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  1. thedartedash

    Adding Cardamom to Breakfast Stout at Bottling.

    I ended up liking the ration that came out to be 1/2 pod per 12oz bottle. I broke open each of the pods, and just roasted the inside parts for a few minutes over medium high heat. I then ground it up, and added it to the sugar solution. Like I said I split up the batch, so it was a bit more...
  2. thedartedash

    Adding Chocolate and Coffee to the boil

    Just drank my first bottle from by Breakfast Stout clone 10 minutes ago:) I decided to brew the coffee with a french press. I then melted the chocolate and cocoa nibs in a double boiler. I first added the coffee to the melted chocolate, then added to the cooling wort. -so that no chocolate got...
  3. thedartedash

    Adding Cardamom to Breakfast Stout at Bottling.

    I like your idea of Crushing the pods before using them. I hope to find the balance of coffee and cardamom in this, but you're right, too much and it would just be overpowering. -I will let you know how it turns out:)
  4. thedartedash

    Adding Cardamom to Breakfast Stout at Bottling.

    I brewed a Breakfast Stout clone (from BYO) 6 weeks ago (2 week in primary, 4 in secondary). I am going to bottle this weekend, and I would like to add some Cardamom to part of the batch (Turkish Coffee Anyone?). Here is my idea: 1. Split my priming sugar, and the beer in half. 2...
  5. thedartedash

    USPS opened my hops and trashed em..

    I worked at UPS (not USPS) for 3 years, and it looks to me that the box got crushed and your bag of hops got stuck in the conveyer belt (common this time of year due to the high volume of boxes being shipped). even if a package was damaged like yours was, we would send everything along, just in...
  6. thedartedash

    cooling shrinkage

    I have not read the book, so I don't know the context. Could he be addressing topping off while the wort is hot, only to find you would need to top off again when it cools? Or is it more of a fun fact? ajdelange may be right as well.
  7. thedartedash

    Make your own waterless airlocks

    Great idea! -Awful pics:)
  8. thedartedash

    Coffee in Primary?

    My biggest qualm with adding coffee grounds directly is that it will produce a cardboard/cat piss off flavor (think of the smell of week old wet grounds in the office coffee pot). -I can't even drink Founders Breakfast because this flavor is so prominent in my opinion. I would recommend making...
  9. thedartedash

    How old are you? (Poll)

    you also must consider the age of people who use the internet in general.
  10. thedartedash

    Carboy Cap. Blowing to start Siphon. Infection?!

    I like your C02 idea... Maybe I am just overcautious when it comes to sanitation.
  11. thedartedash

    Carboy Cap. Blowing to start Siphon. Infection?!

    Ok, Awkward title I know... I was looking at the carboy caps (watch video), and to me this is just asking for an infected batch! Anyone have any experiences to share? I have never used one of these... I try very hard to not breath onto my wort/beer, as the human mouth is full of microbes...
  12. thedartedash

    Pumpkin Ale - Excessive Trub

    After 8 days in the primary, when transferring into the secondary I had about a gallon (5 gal batch) of thick trub at the bottom...very little was floating. I used fresh pumpkin, and mashed it, but didn't puree it (as I will next time). I don't know if that's just the way it is, but is was a...
  13. thedartedash

    LHBS Prices... Why So Expensive?

    I know we are supposed to support our local Home Brewing Shop, but I am having a hard time justifying their prices! I just did a cost analysis comparing my local shop to, and I would be saving more than 40% if I shopped online (assuming I spend enough to get free shipping). What...
  14. thedartedash

    Beer Alchemy

    Are you doing partial boils? Maybe you dont have everything thoroughly mixed when you are taking the reading? Also, what temp are you taking your reading at?
  15. thedartedash

    Wort chiller immersion build

    Considering heat rises, my thought would be to have the cold water enter to the top coil, this would also assist in circulating the wort. -Just a thought...