Beer Bug Data

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Morgan Hill
Wondering if any one who is using a beer bug is having issues seeing their data?

Got a brew going and I can not longer see the the data points for it. I get kicked into current brews for other users when click my beer bug. :confused:
The BeerBug utilizes your WiFi system to send and get information. You'll need to ensure that you have a dependable WiFi association so that negligible information is lost. In the event that your WiFi commences from time to time, don't stress, missing a couple of readings doesn't have any kind of effect when we are gathering several focuses over numerous days.

The BeerBug takes particular gravity and temperature estimations a couple times each hour and plots this data on our simple to peruse charts. Our particular gravity estimations are precise to +/ - 0.002 (per 75 SG focuses). The particular gravity range goes from 0.900 to 1.300. Our on-board temperature estimations are precise to ~2F. The BeerBug temperature test is accessible as an extra to get more straightforward, more exact temperature readings.

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I was having issues with the beer bug web site not showing the data. It was working fine for the first 3 days of fermentation. It is all set up and working properly on our wifi. Even put the bug in high activity and requested a instant data point that updated the general over view on the app. It was when you wanted the see the detailed graphs for gravity, temp and abv that would not show.

Just checked it today and it is working like normal. Wondering if there may have been a server issue that got fixed.

The screen shot is all the info I had access to for the last 2 days.

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