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  1. FreeLordBrewing

    any body else get migranes/bad headaches from drinking??

    thanks for being right!! damn it!! so its Sept. 2015 and as of a couple of weeks ago the cluster head aches have started :( mind you my diet/health has prob been at it's worst ever!! dealing with such a ton of stress with so much going on I won't even begin to touch base with it, just that it is...
  2. FreeLordBrewing

    why would a pre-assembled kit....

    contain both LME and DME??? with my last batch I used both, (following the back bone on a pre-assembled kit I once used from brewers best.) changing up speciality grains, and adding an additional 2 lbs of brown sugar to kick the gravity up and "tweak" the recipe. doing a search on "DME...
  3. FreeLordBrewing

    mouth feel....

    thanks again for all the replies....I figured out what I've been doing wrong all these years....or at least I assume so!! ha ha. so with the temp being some what high due to the kegerator failing....I jacked the psi to 40 to see if that would help the beer absorb the co2.... turns out it...
  4. FreeLordBrewing

    mouth feel....

    thanks for all the replies first and foremost!! you guys are awesome!! and a Merry xmas!! and happy holidays for those of you which that doesn't apply ha ha. flars My volume is adjusted based on hitting my target O.G. so this always varies. I always go off gravity versus volume. target on...
  5. FreeLordBrewing

    mouth feel....

    every home brew I have ever made has a watery mouth feel.... tried high gravity, tried high carbonation, tired spring water vs tap water (Chicago water) no difference always feels watery on the tongue. every beer that I have ever tasted that was "awesome" has always had a "syrup" type to...
  6. FreeLordBrewing

    pitching complete starter vs draining liquid and using just yeast

    based on recipe, reactions, and all other pre-formentioned information on this brew......I'd like to take a poll on wether or not to secondary ferment?? I usually have always racked into a secondary approx. 3 weeks after primary....but I wanted to try just a primary (and only) on this...
  7. FreeLordBrewing

    pitching complete starter vs draining liquid and using just yeast

    Using the stick on thermometer it measures 72 on bucket, kept my stirplate in same spot while fermenting my starter, it measured 70, ambient around 68. Cooled wort to 70 when I pitched. I assume bucket/fermenter will drop to 70 as fermentation slows.
  8. FreeLordBrewing

    pitching complete starter vs draining liquid and using just yeast

    no temp control, in a basement. sitting at 72 degrees, will probally drop a few degrees as fermentation slows. using wyeast Irish ale 1084 2 smack packs in a starter with stir plate approx 14 hours prior to pitch. I'll have to look into fusels. Thanks for the tips.
  9. FreeLordBrewing

    pitching complete starter vs draining liquid and using just yeast

    due to time resitrictions I decided on pitching the complete contents of erlenmeyer versus decanting......I ended up with 4.75+ gallons to hit my target gravity of 1.095 (prior to yeast pitching) I should have posted before brewing ha ha. with the addition of the yeast/wort it brought it to a...
  10. FreeLordBrewing

    pitching complete starter vs draining liquid and using just yeast

    hey everyone it has been a long time since I brewed a beer, life has gotten in the way of hobbies, but wanted to make a beer to give away as xmas gifts. making an imperial porter target OG is 1.090 made a starter with 2000ml of wort and 2 wyeast smack packs. (200G extra light DME to final...
  11. FreeLordBrewing

    any body else get migranes/bad headaches from drinking??

    my issue was with ANY alcohol, didn't matter the beer, or hard booze, wine, but for what ever reason I am cured!! :ban:
  12. FreeLordBrewing

    using mr malty android app

    thanks! for the reply :mug:
  13. FreeLordBrewing

    any body else get migranes/bad headaches from drinking??

    wooby111 just an update: it is currently Dec. 2013 and still have not had any type of reaction/head ache!! maybe the cluster head aches are still dormant (hopefully not), but looking back there is a bit of information I had left out, and didn't even once think to mention as it being related...
  14. FreeLordBrewing

    using mr malty android app

    need any input or advice. I am going to put out some numbers here. OG is going to be 1.116 I am using a Wyeast activator 1056 american ale. with a viabillity of 74% based on MFG date of smack pack per Mr malty. going to pitch this into a 2.5 gal batch of 1.116 gravity. just...
  15. FreeLordBrewing

    Counter pressure filler

    the water turned blue-ish in color, (only soaked for 15 minutes) then soaked in starsan for 5 minutes, (It never got dark) so I think I should be ok, thank you for your reply.
  16. FreeLordBrewing

    Counter pressure filler

    I like the ease of use with the beer gun, but prefer the ability to fill under pressure. Plus I didn't spend an arm and a leg so I am interested in seeing how well it works.
  17. FreeLordBrewing

    Counter pressure filler

    hey everyone I decided to construct my own counter pressure filler after pricing one out at the local home brew shop. I followed the instructions from this link in the link the builder explains of soaking the brass items in a solution of 2 parts...
  18. FreeLordBrewing

    any body else get migranes/bad headaches from drinking??

    I'm not sure honestly, maybe sinus, maybe stress, maybe something more just happier to be over that hurdle. and I agree with you ReverseApacheMaster. As soon as I get some health coverage. motobrewer I hear ya and understand about your German friends.... just wanted you to know where I...
  19. FreeLordBrewing

    any body else get migranes/bad headaches from drinking??

    Thanks for all the replies....but alas the situation becomes more complex....first off let me start by saying I'm cured!!!!! No more headaches!!!! (Well the kind that I originally wrote about, still get the hangover ones lol) how did I cure em??? Not quite sure but it involved me going on...