MN hops are up

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I keep seeing threads about "these are up" and "those are up" already. Is now a good time to plant, though? i'm still worried about the occasionally 25F night here in WI, but i would assume MN is potentially worse...

I've had some rhizomes in the fridge for a week and just want them in the ground, but don't wanna kill 'em.
My Cascade, Willamette, and Fuggle are starting to arise also.
Should be a great long growing season.
Nothing yet and it looks like another 2-3 weeks of cold rain in the works. We didn't have a February warm spell this year.

I was out near Kaiser last week & the hopyards are brown and bleak.
Mine are poking through as well, have about a dozen or so little 1-2" sprouts on each of my third-yard plants. Spent a little while over the weekend putting new eye bolts up at the eaves of my house and running new heavy-duty jute lines. Third year for the 2 Cascades, the Mt. Hood, and the Crystal, so I'm expecting some good yields as long as the weather isn't terrible.

Hey, someone refresh my memory---how many vines should I let actually climb for each plant? 4?
My Challengers are a foot high already, and waving around like drunkards trying to flag down a cab. The Targets aren't far behind.

Hey, someone refresh my memory---how many vines should I let actually climb for each plant? 4?
From memory, I think 2 or 3 per plant is recommended.
Mine are poking through as well, have about a dozen or so little 1-2" sprouts on each of my third-yard plants. Spent a little while over the weekend putting new eye bolts up at the eaves of my house and running new heavy-duty jute lines. Third year for the 2 Cascades, the Mt. Hood, and the Crystal, so I'm expecting some good yields as long as the weather isn't terrible.

Hey, someone refresh my memory---how many vines should I let actually climb for each plant? 4?

I've heard that the two strongest looking bines are trained, the rest are cut back.
I'm jealous of you guys with good hop growing climate. We can grow a lot of things well in Texas but hops aren't one of them. I have heard of people doing it but it's just not ideal. Is it possible to grow without pissing off the neighbors or HOA? I've heard these things are supposed to get really tall. Anyone have any pictures of their homegrown?
I thought that ol' EdWort, who is in Tejas, grew his own. He might be able to help you.
He most certainly does. Check out his Texas Hop Garden thread. It's so cool it's stickied. ;)

I got a few (Fuggle, Willamette, and Hallertauer) in their peat (plantable) pots on Friday night. They're warming under the grow light for a few weeks before I risk putting them outside.
I put mine in pots about this time last year. It's way to early to put them outside here in Wi. My plants were about a foot tall when I transplanted them outside last spring.
I put mine in pots about this time last year. It's way to early to put them outside here in Wi. My plants were about a foot tall when I transplanted them outside last spring.

I did the same, Mine were not as tall because I put them in the south window of my garage (to mimic conditions outside-warm during the day and cool at night) I learned a hard lesson about watering though.... water em daily the first year.... it takes alot to get them established well.

Just got done checking the rest of the hills.... Cascade - 3 sprouts, Kent Goldings - 6 sprouts, Fuggles - gotta be at leased 20 sprouts, Nugget- still frozen mulch.... nothing to see yet.
my hops are second year. should i worry that they are not up yet? we have had some up and down temps here but lots of rain. it seems wierd that hops up north would be up before down south? any thoughts? if there is anything that i am more maniacal about than brewing, it is growing plants.
I put mine in pots about this time last year. It's way to early to put them outside here in Wi. My plants were about a foot tall when I transplanted them outside last spring.

I live in Wisconsin and was wondering when you planted. I live closer to Milwaukee, but about the same amount south in WI as you are in Lodi. My hops just arrived, and I could really use some help about when to plant.

Started a new thread for my discussion.
took a walk out by the Hop garden this morning.... Fuggles are starting to leaf out already.... forecast says snow by friday... I'll keep you posted

BTW, I decided earlier this year to expand... which means moving 3 crowns... Anyone know if it's too late to do this? I was thinking I might have "shot myself in the foot" by not doing it last fall.... should I wait for next year?
I live in Wisconsin and was wondering when you planted. I live closer to Milwaukee, but about the same amount south in WI as you are in Lodi. My hops just arrived, and I could really use some help about when to plant.

Started a new thread for my discussion.

I'm in NJ and everything I have read says don't put new plants in the ground before the last frost. So right now I have them in pots next to the window until I'm confident it won't get too cold. According to the averages I'm looking at the second week of April but I'll have to play it by ear.
I had one Cascade plant that survived last year. I just noticed around 6 shoots popping through the soil today!!:rockin:
Cascades and Fuggles have poked out as of yesterday. They are always the first to show.
I transplanted my hop crowns today. what a deal that was. I used the hose to wash away the soil from the roots to get as much as I could. They seemed to never end! My fuggles was at leased 3 foot in every direction. The cascades came up with out much difficulty. I was able to split the crown in two. So instead of the grandeur plans of having 4 cascades, 4 nuggets, two fuggles and two Kent goldings, reality set in, and realistically speaking, I've got enough room for 3 cascade, and 2 of each of the others. I'm saving that for next year. this year, I'll be at 2 cascade, one nugget, one fuggles, and one Kent golding.... but their all one year old crowns and producing a huge about of buds.... we'll see what the end poundage is at harvest.

BTW... I recommend lots of cow poo.

I'll post pics sunday
Must be talking Southern MN.

I still have 2" snow cover. Maybe I'll see hops in a few weeks. (If i'm lucky)

I bet if you pulled back a little snow, you might find what you're looking for. We still had 3" on the ground the first day I say sprouts poking out.
I stand corrected! :drunk:

My garlic is usually the first to show its tiny green shoots. After kicking the snow away and crawling on my hands and knees in the black slightly frozen soup I call a garden, I did see (verified by poking) some flexible tiny green buds. I will admit they are there.
I stand corrected! :drunk:

My garlic is usually the first to show its tiny green shoots. After kicking the snow away and crawling on my hands and knees in the black slightly frozen soup I call a garden, I did see (verified by poking) some flexible tiny green buds. I will admit they are there.

god it feels good to be right... congrats on your hops crop...

BTW, what are you growing? I've got cascade, nugget, fuggles, and Kent Golding... might keep you in mind for a swap after harvest....
Currently, I've got Cascade and Fuggles. But, my next door neighbor has some sort of hop in his yard. The identity has yet to be determined since he didn't plant it. Rumor has it that the previous owner brewed his own too.
Is there any varieties of hops that don't grow well in southern MN? I'm looking to order some rhizomes and get them planted at a new house.

Is there any varieties of hops that don't grow well in southern MN? I'm looking to order some rhizomes and get them planted at a new house.


I gotta believe just about any of em. Just do a little searching and you can find all sorts of direction on how to set up your trellis, beds, and maintenance during the growing season. Hops are pretty hearty, I water mine daily all season long and they produce well - most of my growing area is shaded for part of the day (morning hours) yet they still grow like weeds. I know they prefer full sun.
here's a couple of pics from when I transplanted the crowns... all 3 pics are of my 1st year fuggles crown




When I got home from drill tonight (Navy Reserve) I measured the tallest bines. They are leafing out and standing about 4 inches. I also ordered and planted one more cascade which brings me to a total of 3 cascade and one each of Nugget, Fuggles, and Goldings
Here are the latest photos, all are leafing out minus one cascade that I ordered late... been in the ground about a week and a half and already 6 tiny shoots are poking through!

Here's the progress:

one half of my cascade crown:

the other half:

Fuggels: just look at all the shoots!

Goldings: Trying hard to catch up


All in all things are going well... watering everyday and using plenty of cow poo.
Nice hops Wally! The last one looks like you have been feeding it radio active waist. It's a mutant! LOL! Good job.
I like your method of measuring the hops, Seabee. And a little bit of encouragement for the hops too, eh? Showing them where they will be lucky enough to end up in once they're big and strong enough and bearing cones?
I like your method of measuring the hops, Seabee. And a little bit of encouragement for the hops too, eh? Showing them where they will be lucky enough to end up in once they're big and strong enough and bearing cones?

I didn't think about the encouragement side of things.... how true, how true.... I was basically choosing a measuring tool that even the druk HBT'rs could understand :D

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