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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. jayh

    Any suggestions on how to clone CBC's Black Ryder?

    After brewing the recipe for Smuttynose's Noonan clone from the Jan/Feb BYO, and really enjoying it, I happened across version that Cambridge Brewing made at one point. The Black Ryder Being very new to trying to replicate a beer, does anyone have suggestions on amounts of the different...
  2. jayh

    BYO recipe with milk chocolate?

    I'm happy to hear it ended up tasty. I bought all the ingredients to brew this today and the guy at my LHBS asked me straight up, are you sure you want to add milk chocolate to the boil? I had the same reservations, but I'm glad a quick search turned up this thread. I'll be brewing this in a...
  3. jayh

    Stepping Up a Yeast Starter

    I ordered one as well. Seems like a good middle-of-the-road price for those of us with terrible DIY skills. Response time on the order was lightning quick too.
  4. jayh

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Dark Chocolate Stout

    I brewed a partial boil extract version of this last month and it ended up being a very tasty stout, but not as much chocolate as I hoped. I did learn a few things, like don't bother with a strainer when pouring the wort to bottling bucket to aerate it. The cocoa powder will just clog the...
  5. jayh

    Black Sunhsine - My Keezer Build - Lots of Pics

    This is one of the few keezer threads where I see an actual closeup of wiring the TSS2 for controlling just 1 temp. I see how you have the love wired, but I'm confused on how you wired it to the outlet. I'm trying to figure out which wires are for the outlet, and which one acts as the ground...
  6. jayh

    Lower OG than expected

    Yeah I topped off. I've only got a 5 gallon pot so I'm limited to partial boils. Hopefully I'll be buying either an 8 or 10 gallon pot next month :)
  7. jayh

    Lower OG than expected

    Hi all, I brewed the Smuttynose Noonan clone from the latest BYO but ended up with an OG of 1.046 instead of the listed 1.071. I'm curious if it was due to more wort boiling off and adding more water than expected to get to 5 gallons? In a scenario like this do you just proceed as is or are...