Anyone ever have a toe removed?

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I'm resigned to live with little annoying pains from now until the end.

My good friend's late father had a saying about this:

"After age 60, it's patch and fill."

Ironically, my friend (to whom the age applies) is in the hospital having his hip replaced as I speak!
Polydactyl, had two extra toes. Still have 10. 2 removed shortly after birth.
Hey I Get the cut it off because it fn hurts. The shoulder has been in constant pain for 5 months and no one would listen to me or give me pain medication or even give me an appointment. Now after all this time I got into the Dr office last week or week before and Dr all freaking out cause I could not walk right so they send me to another Dr to have them look at my head. 2 cat scans one mri and one mra later I finally had to put my foot down and tell them that I was not doing anything else until the shoulder was better period. The still wanted one more mra I had to tell them that it was not going to happen until I get the shoulder fixed. Dr of course says we need to do this now or your head the problem could end up being permanent. I said well maybe when swmbo called for appointments we should have gotten one and I left. I of course was thinking that there is nothing wrong with head. I walked out chuckling to myself. Wishing death to stupid people who don't listen and smart people who think that they know best. I did however get some pain meds for the first time since June and I am now semi functional.

2014-11-03 16.33.30.jpg
Ps. The doc that put that in is not a very good carpenter. .... those sscrew look crooked to me. And one sticks up more than the others and I can fee it though the skin ... and it's tilted. If you are going to do something do it right!
I heard you can just tie a string around it, and tie the other end of a string to a doorknob.....saves you your copay.

I mentioned this in the first post or two, but that's exactly what happened to my friend. Water skiing accident. Rope wrapped around his toe and ripped it right off. True story.

I just got back from a long bike ride. Toe killing me (went away quickly though). I'm wearing my $500 stupid F-ing inserts. Useless.
I mentioned this in the first post or two, but that's exactly what happened to my friend. Water skiing accident. Rope wrapped around his toe and ripped it right off. True story.

I just got back from a long bike ride. Toe killing me (went away quickly though). I'm wearing my $500 stupid F-ing inserts. Useless.

I never thought that joke was somehow going to make queasy...but alas, you never know. LOL..

FWIW I had a MRSA infection in my left big toe. It hurt like hell and I do remember waking up the first night with it thinking I'd be better off without the toe. I'm still not so sure I wasn't right. My big toes on both feet rub the insides of my shoes, running, hiking, whatever...and create pretty big issues for me when I'm doing lots of miles.

My MRSA is cured, but I was told at the time that I'd likely lose the toe, and possibly the foot. I met a guy a year later who lost his entire lower leg to the same infection.
I have never had a toe removed, but have had to have a foot removed,,,, from my butt!

Emergency surgery, was no room for my head..
After seeing the pizza post, the first thing which came to mind was neither desire for a good pizza, nor pitty for your loss of the stone, but rather that you appear to be a bit rough on the left side of your body.

Haha, that frigging thumb. Smashed it with a sledgehammer while tamping concrete blocks into scree in the front of my house. Burst like a cherry tomato. I still feel lucky there's a nail there at all - it left my thumb immediately after the accident but grew back a little ugly.

BTW, toe was killing me today. I was using a shovel to plant some shrubbery and it got to hurting (mostly because I was wearing shoes, which I rarely do). Took some alieve. I'm going to play tennis later today, will buddy-tape the big toe to the next one to keep it from getting angry.

Thanks for thinking of me!
Both of my thumbnails grow that way. A dermatologist explained it to me once, but basically said there's nothing to be done to fix them. Mine are not due to injury.
Saw this story and immediately thought about this thread. Seems that three thousand years from now researchers from an advanced civilization may be digging around what remains of Clearwater and making the news. If you need an upgrade it appears that it is even the correct toe.


Wrong foot, but I like where you're going with this!

I've been wearing a fiberglass insert in my shoe when I play tennis and stuff. Keeps my toe from bending. It's the best solution I've found. It still aches a lot, but I haven't had thoughts of snipping it off lately :)
I had the great toe joint on my right foot "cleaned up" by my podiatrist 10 or 11 years ago. I developed deposits in the joint from years of kicking things, primarily with my big toe. When I was a kid, I kicked everything, footballs, cats, basket balls, base balls, rocks, cans, cats, dogs, attackers, sticks, cats, you get it. It got to the point where any flexing of the joint resulted in a level of pain that was unbearable. I went ahead with the surgery since I was enjoying running with my kids. The joint has been pain free since the 3 month healing process. It's about 1/4" shorter than it used to be, but it's been great. Nothing else hurts, so far.

Talk to a podiatrist and see what they recommend. If you don't like what they say, don't do it.

I need to google replacement toe joint.