
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    DIY Fermentation Chamber

    Ask almost any intermediate homebrewer what single change you can make to brew better beer and they'll all say the same thing: Fermentation Temperature Control. After employing proper sanitization practices and pitching healthy yeast, stable temperature control of your fermenting beer is the...
  2. D

    So You Want To Build A Brew Stand

    Ah the brew stand, or affectionately known as a “rig”, is a symbol of your dedication, passion, and soon to be borderline obsession with the art that is homebrewing. This sculpture of love will become the new centralized hub of your homebrewing hobby. But what exactly is it, and how do you...
  3. M

    The 3 Square Meter Brewery

    Okay, you live in an apartment; But what if you don’t want to have to brew in the kitchen and hide away your toys afterward? What if you wanted to have a dedicated home brewery? That’s my case. We live in a flat. Luckily we have two restrooms – one is supposed to be a ‘guest’ restroom, though we...
  4. C

    Creating Vector Beer Labels in Inkscape

    ***READ BEFORE CONTINUING: This is not an Inkscape tutorial. There are already a ton of these across the web that will explain the software better than I can. This is a guide to developing ideas, layouts, and graphical components of a label.*** What is the first thing you notice when having a...
  5. T

    Beekeeping 101

    Honey bees working to fill each comb with honey and cap it off. Bees are one of nature’s most amazing and complex insects, and one of the more useful for humans, flora, and fauna. Pollination of plants and flowers is crucial in farms and agriculture, as well as for wildlife. Beekeeping is...
  6. J

    Budget HERMS System - Part Two

    Initial considerations First, I strongly suggest that if you haven’t read Part One of this series, it might be a good idea to do so. In that segment, I discussed my reasons for using the approach described here. This portion is more of a hands-on, procedural description of how to achieve that...
  7. A

    Three Vessel Induction Brewing System

    I designed my very own induction brewing system that is based on a traditional 3 kettle system design. I wanted a way to brew great tasting beers, with the ease of brewing them in my basement. To do so I used 3 induction cookers and 2 pumps, powered by 3 dedicated electrical circuits run...
  8. K

    The Manfish Keezer Build

    If you are anything like me, once you are satisfied with the quality of the beer you are brewing, you will want to have a nice place where you can serve it to your to friends and family. Eventually I decided to build a bar so we could all sit together and enjoy the fruits of my labor. But as...
  9. D

    Brew Rig - Designed to Brew

    I spent a lot of time designing my brew rig. As a college professor, I have a lot of friends with skills that were useful in creating my equipment. I designed and made my own boil kettle (with the help of the welding professor), as I was getting ready to make the conical, I found a Stout conical...
  10. B

    Easy Wide Mouth Bubbler Modification

    Hello all, thought I would post a quick write up and a couple pics of my new favorite fermenter. A mash up of two popular designs. I had been using the better bottles with racking adapter and valve for many batches. If you haven't used the racking adapters/valves before they are great, as...
  11. N

    DIY Basic Hop Trellis For Under $100

    Spring has finally sprung here in the great white North, and the first day where the temperature broke 60 gave me good reason to focus on installing my new (albeit small) hop trellis for growing this season's crop. If you're anything like me, your wife and property size/shape have a lot to do...
  12. B

    Silver Soldering for DIY Brewing Vessel Upgrades

    If you can solder or "sweat" copper plumbing parts together reliably, you can use that skill to modify your stainless steel brewery too! First, why would we want to do this? While vendors are making excellent strides in engineering better and more reliable weldless components for different...
  13. D

    3 Steps to Converting Your Round Cooler to a Mashtun

    So, you've decided to move to all grain and are trying to figure out what equipment you need. This article will focus on converting a round 10G cooler into a Mash Tun (MT) for your brewery. This project is an easy one that can be completed in a few minutes and with little effort. There are pros...
  14. S

    Glass or Plastic: Which Big Mouth Bubbler is for you?

    Since writing my last article, I have had the pleasure of using the Plastic BMB a few times. After a lot of thought on comparing the glass versus plastic, I think I have a good idea on which I prefer, why I feel this way, and the pros and cons of both. First, I will start with the glass BMB...
  15. S

    Easy Bottling from a Keg

    If you're like me, you quickly realized that kegging your beer would be so much better than bottling so you went ahead and took the plunge. You bought (or built) a dispensing unit and some kegs. The first sip of the first pour of the first beer was magical. The feeling of pride was almost as...
  16. S

    It's finally here, the Plastic Big Mouth Bubbler!

    A couple of months ago, the Glass Big Mouth Bubbler was released. I was so excited that I sold off my glass carboys and purchased a pair of them immediately. I was, and still am, enamored with these things. The ability to stick your entire arm down into your carboy not only makes cleaning...
  17. unionrdr

    Easy Yeast Washing

    After using a couple of different liquid yeasts for the first time, I decided that since they cost $6.50 a pop, that it'd be the most economical to wash the yeasts for re-use. And being retired, I can't afford to spend a whole lot on the needed equipment to do so. Enter Giant Eagle and BP. They...
  18. JMBTempest

    Custom Danby DAR440BL Conversion

    Inspired by HomeBrewTalk members. Thanks to all of those who have posted on this topic. First step; find the refrigerator for the best price. Got mine on Amazon for $169 with free shipping. Next, remove and modify the door. The model that I bought had the interior door panel glued on. I...
  19. WhoZiT

    Japanese Beer Server/Dispenser

    For those of us living and brewing in Japan, you know that space is limited and supplies can be hard to find or very expensive. Japan typically has their own way of doing things, and beer servers/dispensers are no exception. Instead of chilling the whole keg, these draft systems consist of a...
  20. diS

    HERMS Brew Station

    At the moment I decided to build HERMS I got two kegs and plastic bucket. I decided to use bucket for HLT only temporary, but with time it turned out as cheap and functional solution, it is made from HDPE(High-density polyethylene) which can withstand higher temperatures (120 C/ 248 F for short...