Anyone have one of those neighbors?

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This. Is the dog indoors, or out? I assume the latter.

Either way, it's a dogs nature to bark. I'd turn the texts in as harassment. But, then again my yard is not a junkyard.

I have a dog. I also have compassion for other neighbors quiet enjoyment of their property. My dog doesn't bark. We treat our dog like a member of the family. We don't lock her outside like they do. I trained her right away that barking "just to bark" isn't right. She learned from a squirt bottle. If you want a dog that barks then go to the ****ing country and let it bark out there.

Turn texts in as harassment? LOL, good one.
My neighbors to the north are cutting the grass in their backyard, for the first time this year. I bet they don't get it all done. And I don't care. It's their yard. I just play like they are taking the Earth friendly approach to lawn care.
Be forewarned. I am that neighbor. Except I, live in in a commercial zoned area of our small shore town and there are only 2 residentials , mine and my neighbors house. Has to be one of us?
Yep. These guys should just wait for winter to kill it off. It was a valiant attempt, though. I can't talk. My yard is now piles of branches, and will be through the winter.
My parents live out 'in the country'. They have some land, and one of the neighbors put in a bid to be allowed to kennel up to 1000 dogs. They insisted that it would not be loud when my parents complained and said no thanks. And that if they get loud it would only be around feeding times. They have 60 or so there currently and you can hear the dogs baying all throughout the day. Wind, bugs, birds, etc sets them off and they are over a half mile away. I can only imagine what their direct next door neighbors think.
Maybe when the dog barks it is dog language for "will somebody please come over here and feed me some of that sweet nectar that is used to keep engines from freezing in the winter!!".
We just moved out of our house and into an apartment because we sold the house and are in the process of building a new one. Let me tell you about our former neighbors....

When I first moved in, it was a biracial couple. Fantastic people, except the part about how they were always looking for the next get rich quick thing. Usually involved some sort of free handout from the gub-mint.

Next was the Hispanic couple. Tony was awesome! Hard to understand with his very thick accent but a good guy all around. Pretty sure his wife hated me and I never understood why. But then one day, I came to the realization that she probably hates everyone. Even Tony....

Then it sold again, and move in day came around. Here comes the trailer park.... Four mini vans, six kids, two dogs, eight adults, and an untold number of black plastic trash bags. I don't think I ever saw a single piece of furniture ever get moved into that place. I lived next door to them for about a year and a half and I'm not sure I ever pinned down exactly who lived there and who didn't. We introduced ourselves to who seemed like the lady of the house. Not very friendly. Pretty sure she saw us as the nosy types or something simply because we stopped to say hi. I would give a friendly wave or nod to the guy who lived there, and never get anything in return, just a blank stare. Then we noticed that there would be many cars that would stop at any given time of day. Maybe they stopped there for two minutes, maybe a half hour. But every last one of them kept the engine running. Pretty sure they were dealing...

Then this spring... One Sunday morning, a loud boom and a puff of smoke. Gunshot loud. I walked over to the house to see what I can and see if anyone needed help. And honestly, my first thought was that the meth lab blew up in the basement. But I'm pretty sure now it was just an M80 that they thought would be funny to blow up on a quiet morning. And the best part about all of this? Less than a month from putting my house on the market to sell. Not the time I want to "make friends" by complaining to either them or the police.

I can't get out of this effing place fast enough...

So the closing is on Thursday, and we were there today finishing up some last minute cleaning. Noticed that they have a 20 yard dumpster to throw stuff away and it looked pretty full. Did I mention the part about how they moved in only a year and a half ago? I'm pretty sure I could have used one of those to move literally ALL of my stuff if I knew they wouldn't take it directly to the landfill.

Aside from that, great neighborhood. Great neighbors, on all sides. But it actually makes me a little sick that it feels like one crappy neighbor is going to start the downhill slide. Kinda glad I got out when I did...
Maybe when the dog barks it is dog language for "will somebody please come over here and feed me some of that sweet nectar that is used to keep engines from freezing in the winter!!".

That's a terrible thing to say. Its not the dog's fault they're being kept like that, and to suggest that they should be poisoned because of it is sickening.
Every time I hear someone go off about Home Owners Associations I think of stories like these. I'll gladly put up with restrictions if it means I don't have to live next to Jethro Bodine and the traveling circus.

As for the barking dogs, look into the local statutes. Unless you are in an unincorporated area there are usually codes that govern that. After I got on one of my neighbors about his dogs he trained them with one of those shock collars, it only took a couple weeks and they got the message.
That's a terrible thing to say. Its not the dog's fault they're being kept like that, and to suggest that they should be poisoned because of it is sickening.

certainly you didn't take something in the "drunken ramblings and mindless mumbling" section that seriously. it was a joke.
certainly you didn't take something in the "drunken ramblings and mindless mumbling" section that seriously. it was a joke.

Its only a joke if its about a bag of cats going swimming...

But seriously, antifreeze poisoning is brutal. And I was too sober to be in DRMM last night.
You know the one that has absolutely no clue how annoying they are...even when you politely tell them? Note: It's summer, it's hot, I have no A/C. So we have to keep the windows open to keep cool.

So my next door neighbors dog will usually bark for about 30 seconds somewhere between 10pm and 6am. So every night while I'm enjoying my slumber my wife and I are rudely awakened by this beast with the loud bark. I usually have a hard time getting back to sleep, especially after I'm forcefully awakened. My nerves are heightened and the adrenaline is pumping. etc.

We're in city limits and this guy also has chickens. These buggers start going off every morning at about 6am. He's been saying for a year now that he's getting rid of them in a few weeks. :cross:

I'll continue. This guy owns 5 cars, a long pop up trailer, and "stuff". The "stuff" is in his garage and I would guess about half of his driveway. The pop up is also on his driveway. The cars are mostly on "my" curb. I never park on this curb because a car makes the view from my backyard look bad. It's a long story. But, he never parks his cars on his curb. :confused:

The last thing. He is building himself a nice little collection of junk and clutter in his backyard. Our view of the beautiful city is tainted by what looks like a full time day care with all of these toys scattered about, a redneck stilt setup for stinging lights, rotting trellis work, things thrown up on his trellis and roof, raw wood exposed, :mad: It's absolutely terrible.

I kindly spoke to him about these matters a few weeks ago. He seems to have forgotten our conversation. Anyone have a bag of dog**** I can light on fire?

This might be an option:
Regards, GF.
We just moved out of our house and into an apartment because we sold the house and are in the process of building a new one. Let me tell you about our former neighbors....

When I first moved in, it was a biracial couple. Fantastic people, except the part about how they were always looking for the next get rich quick thing. Usually involved some sort of free handout from the gub-mint.

Next was the Hispanic couple. Tony was awesome! Hard to understand with his very thick accent but a good guy all around. Pretty sure his wife hated me and I never understood why. But then one day, I came to the realization that she probably hates everyone. Even Tony....

Then it sold again, and move in day came around. Here comes the trailer park.... Four mini vans, six kids, two dogs, eight adults, and an untold number of black plastic trash bags. I don't think I ever saw a single piece of furniture ever get moved into that place. I lived next door to them for about a year and a half and I'm not sure I ever pinned down exactly who lived there and who didn't. We introduced ourselves to who seemed like the lady of the house. Not very friendly. Pretty sure she saw us as the nosy types or something simply because we stopped to say hi. I would give a friendly wave or nod to the guy who lived there, and never get anything in return, just a blank stare. Then we noticed that there would be many cars that would stop at any given time of day. Maybe they stopped there for two minutes, maybe a half hour. But every last one of them kept the engine running. Pretty sure they were dealing...

Then this spring... One Sunday morning, a loud boom and a puff of smoke. Gunshot loud. I walked over to the house to see what I can and see if anyone needed help. And honestly, my first thought was that the meth lab blew up in the basement. But I'm pretty sure now it was just an M80 that they thought would be funny to blow up on a quiet morning. And the best part about all of this? Less than a month from putting my house on the market to sell. Not the time I want to "make friends" by complaining to either them or the police.

I can't get out of this effing place fast enough...

So the closing is on Thursday, and we were there today finishing up some last minute cleaning. Noticed that they have a 20 yard dumpster to throw stuff away and it looked pretty full. Did I mention the part about how they moved in only a year and a half ago? I'm pretty sure I could have used one of those to move literally ALL of my stuff if I knew they wouldn't take it directly to the landfill.

Aside from that, great neighborhood. Great neighbors, on all sides. But it actually makes me a little sick that it feels like one crappy neighbor is going to start the downhill slide. Kinda glad I got out when I did...

Hmm...Did you live one house over from me? Is the psycho house to your left of right. Mine was to the left. :D

Some houses are just cursed. The main problem is that the prior neighbors tear it up so much that the only people who will buy it are people who don't mind living in squalor. This just perpetuates the problem.

Get out while you can. Hopefully the new house is either isolated, or you win the good neighbor lottery.

BTW - the people you sold the house to are going to hate you after a month or so.
My wife built our house before her first husband died, she picked a "covenanted" neighborhood with an association and a management company to handle all the complaints. One call to the management company and the nonsense stops. Most people dont even know they have a dog barking all day when they are gone or that their drunken arguments at 2 AM can be heard by everyone in the cul de sac.

We have few problems now and than but I would really like to park my trailer in the driveway or park a car outside every once in a while while I have a large project going but overall, its a nice place to live.

Yes, no cars parked outside, three car garages are mandatory and that's where the cars live. Dogs get 3 minutes per day to bark, nothing after 10PM and garbage cans have to not be visible from the street or to the neighbors.
My wife built our house before her first husband died, she picked a "covenanted" neighborhood with an association and a management company to handle all the complaints. One call to the management company and the nonsense stops. Most people dont even know they have a dog barking all day when they are gone or that their drunken arguments at 2 AM can be heard by everyone in the cul de sac.

We have few problems now and than but I would really like to park my trailer in the driveway or park a car outside every once in a while while I have a large project going but overall, its a nice place to live.

Yes, no cars parked outside, three car garages are mandatory and that's where the cars live. Dogs get 3 minutes per day to bark, nothing after 10PM and garbage cans have to not be visible from the street or to the neighbors.

I'm not sure I'd like this either. I hate people telling me what color I'm allowed to paint my door, or what type of curtains I'm allowed to have in my window.

My mother-in-law lived in a place like this before she died. She was completely terrified of the neighborhood inspectors. Whenever she saw their car drive by, she would absolutely freak. Neighbors would turn each other in for the smallest infractions. I remember one time she got a written citation because her porch light was not turned on, as required, at 7:30PM.

She had health problems, and her yard got a little out of control with weeds. The agency hired people to go pull her weeds. They billed her $400 for it. I wouldn't pay it, and they added all kinds of penalties and legal fees. When she finally died the bill was close to $3000.00. I thought that was a little extreme.
Hmm...Did you live one house over from me? Is the psycho house to your left of right. Mine was to the left. :D

Some houses are just cursed. The main problem is that the prior neighbors tear it up so much that the only people who will buy it are people who don't mind living in squalor. This just perpetuates the problem.

Get out while you can. Hopefully the new house is either isolated, or you win the good neighbor lottery.

BTW - the people you sold the house to are going to hate you after a month or so.

Overall, it's still a good neighborhood. It just takes one person (family) ....

I was there today just finishing the last of the cleanup (closing is on Thursday). Most of what I was doing was in the detached garage. Our detached garage and their detached garage are separated by about 12 feet. I got to listen to gangsta rap and death metal while I was cleaning up. I could hear every lyric while I was in the back of the garage, and the few times I went into the house, I could hear it pretty clearly as well. That's how loud it was. At 2pm. On a weekday. I supposed it's better than 2am, but it's still pretty socially unacceptable.

I contemplated calling in a noise complaint, but because I don't want the new owners to hate me (even though I'll probably never even meet them) I wasn't sure if the neighbors would convey their hatred onto the new owners so I decided to just let it be. To be fair, most people are working at 2pm on a weekday so it was possibly me just looking for more justification to be happy to be moved out of there.

Eff it. It's not my problem any more and if they keep it up, I'm sure it'll come around and bite them in the ass. I was there 11 years and it was only supposed to be a five year plan. But the housing bubble and blah blah blah.... time to move on. I'm just sorry for the remaining friends I still have that live there.
The guy next to me was completely nuts. Occasionally he'd go off his meds. One day he stood in the driveway screaming about something. He smashed his SUV with a golf club until the cops showed up.

Another time he got drunk, backed his truck out of his driveway and into a ditch across the street, ran in his house and pretended to be sleeping. The truck was sticking up at a 45 degree angle. When the police arrived he told them it must have been some kids in the neighborhood. They cuffed him and took him in.

This was a somewhat regular occurrence (the cops showing up, that is).

He was into CCR. He also felt the need to run power tools in his garage while listening to it at 2AM.
My wife built our house before her first husband died, she picked a "covenanted" neighborhood with an association and a management company to handle all the complaints. One call to the management company and the nonsense stops. Most people dont even know they have a dog barking all day when they are gone or that their drunken arguments at 2 AM can be heard by everyone in the cul de sac.

We have few problems now and than but I would really like to park my trailer in the driveway or park a car outside every once in a while while I have a large project going but overall, its a nice place to live.

Yes, no cars parked outside, three car garages are mandatory and that's where the cars live. Dogs get 3 minutes per day to bark, nothing after 10PM and garbage cans have to not be visible from the street or to the neighbors.

When I lived in GA, we had new folks move into the community, and although not our direct neighbors, we ended up getting to know them. Great people. Did a LOT of improvements to their yard, really made it top notch. And it was SORELY needed, as the previous owners really ignored their yard.

One night after a bunch of wine, the wife told us "The only reason we bought the house is because we saw how terrible the previous owner kept it up. If they were getting away with that, we knew we could make improve it without getting tied up in a bunch of neighborhood homeowners association BS."

Pride and personal responsibility trumps an HOA any day of the week!

(I took that as a lesson when I bought my current house here in SoCal. In the neighborhood, I saw a fair number of pickup trucks, I saw people parked in their driveways, I saw a fair diversity of decoration, but everything was pretty well kept up and no squalor. I figured "these are my kind of people.")
after reading some of this I am so glad I bought my home where I did for the 1.88$ a day I pay in school and property taxes for 3 acres with a 25 by 45 foot garage

a two bay equipment shed, a horse barn and two homes with two separate entrances on two roads with a two car garage

no codes or real zoning only 34 miles from the capitol of New York State life is indeed good
The guy next to me was completely nuts. Occasionally he'd go off his meds. One day he stood in the driveway screaming about something. He smashed his SUV with a golf club until the cops showed up.

Another time he got drunk, backed his truck out of his driveway and into a ditch across the street, ran in his house and pretended to be sleeping. The truck was sticking up at a 45 degree angle. When the police arrived he told them it must have been some kids in the neighborhood. They cuffed him and took him in.

This was a somewhat regular occurrence (the cops showing up, that is).

He was into CCR. He also felt the need to run power tools in his garage while listening to it at 2AM.

Not really sure why, but I feel like I would enjoy having this neighbor.
Not really sure why, but I feel like I would enjoy having this neighbor.

He had his moments.

My tolerance of him ended when he came to my house for a 4th of July party with a pile of fireworks. He took all the kids into the front yard and started randomly shooting them off. He hit the neighbor's house and a passing SUV. The police showed up. I got in trouble for the fireworks because it was my party.

I also had to pay $600 for an SUV windshield so the guy wouldn't press charges. The cop told me pay him, or things would get difficult. I had to keep my neighbor from going after the guy because he said the guy was lying about the fireworks breaking the windshield. Maybe he was, but I was in no position to argue about it with a 6'5" cop in my yard.

These sort of things happened a lot. I got a little tired of the constant drama.

He also borrowed a lot of money from me, which has yet to be repaid. Not to mention the plethora of tools that disappeared over the years. He had a bad habit of going into my shed and helping himself (until I put a lock on it).

Still want him as a neighbor? I can send you his address. :D
He had his moments.

Still want him as a neighbor? I can send you his address. :D

Oh, I'd in no way associate with him, invite him to parties, loan him money or tools, & probably wouldn't even talk to him. But it seems like he'd provide some brilliant people watching.
Oh, I'd in no way associate with him, invite him to parties, loan him money or tools, & probably wouldn't even talk to him. But it seems like he'd provide some brilliant people watching.

This is why I go to Sedona, Arizona. Lots of people there to charge their crystals in the vortices. Plus some white trash, red necks and mountain bikers.
He had his moments.

My tolerance of him ended when he came to my house for a 4th of July party with a pile of fireworks. He took all the kids into the front yard and started randomly shooting them off. He hit the neighbor's house and a passing SUV. The police showed up. I got in trouble for the fireworks because it was my party.

I also had to pay $600 for an SUV windshield so the guy wouldn't press charges. The cop told me pay him, or things would get difficult. I had to keep my neighbor from going after the guy because he said the guy was lying about the fireworks breaking the windshield. Maybe he was, but I was in no position to argue about it with a 6'5" cop in my yard.

These sort of things happened a lot. I got a little tired of the constant drama.

He also borrowed a lot of money from me, which has yet to be repaid. Not to mention the plethora of tools that disappeared over the years. He had a bad habit of going into my shed and helping himself (until I put a lock on it).

Still want him as a neighbor? I can send you his address. :D

I'm a straight edge looking dude with a love of extreme people. Some of my best friends have been highly tattooed punks who do stuff like this. I love it.

Don't know why, but I do.
Just get those things that stop dogs from barking.

Something like this

Dont tell your neighbor about it.

My coworker did this cause his neighbor had like 6 dogs that would never shut up. after this they stopped and the neighbor couldnt figure out why his dogs got so quiet.
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One of the best neighborhoods I lived in was called Camp Center Villas on James Island, SC. If you know it you know it. I lived on the cul-de-sac and the 3-4 houses around me were inhabited by reformed hobos, former homeless, gutter punks and one house full of biker chicks. I never met a warmer or more welcoming group of people. These folks had seen the bottom and knew how to appreciate the good times. There was the occasional burning couch in the front yard kind of thing, and it was loud as hell when the chicks came home, but at least I knew someone was up at all hours keeping an eagle eye on the neighborhood. Every yard had a fire pit and we would have these epic 'clean out the fridge' cookouts every once in a while where all these people would show up. Pants and clothing were definitely optional most of the time. I was named head brewer of the hood on my second night there. Good times.
One of the best neighborhoods I lived in was called Camp Center Villas on James Island, SC. If you know it you know it. I lived on the cul-de-sac and the 3-4 houses around me were inhabited by reformed hobos, former homeless, gutter punks and one house full of biker chicks. I never met a warmer or more welcoming group of people. These folks had seen the bottom and knew how to appreciate the good times. There was the occasional burning couch in the front yard kind of thing, and it was loud as hell when the chicks came home, but at least I knew someone was up at all hours keeping an eagle eye on the neighborhood. Every yard had a fire pit and we would have these epic 'clean out the fridge' cookouts every once in a while where all these people would show up. Pants and clothing were definitely optional most of the time. I was named head brewer of the hood on my second night there. Good times.

That sounds like the most fantastic neighborhood in the world.
They should possibly do a tv sitcom about it.

By the way....I love James Island & Folly. I can see how this neighborhood could exist there.
I've lived near a lot of different people, generally I tolerate them if they aren't too bad about interrupting my nightrest.

Surprisingly, living in an area with 4 coffeeshop owners(back in the Netherlands) is amazingly quiet and without crime, nobody is stupid enough to cause police visits when several neighbors get "unhappy" with police attention.
That was probally my favourite area, lots of turkish and surinamese immigrants, always getting invited as a single student to share dinner...

Sadly nowadays, the only problem neighbor is an old couple, he is parkinson and pretty terminal, she is alzheimer and varies from perfectly normal and friendly to screaming mad. It doesn't help that she feeds the pidgeons, has a loud shepard mix and 2 semi-feral cats... Social services says they can't do anything much till the doctor writes an order for care....

I'm the only one who thought he was talking about coffee shops?

kids nowadays, it's like they've got their own language.
It was the netherlands, we only have one kind of coffee shop.....They do serve decent coffee as well though :D

it's more a moroccan or homegrown item though, colombia is bit too far.
Just get those things that stop dogs from barking.

Something like this

Dont tell your neighbor about it.

My coworker did this cause his neighbor had like 6 dogs that would never shut up. after this they stopped and the neighbor couldnt figure out why his dogs got so quiet.

Those things work great unless the dogs are smart enough to stay further back.

We moved in November last year and one of our neighbors was part of the reason. If something happened on their yard somehow we did it, this included their dog barking to get let in at 2am. Even got a nice certified letter (with our names misspelled) with complaints about how our dog (who sleeps in my daughters bed room far side of the house from them) causes their dog to bark at night with what we should to to remedy the problem. I was ready to do as others have done and build a new 8' fence against the old 6'.

We are in a cool neighborhood now where everyone gets invited to xyz for the birthday, graduation or just because party, because you live in the neighborhood.
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Last night I was swinging in my hammock, drinking a beer, and watching the sunset on my huge new expanse of neighborless land. I don't miss them a bit. :D

I too moved out to the boonies on 5 acres that abuts a small recreational air strip. I sit on my back deck, watch small planes fly by and skydivers falling out of planes. Sunsets are beautiful, nearest neighbor is 300 yards from me and not within eye sight. When my neighbor and I do meet it's usually at one of our backyard parties that inevitably turn into a joint affair.
I'm back.

So I bought a new security light. Has 100' motion sensing, 2 - 120 watt 9 degree focus spot lights. They are aimed in a normal fashion, unfortunately they may be aimed right at the ******* neighbors bedroom windows. I'm worried about my security though and this angle seems right to me.
I'm back.

So I bought a new security light. Has 100' motion sensing, 2 - 120 watt 9 degree focus spot lights. They are aimed in a normal fashion, unfortunately they may be aimed right at the ******* neighbors bedroom windows. I'm worried about my security though and this angle seems right to me.

The neighbor in this is you, isnt it?

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