
Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. HomeBrewMasterRace

    All grain hefeweizwn- yeast question

    Hi everyone, I'm currently fermentating an all grain hefeweizen that's 5 lb wheat, 2 lb Munich malt and 4 lbs pilsner. I wanted to ask a question about my yeast as it's the WLP 300. Original gravity was 1.052 I currently have my 5lb fermentater in a swamp cooler and the temps are 62, I know...
  2. Ridonkulous05

    Will this work?: Simplified.

    All, 10 gal. Grain bill: (all German Weyermann malts): 8.8 Lbs. (4 kg) Munich malt 8.8 Lbs. (4 kg) Wheat malt, Dark 4.4 Lbs. (2 kg) Rye malt (for a zesty, rye 'zing', but also may provide enzymatic help... question below...) 2.2 Lbs. (1 kg) Caramel Wheat malt Q#1: Will this mix...
  3. Ridonkulous05

    AG: Dunkelweizen mashing and Tips, and Are Rye and Munich malts strong enough?

    Homies, Brewers, and Talkers, I am greedy, and I therefore have bunch of questions for the experienced brewers here on the forum: First, I have assembled the necessary goods for a 10 gal. batch of Dunkelweizen (I think). Here's the grain bill: (all German Weyermann malts)...