Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

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I just put the blueberry's into the primary fermantation in a dry hop bag when I had reached about 85-90% attenuation. I didn't soak the blueberry's in vodka. I froze and thawed them 3 times to break up the sugar cells. Then I place them in a pan with 1-2 cups of H2O and simmered for 20 minutes. I placed 1 cup of sugar with about 10 minutes of simmer time left. I then just let the solution cool down
to room temperature. I sterilized the hop bag and placed the blueberry solution into the bag. After placing the bag into the fermenter I raised and lowered it into the solution with a string to really disolve and get beer into the flavor bag. I then waited untill I reached the SG= 1.014 I needed. I believe that I put 2 Lbs. of blueberry's from my back yard into the fermentation bucket. Although the beer had a slight blue color to the beer it tasted really good.
I'm assuming you meant FG = 1.014. Thanks for the detailed info! Sounds really good! I'm going to brew this up next week! Pretty excited.... :)
hello guys,

i want try this and i'm using this calculator (http://hbd.org/cgi-bin/recipator/recipator) to make a smaller batch but due to inexperiance, i cannot find the following or substitue in this website... can someone please help?

German Wheat
German Pils
Rice Hulls

As for hops, which type of Hallertauer hops should I use for this recipe?
Hallertauer Hersbrucker, Hallertauer Mittelfruh or Hallertauer?
I'm doing a batch of this right now that I plan on splitting and combining with apple cider in 4:1 and 1:4 ratios. So, one batch will be 4 gal hefe wort and 1 gal cider and vice versa. I'm using the Weihenstephan yeast for the batch with 4 gal of wort and Nottingham on the one with 4 gal cider.

I'm not really sure what's gonna happen but I'm hoping I'll end up with 10 gallons of good stuff.
Brewed this the other day and got a miserable 1.038 og. I don't care if it's weak in the alcohol dept. But is the flavor going to suffer? For what it is worth I underpitched the yeast cuz it Exploded when I opened the vial. ( my fist experience with liquid yeast). I am hoping the yeast reproduction rate will make up for the lack of available sugars. But that's just wishful thinking. Any thoughts?
Brewed a Dunkel version of this yesterday. Replaced the Pilsner malt with Munich. We'll see how it turns out and I'll report back as soon as I try it. :)

Just wanted to update you guys. This recipe turned out to be mediocre. Nothing great.

The aroma was fantastic, but flavor was lacking.

I just want to re-iterate that the original hef recipe is fantastic. The dunkel version with munich instead of pilsner was mediocre.
Looks AHS will have my new 10g pot with weldless valve kit and heat grade tubing to me on Friday.
Will be brewing this up on Sunday as my first AG batch.

Thanks for the recipe Ed - hope to do it justice.
Just wanted to update you guys. This dunkel recipe turned out to be mediocre. Nothing great.

The aroma was fantastic, but flavor was lacking.

I just want to re-iterate that the original hef recipe is fantastic. The dunkel version with munich instead of pilsner was mediocre.

I think the reason why this came out a little less than desireable was the fact that it was too cloying. I had some Acetaldehyde issues at first, but those off-flavors went away. I think it needs just a few more IBUs.
Brewed this the other day and got a miserable 1.038 og. I don't care if it's weak in the alcohol dept. But is the flavor going to suffer? For what it is worth I underpitched the yeast cuz it Exploded when I opened the vial. ( my fist experience with liquid yeast). I am hoping the yeast reproduction rate will make up for the lack of available sugars. But that's just wishful thinking. Any thoughts?

suicider - Had something similar happen to mine - due to the crush I think.

Just had the taste after 1 1/2 weeks in bottle and 1 day in fridge. I actually brewed it in November but due to basement reno's it didn't get bottled until now.

It's light in body (to be expected) but still tasted good. I was concerned about the strength of the yeast flavor, but it's not overpowering at all. It's good enough to serve to guests so hopefully that helps :)

Next time - I'm double checking my crush!
well after a week and a half in the bottle the beer tastes good despite my low o.g. i have this weird relationshipt whith hefes wherein the first onei drink always seems a little too clovey and not enough banana flavor for my taste. but halfway through the second bottle i'm thinking this stuff is pretty good. ( and this one in no different) next time i think i'll try a warmer fermentation temp to harvest more banana esters. do different flavors stand out at different serving temps? I.E. when the glass warms up a little the second half tastes better? or at least different?
Brewed this up today. Right at the end of the boil, life jumped in my way. I had to cover the kettle (lid, weight and sleeping bag). Two hours later, life got out of the way. So I brought it back to a boil, threw in a handful (.25 - .50 oz) more hops, and boiled for extra 20 minutes. OG was 1.054 which is just a little higher than panned. I did this as a BIAB and I am still dialing in my equipment. I intentionally shorted the BeerSmith suggested water volume by a gallon. I came up with about 4.75 gallons (could have got an extra .5 gallon but left a touch more than normal (for me) in the kettle to avoid the trub. So, I am not sure if it was the extra boil time or the short starting water that led to the slightly small batch. I suppose it is time to RAHAHB.
Finally got a nice day to brew this up on Saturday.
Was my first AG batch and had a multitude of burner issues (Brinkmann Turkey Fryer with the heat sensor).
After finally figuring out how to bypass the auto shutoff I was able to get things moving and and came in with an OG of 1.054 which put me at about 69%. Not bad for my first AG batch on brand new equipment.
Hopefully I can have that in the 75% range in a few more batches.

Did a yeast starter with the Weihenstephan Yeast and Bavarian Wheat DME on Friday. Pitched the whole think on Saturday and had to go to a blowoff tube on Sunday AM as the thing was going crazy. Looks the krausen has settled back down so I'll replace the airlock tonight when I get home from work.

Just wanted to give Ed another shout out and thanks for the recipe.
BTW, in case the link is filtered out of my post, I was linking to a 'Bayou Classic 10 psi Stainless Steel Braided Hose' for $23 + shipping on Amazon. It fits both my turkey fryer burners. One of them is a Bayou Classic & the other is a Cajun Injector/Cookout Supply Co.
I got the grains, hops & yeast for this recipe and will be brewing it later this month. Looking forward to brewing this as my first hefe. :D
I plan to brew this as a Partial mash. BIAB. I modified the recipie as follows. Can someone take a look and let me know if this is ok or not ?
The 8 lb grains is kind of pushing my limits, but I wanted to keep the extract to a minimum.

Partial Mash
Wyeast 3068
Batch size 5.0 gal
Pre-boil size 4.25 gal
Boil time = 60 min.
Top up fermenter with 1.75 gal
Est OG = 1.049
Est FG = 1.013
Abv = 4.8%
IBU = 13.4
Color = 4 SRM

5 lb German Wheat
3 lb German Pilsner (2 Row)

12 oz Wheat DME (After boil)

.5 oz Hallertauer @ 45
.25 oz Hallertauer @ 30
.25 oz Hallertauer @ 15

Wyeast Weihenstephan 3068 with starter (Use 4 oz wheat DME)

Ferment 2 – 3 weeks at 66-68 degrees, then bottle.
Last time i brewed this I got way too much banana even fermenting at 64, im doing it again tomorrow, has anyone tried overpitching to get a more subtle banana profile? I have a whole cake from a dunkelweizen, if you have overpitched, by how much? What were the results?
This is the second time I've brewed this an both times it doesn't smell very good. It smells kind of like corn coming out of the airlock. Is it supposed to smell like this?
I am brewing batch number 2 of this tomorrow morning. I have my starter and brand new blichmann kettle and burner ready for the maiden voyage!!
I am brewing batch number 2 of this tomorrow morning. I have my starter and brand new blichmann kettle and burner ready for the maiden voyage!!

Success. Some kinks to work out on the new system, but the hef is really getting to it down there. I love this yeast strain, always so much fun to watch. I did away with my usual bucket in favor of the glass carboy just for this yeast strain.

Did get a ton of sediment on this one, so I will lose some beer there...

Thanks for the recipe man! You are great...

I´ll buy the hop, I found that ones :


Which one should I buy?

Has anybody modified this recipe with an American Ale yeast, as opposed to the Hefe yeast? I'm not a huge fan of hefes, but I like a good wheat ale. I was thinking s-05.
Has anybody modified this recipe with an American Ale yeast, as opposed to the Hefe yeast? I'm not a huge fan of hefes, but I like a good wheat ale. I was thinking s-05.

I was wondering the same thing. I searched this thread the best I could, and didn't see anyone mention it.
Bought this recipie but don't know how much H2O to mash and sparge with or how many sparges just once? Newish brewer
benzy4010 said:
Bought this recipie but don't know how much H2O to mash and sparge with or how many sparges just once? Newish brewer

Typically mash in at 1.25 qt/lb. Sparge to remaining volume to get your full boil level.

On a recipe like this that has ~ 11 lbs of grain, you would be looking at almost 14 qts of water for mash-in (3.5 gallons)
Am getting my AG set up and thinking of doing this for my first AG batch. Will be using a 5g igloo cooler with SS braid for my tun. My LHBS carries American Wheat, Torrified wheat and Munich 1. Any idea what would work best?
Sorry if this has already been answered. I tried to skim through the thread for the answer, but in 75 pages I'm sure I missed something.

I'm ordering up the ingredients for this, along with a bunch of other stuff from Northern Brewer, and I want to maximize the flat shipping rate. I see that they have german pils, but I can't find a german specific wheat. What is the best option from NB for the wheat portion of the grain bill?

Sorry if this has already been answered. I tried to skim through the thread for the answer, but in 75 pages I'm sure I missed something.

I'm ordering up the ingredients for this, along with a bunch of other stuff from Northern Brewer, and I want to maximize the flat shipping rate. I see that they have german pils, but I can't find a german specific wheat. What is the best option from NB for the wheat portion of the grain bill?


NM, found my answer. It seems the weyermann pale wheat malt is the answer:
racked 5 gallons to the keg last night! :ban:

Brewed up a Dunkelweizen and pitched on the yeast cake.

thanks for this great recipe, it is by far one of my favorites
I just wanted to say, this recipe doesn't need modification - if you love a good hefe this is spot on.

I've brewed this a few times now, and have started to deviate from the recipe a bit with a few different things. Against the advice of the pros at the LHBS, I added just a little honey malt (I make 3 gallon batches due to equipment and space, or lack of and I'm not at home right now so I can't tell you exactly how much I used - but it was a very small amount) but we tried a couple out last night and they were absolutely amazing. Just a touch of honey sweetness up front - it's subtle and delicious.

I'm going to take one to the LHBS to hand to the guy so it softens the blow of my "in your face!"

Still loving this beer!
Just want to say I've brewed this 3 times so far and I will continue to brew it on the regular. My friends and I love it.
Well I brewed this saturday and got 1.040 instead of the 1.052. My mash temps spiked at the end somehow and then I was in a rush to sparge so that could account for my efficiency. But somehow its now sittiing a an fg of 1.005! I used oxygen so that helped. Im concerned that it may be too dry though. Ill keep yall posted.
How would this recipe taste with a can of Oregon purée added to the secondary??? My apologies if this has been discussed somewhere in this mega long thread. Thanks
So I heated up my strike water too high and then waited too long for it to cool. So I ended up mashing at 151 instead of 153. And beersmith never seems to calculate grain absorption or boil off correctly so I had to make some adjustments. I just had other things I was doing at the same time so I was not paying as much attention as I should.

but I finished and it went into a 6.5 gallon conical I have. With a big cap on it that blew off sometime in the night when the airlock clogged. Very aggressive and messy fermentation. Smelled great though!

The only tube I had to use for a blow off is too small to fit in the airlock hole on the conical.

But now the fermentation has slowed down so it's under control. Can't wait to try it!
My brew came out great, but the color has since faded to a grayish yellow.
Still taste good, but not like it did 2-3 weeks ago.
Is this normal for Hefe's after 7 weeks in the bottle?
Just started drinking this yesterday. This is a very good Hef. I will definetly be making it again.
Just picked up all my grains and planned on brewing this tonight but ended up in downtown new haven for decent drinks and a free roast beef happy hour...it was too good to pass up, maybe I'll brew this up tomorrow

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