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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. M

    Blow Off Tube

    What is everyone's best method for using a blow off tube with a bung type thermowell? Brewed a stout (OG 1.06) over the weekend and fitted with my new thermowell and new stainless steel blow off tube. Woke up the next morning to this. Obviously a lot of krausen, but I thought by using a blow off...
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    Fermentation Times - General Rule?

    While I understand "when its done", I was more or less looking for experience with quality. Maybe my question was more in regards to aging and not fermenting. Is there any benefit in leaving a beer in the primary after it reaches FG? I typically keg after 21 days and let them age; Depending on...
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    Fermentation Times - General Rule?

    I am curious if there is a general rule for fermentation and aging times for each style of beer. Based on the recipe database, there are large variances. For example I typically only leave my APA's/IPA's in the primary for 10-14 days and before kegging, but I will leave my Brown Ales and Stouts...
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    Understanding My Water Report

    I have always used city water for brewing without water treatments and seem to brew pretty good beers. As with any hobby, I am trying to take it to the next level. I would like to continue using city water, but am curious as to what additions may or may not be needed. I requested a water...
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    Freezer Gets Cold But Refrigerator Does Not

    I just purchased a used GE refrigerator to be converted into a kegerator. This is a freezer on top style unit. The freezer appears to be working pretty well (18 degrees F), however the refrigerator will not get below 45F. I was wondering if there is a way to modify the refrigerator to divert...
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    Pumpkin Ale - No Fermentation

    Thanks for the good information. Still new to the AG game and get a little anxious at times.
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    Pumpkin Ale - No Fermentation

    Just attempted my first pumpkin ale this past weekend. Everything went well and smelled and tasted great when I transfered into my primary. When I went to pitch my yeast (Wyeast 1056 smack pack) I realized that one of the nutrient packs inside had not opened. Its been 36 hours and still no...
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    Liquid Yeast Getting Hot During Shipment

    I live in the South and been ordering liquid Wyeast smack packs from AHS. This is about a 2 day shipment so the yeast becomes very warm in these summer months. How does this affect the vitality of the yeast? I noticed my last IPA batch had much slower fermentation that I expected....I read if...
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    Pre Boil Gravity Same as Post Boil Gravity

    Could it be possible that the sample I took was not very homogeneous? I took the second sample from the top. Would the wort not be more dense near the bottom?
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    Pre Boil Gravity Same as Post Boil Gravity

    I had a pre boil volume of 6.5 gallons and a post boil volume pretty close to 5 gallons. For some reason, both of my gravity readings turned out to be the exact same. I cooled both samples down to the same temperature. I checked by hydrometer and verified that it is calibrated. How is it...
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    Pre Boil Gravity vs Post Boil Gravity

    I am a little confused. I am very new to AG brewing. My first batch was an American IPA with a target OG of 1.062. I used Beer Smith to help create the recipe. After I mashed and sparged I took a gravity reading of the pre-boil and it was around 1.04ish. Beer smith uses this number to caSculate...
  12. M

    Wheat beer came out light

    I used Wyeast Weihenstephan Weizen 3068. I mashed at around 152 so that could by part of the issue. I also agree that the grain bill is a little underwhelming. Does anyone have a better yeast recommendation?
  13. M

    Wheat beer came out light

    My second all grain batch I attempted a Hefe. I followed a recipe I found here using 5# pale malt and 3.2# wheat malt. I hit my gravity almost to a tee so I assumed everything would be great. When I racked to the secondary I got a little nervous because it seemed a little light. I bottled couple...
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    Bad hops ruin my beer?

    I was nearing the end of the boil of my first ever AG batch, which so happen to be an IPA, where I prepared to add the final hop addition of 1oz Cascade. When I opened the bag and smelled them they seemed to be a little off. Not a terrible smell, just not the classic citrusy smell I expected. I...
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    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    I'm feeling lucky!
  16. M

    No Bottle Caps!

    I started sterilizing my bottles and bottling equipment last night when I just realized I have no more bottle caps left. There are no LHBS around where I live. Anyone know of a retailer that might sell these???? I hate to waste all the time I spent prepping.....
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    All Grain Starter Brew Kettle

    I know AlaBrew well! I lived in Birmingham for about a year and visited their shop several times. I agree with the knowledgeable / grumpy comment wholeheartedly. I just read the law and thought it to be odd that its illegal to own any equipment used to manfucture alcoholic beverages, but at the...
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    All Grain Starter Brew Kettle

    I just moved here not long ago and thought I heard someone mention this. Just looked it up and sure enough, its illegal. Alabama is stuck in the Bible Belt so I'm not at all surprised. I just hope that the Alabama law enforcement is more focused on the high murder rate and not my 5 gallon...
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    All Grain Starter Brew Kettle

    We do not have many home brew supply stores here (AKA zero), so it seems that online shopping is going to be best way to purchase equipment and supplies. Do yall have an online store you recommend? Preferably someone who offers free shipping.....
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    All Grain Starter Brew Kettle

    Thanks for the help. I searched Ebay for a good 45 minutes the other day and never came across this one. I may need to improve my keyword techniques. Was the 36qt kettle sufficient for 5 gallon batches?