Kilted Brewer's unusual beer

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Ale's What Cures You!
Staff member
HBT Supporter
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
UP/Snowbird in Florida
KB sent me a beer to try, even after I slammed wheat beers, fruited beers, and hefes! He sent me a combination of all three, so he deserves an honest review!

Aroma: Initially, very fruity and slightly tart, almost cidery. No hops or malt aroma noted, and no clove/banana phenols. As it warmed, it was less tart, and had a more full fruity aroma. 7/12

Appearance: cloudy, with a nice white head. Very light colored, it looks like cider in the glass, except for the nice lasting head. There is slight lacing on the glass, and it's well carbonated 2/3

Flavor: There is little malt flavor with no hops flavor noted. It's light and crisp with a very pleasant almost apple flavor. It's very wine-like, but not the least bit cidery or sour. It's definitely not sweet, but not bitter either- it's well balanced. This would be a wonderful refreshing beverage on a hot day, and it's very nice now with some goat cheese and crackers. I find NO flaws in this beer at all! 15/20

Mouthfeel: Light bodied, crisp, with excellent carbonation. Totally appropriate for this style of beer. 5/5

Overall impression: Excellent beer! I was not expecting to fully enjoy this beer. Fruit (ick), wheat (ick) and a hefe yeast (ick) as ingredients already had three strikes against it. I was wrong- it's excellent. It's really impossible to judge with BJCP guidelines, so the score may not reflect the unexpectedly great beer this is. I would easily buy this if it was available, and serve it to anyone except the stauchest stout lovers. The "fruitiness" in this beer doesn't have any real sweetness or fakeness to it, and that makes it superb. 8/10

Total: 39/50
WOW Yoop...I'm truly speechless. Well, except to say thanks and I wish you were on the panel judging the beer in a contest this past weekend. I think it only scored a 28.

McK...your's is on it's way....I promise!
Yes, that's what it was! It was very good, as I said. I think he sent me one to change my prejudices against wheat and fruit in beer.

I wondered about your wheat/fruit adversion and I figured you just hadn't tried the right beers yet. Wheat/fruit= not always bad.
WOW Yoop...I'm truly speechless. Well, except to say thanks and I wish you were on the panel judging the beer in a contest this past weekend. I think it only scored a 28.

McK...your's is on it's way....I promise!

Well, I can see it scoring low according to BJCP guidelines, as I said. It's NOT really a wheat beer (no real hops nose or wheat flavor), and NOT really a fruit beer (no fruit, except the concentrate!). It tastes like it could be a slightly cidery beer, but it's not. At first, the tart aroma with the slight apple nose gives a hint of something off. But then, when it opens up, it's truly an awesome experience.

So, I didn't look at the recipe, but I knew what you told me so I was most definitely "open" to scoring it by taste, not a BJCP guideline.