Accidentallly pitched unboiled wort starter!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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So a couple of weeks ago I accidentally confused unboiled wort with boiled and cooled wort, made a starter with it and pitched.:( Bubbling kicked off fast and lasted about 3 days. Just tasted a sample after 2 weeks and it taste sourish. After searching infections/soured beer for a couple hours, there doesn't appear to have signs of infection but every infection pic looks different.
1: Should I let it go another week and see if it gets worse? (This is what I'm thinking)
2: Dump it:(?
3: Drink it if I can as a sour?
if you can, post decent pics. we can help you determine. it's probably contaminated, and may turn into a decent lambic. i've done the same thing, waited a year or so, and it was pretty good
Is is done fermenting? Whats the gravity reading?
Just because you used unboiled water doesn't mean there is an infection. Let it go for a couple more weeks until fermentation is complete.
Tasting sour would definitely count as a sign of infection in my book.

Where did the unboiled wort come from? Personally, I'd let it ride and see what comes out.
The wort was left over running's from a previous batch. I might have done this on a recently made batch as well, I hope it doesnt sour!! I'm probably going to start boiling all of my wort and then storing it, rather then the opposite to prevent this.Dammit. The thing is I was going to add Bourben soaked Oak chips to the brew in another week, but if its still sour then I not going to waste expensive Bourben on it.
ride it out at least, you already did all the work. might as well see what happens.
Thats what I thought. I'm not a fan of sours so if its that way or worse in a week or two I'll probably do my first dump. I might even keg it to free up the fermentor( I have some extra kegs, and no they are not for sale. Ha) But really, Thanks for the quick replies. I'll try to drink the bad thoughts away..
Well just got home and pulled a sample again. Maybe I'm getting use to it cause it's not so sour now. Got a pic of inside the ferm bucket. Sh!tty phone pics but you can see a little webbing and some CO2 bubble clusters.
Is there a chance that secondary fermentation is killing off the lacto or whatever bug that might be in unboiled wort? Or maybe I'm starting to like sours.

I'm really praying it's fine cause I need to have some beer for an event in 3 weeks and my pipeline is dried up besides the three fermentors from the last 2.5 weeks.

I did some searching and some old styles mostly Belgians were open fermented, soured and cask aged. Maybe I'll take advantage of this for an experiment if it is infected. I'll keep everyone posted on the outcome. Thanks
Well as usual. RAHAHB. Been sampling, and it taste great. Gonna burst carb in a few days, although I've taken measures to make sure I don't pitch unboiled wort again. Just in case. Thanks to everybody. Cheers.
glad to hear another case of worrying turned out to be just fine! glad you and your beer are feeling better:mug:

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