Adding water after boil, before primary fermentation

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Jan 1, 2014
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I am new to home brewing and am having a blast. My third batch (IIPA) is happily fermenting away. I am using extract kits and only doing 1 gallon batches to begin, to make things less complicated to start.
On my last batch I made a few days ago, I added a lot of hops. Due to the hops absorbing a lot of the wort, I ended up with about half of the wort I had expected. The same thing had happened with my first two batches so I added water to reach the 1 Gallon fill line on my carboy. I hadn't noticed a watery taste in my previous two beers, but I feel as if I am watering down my beers. For the 1 gallon batches, I start off with about 1.25-1.5 gallons of water to account for the spent hops and boil off of the water. It seems I have underestimated the amount of water I need to end up with a gallon.

My real question is, is it alright to add water directly or will this water down the final product? Any suggestions?

(My water source is well water as I'm located right on the edge of a state forest. After doing some research I would boil the water to ensure its sanitized, but I've done this to all my batches and haven't had a problem.. yet).

Thanks and Cheers!
As long as its boiled to kill off any nasties from your well water, you should be fine. Its common to add water after a boil when doing larger batches if you don't have a brew pot large enough to do a full boil. Just remember to take your initial gravity reading AFTER the addition and not before because the extra water will lower it.
Shouldn't be a problem as long as you have the body of flavors to support adding the water. When you can only boil like 3 gallons for a 5 gallon beer, you should still use the same amount (if not a little more) of grains and hops as you would use for the 5 gallon batch. That way when you're done with your 3 gallons, it's extra concentrated. This allows you to add water to reach your desired volume and profile. If you just brew according to a 3 gallon recipe, and then add water, you'll notice pretty quick that adding water thins it out.
Very good point, I actually tasted the wort before adding the water and found it extremely concentrated. But it had boiled down to about half of what the carboy should have been filled so I filled it the rest of the way with water.
I'll have to report back in a few weeks when I taste it, but I'm wondering if it could be harmful to the final taste to add water or as much water as I did (.5 gallons on a 1 gallon batch)?
Its all relative to how much malt and hops you put into the original boil. As long as your ingredients was targeting a 1 gallon batch, it should be ok. It would be hard to make a really hoppy IPA with that percentage of dilution, because hop utilization isn't as straight forward. 50% more water means 50% less bitterness. The malt is easier though, as long as you put in enough to get the specific gravity up where it needs to be after the dilution, it shouldn't seem watered down.
Adding a half gallon or so of water to a 5 gallon batch isn't an issue. I'm more concerned that this is a 1 gallon batch and your adding half the final volume with straight water. Your definitely watering down your beers that way.

I would adjust your pre-boil water and extract volumes to account for the loss. In the end after topping off and shaking the wart take a SG reading. It should be reasonably close to the number in the recipe. It will take a few batches to dial in your numbers but you will be happier with the results.

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Yeah, I plan on using more water pre-boil next time. Does anyone have an suggestion as to how much water to start with for a 1 gallon batch?
Does anyone have an suggestion as to how much water to start with for a 1 gallon batch?

1 gallon plus how much your usually short at the end of the boil. It's impossible for anyone to give you any real answer to that question. Everyone's equipment, technique, and brewing environment are different. To minimize your boil off put the lid part way on. Leave a small gap on one side to let the various compounds you don't want in your beer to escape.

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after boil i add as much cold water to my pot as i can to drop that temp faster. adding pre boiled water is just a precaution, everytime i add tap water, no ill effects have ever come of it.

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