Am I a "Beer Snob"?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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I recently attended a fancy wedding, then a reception at an upscale fitness club. Steak and salmon were served for the sit-down dinner. Wine and beer on-tap were served. However, the beer they had on-tap was........... "Bud-Lite" ! ! ! I could hardly believe it! Is it just me or was I justified in being hugely disappointed?

you can be disappointed but don't be a cry baby about it. Get some wine instead.
I would probably drink bud light in that setting... its not really beer, but it quenches thirst and you don't have to worry about getting so drunk off of it as to make an @ss of yourself like what would happen if there was kegs of homebrew there
If it were BL I'd be hosed. I'd go with the wine as well. Any other BMC, I might go for the beer, depending on my mood. I don't mind corn adjuncted lagers like Labatts, rice ones like BL.

If that's the case it's wine or mixed drinks....Did they not have a full bar? I'd be doing rum or bourbon and coke, or gin and tonics then.

(My idea of hell on earth is this.....)

Not much of a wine drinker so I would be enjoying the Bud Light. Yes, I enjoy craft beers and my homebrews but I can enjoy a BMC as well.
Almost all weddings I have been to have crappy beer selections. It's really a bummer, but it is what it is. I really love it when venues sell the "top- shelf" beer selections which usually means corona and heineken... ooo fancy. I just got engaged and we started planning our wedding. My one requirement for the venue... that they let me serve homebrew!
If this makes me a snob...ok!

Needed something to prop up my mash tun so it would finish draining, and this is what I found to use....worked well too!!!

If this makes me a snob...ok!

Needed something to prop up my mash tun so it would finish draining, and this is what I found to use....worked well too!!!


You are skunking your mash by touching it with the green bottled funk demon of beer death!!!
Before I was a beer snob I was a coffee snob. I can trace the two to about a year between both of them developing.

The first was when a little Mom and Pop Coffee/Espresso shop moved into the town I was living in. At age 20 and working insane hours for work the place was a godsend. I remember looking at the menu and not knowing what anything but "coffee" was on it. I told them to make "something" and that was my first Cappuccino. A few weeks later I bought a French press and started grinding my own coffee.

A little while later someone took me out for my 21st and we got a pitcher of Guinness. It was all downhill from there.

It doesn't bother me; there's no sense in trying to enjoy something when you know in your heart of heart there's much better out there. Why waste time drinking it if you won't enjoy it? But by the same token, why waste your breath talking about it or feeling like you need to make a statement.

I make my statement when my friends come over and see what's in my keezer or in my 'fridge. I don't actively seek their approval but I do know that the proof is in the pudding. I do the same when I'm out fishing from the beach at 2 AM and I crank over the stove and the portable French Press. They started making fun of me until they had their first cup of what they've deemed "high test." It was the only time they made it an hour past sunrise!

The bottom line is that I know there's better out there and I'd rather not imbibe if I know I'll be disappointed.

Life's too short to drink something you'll spend your time wishing it was something else.

Being from the "wine belt" here in northern california, I may have resented the wine more than the BL... I was a wine snob long before I was a beer snob. Pinky out. :mug:
i would be maybe only slightly dissapointed. "****, no good beer" no big deal i can always go with wine or mixed drinks. or just the BL it doesn't taste like **** to me, its just not great beer. so what, better than water.
Being from the "wine belt" here in northern california, I may have resented the wine more than the BL... I was a wine snob long before I was a beer snob. Pinky out. :mug:

Funny how from CA, you can be superbly disappointed in both Beer and Wine lol. (I have had this happen where its bad wine and bad beer, in which case I get the beer and don't complain, Hell I'll drink anything (beer) if its free.

Anyways, I have gone to two different weddings in the last year, One in Vegas (which most casinos and bars inside those casinos/clubs HAVE HORRIBLE selections in beer, the restaurants have really good ones I find) had BL and Heineken which case I choose BL, and one in PA which had Yuengling Black and Tan and Lager, so I was pretty much in heaven considering you can't get it on the West Coast and I always drink my Uncle dry of it when I'm visiting him in NJ.
Context, context, context.

I consider myself a beer snob, personally. However, I do recognize there's a time and a place for nearly every beer.

Take for example my adventures yesterday. After walking around Tokyo in 90 something degree heat all day, me and my girlfriend stopped in to buy lunch at a convenient store. I saw a can of Kirin lager and I said to myself, sure, why not. It's cheap, it's light and convenient. We stopped at a bench somewhere, sat down and ate while drinking the Kirin and enjoying a nice view of the nearly completed Sky Tree. Up to now, I believe it might be one of the more refreshing beers I've ever had.

Would I normally buy Kirin? HECK NO. But the situation warranted it.
The venue brought in a local craft brew for my weddign last winter. If you know to ask, they will do it.

But, if you are not a beer snob you are probably more concerned about a thousand other details for your wedding. If the food was good I would be okay... Provided it is not a cash bar. Cash bars are sinful in my book. But then again, I always give gifts that cost more than two dinners and my bar bill at a fine restaurant. Just seems fair.
SDCore said:
Funny how from CA, you can be superbly disappointed in both Beer and Wine lol.

Bad wine can get a HECK of a lot worse than bad beer, ill tell you that right now. We have this stuff around here called Cranes Lake, its like 2.50 a bottle and I was at a wedding where that's what they served, and no beer. Oh how I would have longed for some BL that day ;)
A wedding reception at a Fitness Club? WTF?

I was thinking the same thing.

That's probably why all they had was bud lite. They didn't want people getting fat drinking good beer.

If it were me, I would be disappointed, but at the same time it's free beer, I'd get over it quick.
lol I was agreeing... I see the bad job i did conveying sarcasim in type stupid me. I've been in many venues where I was like umm this wine and beer list sucks.. and got water :( Stupid CA spoils you
Bad wine can get a HECK of a lot worse than bad beer, ill tell you that right now. We have this stuff around here called Cranes Lake, its like 2.50 a bottle and I was at a wedding where that's what they served, and no beer. Oh how I would have longed for some BL that day ;)
Crane Lake? Heh, my mom loves that stuff, and it's $4 up here. It has been really hit and miss on the cabs, but everything else has been terrible.
I have no issues asking about drinks at the dinner/reception for events like this. 99% of the people that know me, know that I am picky about what I drink. I have no issues bringing in a flask of whiskey. Odds are I would have my flask at ANY wedding event anyways! I see TONS of "gentlemen" and "ladies" drinking from flasks at wedding events.

This still does not count taking a cup of BL to the bathroom/car/hotel room, dumping it out and refilling it with what I want. Mind you, I do not share or draw attention to myself and have never been stopped to have my drink "inspected". In the rare instance I get "stranded with no beer" I can always order a coke and "top it off" from the flask...It never stops to amaze me what I can get away with if I keep a low profile and my mouth shut...


If there is anything that I will drink, I will always opt to buy my drinks like everyone else.

Am I the only one that does this?
Almost all weddings I have been to have crappy beer selections. It's really a bummer, but it is what it is. I really love it when venues sell the "top- shelf" beer selections which usually means corona and heineken... ooo fancy. I just got engaged and we started planning our wedding. My one requirement for the venue... that they let me serve homebrew!

I wasn't homebrewing yet when I got married, but I made sure they had several craft brews available to be served!
xdalisx said:
I got married in April and served Russian River. Damnation and Pliny :)

And just think... there had to have been a guest or two that thought to themselves... "where the h*ll is the Bud Light?"
I think for this year's cruise it's the Dave Matthew's band.

I'd rather drink BMC exclusively than be subject to listening to DMB!!!!! :eek:

Oh and I wouldn't be surprised or disappointed that Bud Light was free and on tap at the reception. It is the beer of the masses. I recently attended a wedding reception and on the house was Bud Light, lime margaritas and, mango margaritas. I tore up the mango margaritas. That sh^t was good and potent!
I went to a wedding recently where all they served in the form of "beer" was Miller Lite. They had some sangria, some generic whiskey, and wine. I had a few generic whiskey and cokes. I expected it to be some sort of BMC as that is what the masses of the sheep like. Was happy to at least have some other options. Lifes too short to drink BMC in my opinion.

However, to answer your question a true beer snob would have taken a sip of the Bud Light and spit it all over the table and wiped his tongue with the table cloth. :)
bottlebomber said:
And just think... there had to have been a guest or two that thought to themselves... "where the h*ll is the Bud Light?"

My father in law drinks coors lite like it's water, but he was happy with a couple whiskey drinks

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