Bad Saaz experiences?

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
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I brewed a belgian dubbel Braggot this weekend and everything went perfectly. I hit all of my temps, I was dead on on SG. Everything was perfect.
Until I tasted the hydrometer sample. It had a super piney, slightly bitter, almost medicinal taste. Absolutely horrible. I've never used Saaz hops before and picked it specifically because it is supposed to go well with a belgian. I ASSUME it was the saaz, as the pot where we tasted the left some of the water from the hop bag had the most concentrated flavor.

Here is the recipe.

Belgian Braggot Dubbel
Belgian Dubbel
All Grain (5.00 gal) ABV: 9.78 %
OG: 1.073 SG FG: 0.999 SG
IBUs: 18.0 IBUs Color: 11.7 SRM

4 lb 12.0 oz - Pale Malt, Maris Otter Mash addition (39.6%) - 3.0 SRM

8.0 oz - Cara-Pils/Dextrine Mash addition (4.2%) - 2.0 SRM

8.0 oz - Caramunich Malt Mash addition (4.2%) - 56.0 SRM

4.0 oz - Oats, Flaked Mash addition (2.1%) - 1.0 SRM

1 lb 8.0 oz - Honey-amber
Mash addition (12.5%) - 45.0 SRM

0.65 oz - Crystal Boil 60 min (9.1 IBUs)

0.25 oz - Saaz Boil 60 min (4.9 IBUs)

1.00 Items - Whirlfloc Tablet Boil 15 min

0.75 oz - Saaz Boil 10 min (4.0 IBUs)

1 pkg - ECY09
East Coast Yeast #

4 lb 8.0 oz - Honey
Add after boil complete (37.5%) - 1.0 SRM

Has anyone had a similar experience? Is it because I used the saaz as a buttering hop? Will this age or ferment off? Did I just waste $75 in ingredients? Will Lois Lerner ever testify before congress?
A LOT of European beers use Saaz. IMO Saaz and Hallertauer are THE hop flavor for light lagers. I've used it in several beers and never had anything like what you described.

Maybe it's just to early to tell. The beer will change DRASTICALLY from brewday to fermented beer.

Give it a week or two and taste again. And make sure you are using good water. Some off-flavors are caused by chlorine or chloramine in your water.
I don't think it's the water as it's the same brand of spring water I've used in several brews. Also, the "hop water" had a significantly higher concentration of whatever awful flavor that is. Nothing has changed about the brew profile (equipment, water, grain source, etc.)
Big fan of Saaz here also. I've tried other low AA hops, but usually end back up at Saaz, unless it's an English ale.

Not real sure what happened, OP, but I vote let it ride.
Be patient. I've noticed beers brewed with Saaz need some extra time to age. I've made a few and they start off tasting like you described. After a month or so it should mellow and end up tasting great.
Wait.... your talking about the hyrometer sample of unfermented wort? I would expect it to taste terrible. I have brewed for 17 years and have yet to taste unfermented, hopped wort that tasted "good."

I don't see how it would even be feasible for .25 ounces of Saaz as a bittering addition would cause you problems. And, there was only an ounce total......

I think you are fine - I would never, ever worry about how a beer tasted before I fermented it.
You could always make a hop tea from some Saaz to figure out if that is what is causing the off flavor quickly.

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You drank unfermented wort, there's a reason that's not in AB's line-up.

Be fair to your efforts and give it some dang time.
I took a sample today and it wasn't horrible! The flavor is at around 10% of what it was, and if it decreases much more it'll be damn tasty!
So your 12 day old, uncarbonated, unconditioned, fermenting beer tastes better than your hours old unfermented wort?

You're not the patient type, are you?
I literally lol-ed here ^^^

+1 to the general sentiment of patience. Though I will say I've had worts that tasted "good", I also understand that wort is drastically different from beer.

Father Time and his little yeast henchmen will make your braggot most enjoyable.
mmmm....buttering hops.

Seriously though, unfermented wort doesn't taste great. Pretty sure it's not supposed to.
I've always tasted everything along they way when I do hydro samples, from mead (delicious) to wine(yummy) to beer(ok). This wort was the first thing that was OMFGWTF bad. Hence the concerned post. This was my 4th beer and I'm around 2 dozen total brews. I'm plenty patient, but was concerned because this was so horrible.

Why throw out the samples when you can taste along the way and check progress and possibly learn about how flavors change and blend during fermentation and aging?
I second (third?) the let it ride approach. I have made a few Bohemian Pils with all Saaz and never had the flavor profile you described, maybe it's the interaction with the honey, not sure. However, I am also a proponent of tasting every step of the way, over time you can learn things so as to detect problems earlier. For instance, this weird off flavor you have, if this batch of yours comes out great, you will know for next time that this flavor is not a bad thing. Hooray for learning!
What you taste before fermentation and what you taste when the beer has had some time to age in the keg/bottle are drastically different. Time will help this one. You will have a delicious braggot. This is fourthed?

Saaz is tasty. That is all.
I've always tasted everything along they way when I do hydro samples, from mead (delicious) to wine(yummy) to beer(ok). This wort was the first thing that was OMFGWTF bad. Hence the concerned post. This was my 4th beer and I'm around 2 dozen total brews. I'm plenty patient, but was concerned because this was so horrible.

Why throw out the samples when you can taste along the way and check progress and possibly learn about how flavors change and blend during fermentation and aging?

Saaz does have a bitter, medicinal and piney flavor to it while its in suspension. Give the hops a little time to drop to the bottom and it should pull that flavor away.

To replicate what you were experiencing I brewed today with Saaz as a aromatic final five minute addition. It also noticed these "off" flavors you were experiencing; far more than other hops. It should clear up in a few days.
Saaz does have a bitter, medicinal and piney flavor to it while its in suspension. Give the hops a little time to drop to the bottom and it should pull that flavor away.

To replicate what you were experiencing I brewed today with Saaz as a aromatic final five minute addition. It also noticed these "off" flavors you were experiencing; far more than other hops. It should clear up in a few days.

Thank you for a great response.
Bottled, corked, and caged. It was pretty tasty going in. I can't wait for it to carb up and be ready to go. I'll post a final in a few weeks.


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