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  1. beervoid

    Pre-boil gravity good, post boil not.

    Hey all im working with an Ace / Klarstein setup and im trying to dial in my efficiency. After some tweaking I finally hit my pre-boil gravity as predicted by beersmith (1.053) but after boiling for 60 minutes my gravity was only 1.062 instead of the aimed for 1.072 My efficiency is now about...
  2. R

    Home brew at 0.53% ABV?

    Hey all, New guy here, first time brewing. I’m in the middle of brewing a pale ale (of of those Cooper DIY kits) and I have a question regarding OG and SG. I took an OG reading at the start of fermentation and got a reading of 1.026. 6 days later I took another reading and the SG is 1.022...
  3. S

    OG too high, can I add water? (BIAB)

    On pretty much all of my batches I've been going off of the recipe boil size when I start my mash, so if the recipe says boil size is 7.5 gallons that's what I put in my kettle when I start to heat the water for the mash. Pretty much all 3 or 4 batches I've done so far have resulted in lower...
  4. chaps

    OG high by a lot

    I brewed a GF Brown Ale yesterday but ended up with an original gravity of 1.084 instead of the expected (according to Brewers Friend) 1.055 Link below if you want to check out the recipe. Basically everything went smoothly and according to plan. I had never done a 'specialty' grain recipe...
  5. J

    Gravity went from 1.105 to 1.066 and stopped

    Hi! I brewed a Wee Heavy 10 days ago (on December 16), and the airlock bubbled only for a day. Still, I left the beer sitting in the fermenter for 9 days, and I took readings yesterday, and today. The gravity is not moving anymore, and it is at 1,066. The OG adjusted for 20 C was 1,105. The...
  6. rkhanso

    Beer Meister Pumpkin Extract kit - questions about my brew

    I made a Beer Meister Pumpkin Ale extract kit. I put the recipe into Brew Target. I hit the recipe's Original Gravity at 1.056. There were a lot of pumpkin solids in the sample. Does that give incorrect readings for the OG? Here's the main issue I ran into: I bottled today and the final...
  7. skunkmeister

    Does trub/cold-break affect SG readings?

    I'm guessing because the trub/cold-break is not in solution then it should not affect the SG of the wort. Is that correct? If so, then does that mean that any proteins left in solution do contribute to the SG? Or are proteins so much lighter than sugars as to not be a factor? However, if...
  8. K

    Reusing yeast & Difference in gravity

    I am using a 2nd generation yeast (Wyeast 1762) from a brew that was about 1.052 and repitching it, after it has been washed and made into a 1 liter starter, into a 1.062 beer. I have always heard that when reusing yeast you should pitch up. I was wondering if that was enough of a gravity...
  9. M

    Pear Cider and late honey addition?

    Hi. Some friends and I recently pressed about 200# of fresh organic pears to make 10gallons of pear cider. O.G. 1.053, Current Gravity 1.010. Pear cider usually ends up slightly sweet tasting. I want to take 1 or 2gallons and rack it into a carboy with honey. How much honey do I need...
  10. Oaky

    Big difference in measured OG vs calculator? Can my efficiency really be that bad?

    So I just brewed this last night: Here is situation. I took the gravity reading at 90 degree f - and it came out to 1.050. Kind of weird for a 7 pd of grain + 2 pd of candi sugar and 5 pds of LME etc. It was a solid 6G batch...
  11. zgardener

    How Can I Decrease Maltiness Without Lowering Gravity?

    A few weeks ago I brewed a great APA, here's the recipe 6lbs Light LME 5.5lbs Pale Ale Malt .25lb Carapils 1.5lb Crystal Malt 20L .5lbs Rye .25 Oz Brewers Gold 60 min .25 Oz Brewers Gold 45 min .25 Oz Brewers Gold 30 min .25 Oz Glacier 30 min .25 Oz Glacier 15 min .25 Oz Glacier...
  12. MarsColonist

    Refractometer reading during boil :(

    So, a couple of weeks ago, someone stole my keggles from my backyard for scrap metal..... thats a whole 'nother story... I was essentially dialed in well and could consistently hit ~80% brewhouse efficiency over the last 15 batches or so.. Borrowed a friend's keggles (not very different from my...
  13. J

    First Batch Anxiety

    I'm a new brewer that just put my first batch into the fermenting bucket at midnight last Sunday. So, it's been about 8 days. The fermentation was a slow start, about 36 hours, but then things seemed to be going very well. OG was 1.055 which was right on the mark according to the recipe...
  14. RushN24

    I know, RDWHAHB, but...

    Ok I did my first partial mash today and everything seemed to go fine until the end; I missed my target gravity by a pretty fair amount. I mashed 4.75 lbs of grain (3lbsMO, 1lbs Crystal 20, and .75 biscuit) with 5.94 qts of water at 154 for 60 mins, batch sparged and came out with 2.35...
  15. TVarmy

    Do I need to wait until I see no bubbles whatsoever to bottle?

    Hi, I'm currently making a batch of apfelwein, and it's past the two week mark and still bubbling. It's in a cold basement, so that's probably to be expected. I think it's too much of a pain to check the gravity (ie sanitizing the hydrometer and everything), so should I not bother until I can...