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  1. P

    pin or ball lock corny kegs...which is best?

    I like ball locks because they fit better in my chest freezer(taller and skinnier versus pin locks). There is no real performance difference so I'd do a little research and find out which ones are more common in your area. In any case you can mix and match them so long as you have connections...
  2. P

    First brew a success, now on to Hefeweizen

    Have a blow off tube ready. WLP hefe yeasts generate massive amounts of krausen.
  3. P

    How long does propane last?

    4.5 with my Blichmann Top Tier heating both mash and sparge water in 40F weather and 80 minute boils. Probably closer to 5 or 5.5 if you do 60 minute boils and are in a warmer climate.
  4. P

    First Brew Disaster

    The thermometer ballast was likely steel shot. No homebrew thermometer would have lead in it.
  5. P

    Blichmann Brewmometer sucks!

    I use the brewometer as a "rough" gauge of when I need to start using my digital thermometer to start checking.
  6. P

    How much oxyclean?

    I use a scoop per 5 gallons, never had a problem with it drying out my hands.
  7. P

    Clumpy yeast?

    WLP029 I find to be quite clumpy too. Took me a lot of shaking the vial to get it all of it suspended.
  8. P

    Froze my WLP Yeast

    Make a starter and if no activity by tomorrow, buy some more.
  9. P

    anyone have air in their lines?

    I have two towers and while I get small pockets of CO2 the beer pours fine. No cooling necessary.
  10. P

    Calibrate boil point based on pressure or altitude?

    A few degrees matters a whole lot in the mash. The difference between dry and sweet beers is only a few degrees.
  11. P

    Post your infection

    That is good to hear. Its US-05 in an IPA and I dump mostly everything into the fermenter so I figured it was the yeast hanging out on all the break material in there.
  12. P

    My Basement Bar Build

    One of these might help in the future:
  13. P

    Rye IPA Recipe Help

    Its probably cold break. BIAB typically allows more "stuff" into the wort than other methods. It all settles out in the end anyways.
  14. P

    Post your infection

    Yeast rafts? Hop particles? Its kind of greenish, just over 1 week after start of fermenting still bubbling pretty quickly. Never seen it before.
  15. P

    Recipe help request - "lighter in body" IPA suggestions?

    You'll still need the DME as your base so you need it to be the bulk of your fermentables, go with extra light or light extract(not sure what your LHBS sells). Crystal malts add a touch of sweetness so if you want to go really dry, omit them as cheesydemon3 says. And by sugar/rice/corn I meant...
  16. P

    So, these cutsie rye and wheat IPA's.....

    I think with wheat beers the yeast is half the equation so if those brews are using a neutral yeast strain then a lot of the "wheat" profile is going to be absent.
  17. P

    Rye IPA Recipe Help

    I have a 20 foot copper chiller as well and it will get the wort down to pitching temps in about 30 minutes if I stir it every 10 minutes. You can feel yourself how much of a temperature gradient forms, the bottom of my kettle will be ice cold while the top is still hot. A quick stir equalizes...
  18. P

    Force Carbonation

    I'd either do the 30psi overnight and let it sit at serving for the rest of the week. Or I'd chill, set to 12psi, rock for about 5-10 minutes then leave it for a week.
  19. P

    Faucet leaked

    I feel your pain. I have a tower on my kegerator and while lifting a keg out one of my taps got knocked open spilling my chocolate porter all over my kegerator and carpet. It was really exciting when I saw my power strip covered in beer. Thankfully I was not electrocuted.
  20. P

    Going All Grain, anything I've forgotten?

    I hated my floating thermometer for all grain. Took too damn long to adjust to the temperature which made adjusting the mash temp a real PITA. I bought a $15 probe digital thermometer on Amazon that reads in about 10 seconds and never looked back.