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  1. C

    Imperial Stout

    Like the Braufessor said, don’t rack and cheesecloth. For especially large amounts of sediment I will use an auto siphon instead of the spigot. Just let it wait, you don’t need to check gravity after a week, it’s a RIS, it’s gonna take some time.
  2. C

    Ups and downs...

    50 cloves?! Holy moly. Also, that will be a pretty high gravity mead, so expect it to finish pretty sweet. Three pounds of berries are going to provide much more fermentable sugar than the 1140 tells you.
  3. C

    natural (i.e. no fridge) lagering in the Inland Northwest in Winter

    What temps does your basement reach? I have an older house where the basement is only heated by the furnace and water boiler. I am thinking it should get down around 55 degrees in the winter, so I am going to set a bucket of water down there and take readings to see how the temp fluctuate ...
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    Lactomel Question

    In case anyone was wondering, I continued doing research and found an article suggesting two lactase enzyme pills per gallon of milk, for 24 hours. So I,m off to the store for some milk to get this brew going.
  5. C

    Bottling in a closed system + homemade fermenter with spigot

    The plastic is probably fine, but its the color that I would worry about. White buckets generally use color derived from titanium that is foodsafe, but other colors may not be.
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    Another infection? Frustration!

    Just an FYI, dont use hot water with bleach. Always use cold water because warm water will make it less effective. I would purchase either oxyclean free or pbw and give everything you use a good soak for a day in hot water and pbw or oxyclean. Not boiling, because pbw says it is most effective...
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    First beer ever problem

    Yea, its not ruined. It will probably taste a little more like the continental wheat beers instead of the american wheat you were aiming for.
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    First beer ever problem

    First off, dont worry. You will end up with beer. 72-78 is warmer than is best for most beers, but it isn't that crazy. You will probably end up with some more esters and a quicker fermentation. What is your recipe and what yeast did you use? Did you record the temp of the fermentation (with a...
  9. C

    Lactomel Question This is one recipe I found. It calls for sugar instead of honey, but there is a recipe floating around here that uses honey.
  10. C

    Lactomel Question

    Hey guys, I am going to be starting a milk mead and was wondering about how much lactase enzyme to add for the one gallon batch. I cannot find any information about how much to use anywhere online. I know the most popular recipe calls for Lactaid milk, which already has the lactose broken down...
  11. C

    Problem here :/

    everything looks fine. just keep waiting. if you tell us exactly how much honey and exactly how much water, we ciuld give you more info
  12. C

    Problem here :/

    So you placed the honey, water, and yeast all into a bucket. This is called primary fermentation. Seems like you did the first step just fine, aside from not using a wine yeast, but that is not a dealbreaker. Now, did you seal it with an airlock or did you leave it open to the air? If you used...
  13. C

    Question starting batch

    it could be a few hours, or a few days to really see activity with an OG that high.
  14. C

    Good 3 Gallon carboy size recipe?

    To the OP: If you take quality juice, and add dextrose, and add a decent yeast, and allow it to ferment using good techniques, if you have a product that doesnt taste good you just need more time. If you think your juice is the factor, then experiement with using acid blend and tannin .
  15. C

    Good 3 Gallon carboy size recipe?

    the reason people talk about pasteurizing cider is to halt fermentation, not to keep it from going bad. If you ferment out dry (the yeast eat all the sugar they can) then there is no need to pasteurize. If you are bottling before fermentation is COMPLETELY done, you need to kill the yeast in...
  16. C

    age befor or after pasteurization?

    cider/mead/wine/beer/orangejuice all age by exposure to oxygen, for the most part. When you bottle, or when its sitting in a carboy, you are allowing the liquid to be exposed to a very small amount of o2. now, heating juice up does change the flavors and smells slightly, but since it is a sealed...
  17. C

    Ice cider

  18. C

    Quick question?

    take amount of dried yeast you wish to use. Put in Pot with some water, and boil. I boil for 5 min, though im sure just one would be more than enough. Take yeast slurry and dump into container with your must. Pitch at proper temps
  19. C

    Honey wine?

    there is no specific time table. I would transfer once it stops bubbling, but thats because i usually leave it in primary for a month. as long as you have an airlock and your not producing any krausen, you can move it to secondary whenever. Also, mead questions are better answered in the mead...
  20. C

    My first attempt on a "mini scale"

    i would not use denatured ethanol. That would be 70%-90% rubbing alcohol sold in stores. If you are not using vodka or a no rinse sanitizer, i would stick with water.