them a very similar rant. Here's that article:

BTW, love the sweet rebuild!
Well.. we are 99% done installing the bar. All the plumbing and electrical is complete. He is now building me a pair of 'saloon' doors to go in front of the urinal.. and possibly an 'Irish Coffin'. Still not 100% sure on the direction I'm going to take on my beer tower. My camera-phone sucks in low light.. so these pics are the best I can do.

Here is a close up of my new prized possesion:

and one at more of an angle.. the urinal sticks out about 1" past that wall- plenty of room to pee.

Here is a pretty good shot of the front of the entertainment cabinet:

And one more of the bar, overall:
This really is incredible. Wish I had more disposable income! Sorry about the flood, but this is a pretty sweet "consolation prize". :)
Already looking fantastic but this is going to be a pretty kick-ass place when its done. If only our garage was attached to the house we could get water and waste hookups out there. For now it looks like we are roughing it with a hose and some bushes out back.
I was working on a bike in a friend's garage once and asked where I could take a leak. He pointed to a funnel in the wall over in the corner. This funnel's hose went through a hole in the wall to outside on his neighbor's lawn. HA!

When I worked the flight deck on the USS Constellation, we had a funnel in one of the catwalks just off the deck. Dribbled right into the big blue but one of the most visited places on the ship. The occasional smell will remind you to rinse with hot water, or left over coffee. Thought about adding a funnel to the big shed out back that I'd love to make into a brew house. Nothing quite like this epic build, but something for now. Hell, at my age, with lots of coffee and beer, I've thought about adding a funnel to our attached garage.
Wow! This is a killer set up. I am sooo jealous :)

Why, thank you. :) I'm becoming more and more proud of it now that it is *finally* taking shape.

I finally decided on my beer tower.. ACU Precision Sheet Metal is going to make it for me and will look just like this photo except it will only serve from one side and be brushed stainless steel. It is 5' long and has 12 taps. :mug:

Impressive, the wood work is awesome. you will get more ooh's and ahh's from the urinal than any thing else, as silly as it sounds.

The direct tv guy was over yesterday installing, he was very quiet and reserved.
Never said a word about the brew room, he did however say "that's awesome" under his breath when he saw the urinal.
Yeah.. the urinal is definitely a winner.. lol. Can't wait until the saloon doors are hung next week- I think that is going to really be slick.

We shall see about the fan.. it is rated at 2000/cfm, but I'm guessing I'll have to open all the windows and doors while I boil. But that is down the road a ways..
2000 cfm is pretty good. I am looking at 6 foot hoods right now for moving my brewery to the basement, and its rated at 1433 cfm. Of course, I don't expect to do anything but 10 gallon batches.