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  1. millhouse46

    Introducing lactobacillus to brew

    Hey guys, I am planning my first sour beer and want to use Lactobacillus and I am wondering if I need to dedicate my plastic brewing equipment like ferm. bucket, siphon hoses etc. to this process? Is there a best practice to cleaning and sanitizing when it comes to Lacto? I am a big fan of...
  2. millhouse46

    Nothin' doin' in my carboy after pitch

    Your right checking the gravity would be the best way to tell if anything has happened. I did shake the carboy and some bubbles rose to the top with a white crust around the bubble that stayed floating on the top. This seems to me like a visual sign of fermentation of some kind. But usually by...
  3. millhouse46

    Nothin' doin' in my carboy after pitch

    Now that I think about it the vial has been in my fridge for a few months. I have been waiting to brew this one. That might have something to do with it. I chilled the wort to 70 and pitched the vial and put carboy in basement. It got down to about 61 F for about 24 hrs.(I wasn't expecting...
  4. millhouse46

    Nothin' doin' in my carboy after pitch

    4 gal. OG 1.056
  5. millhouse46

    Nothin' doin' in my carboy after pitch

    I brewed and Oud Bruin Thursday and pitched a vial of WLP 665. I have kept the temp in the low 70's but there is nothing going on in the carboy. No airlock movement no krausen or pelical. Any words of wisdom would be helpful.
  6. millhouse46

    Question about Kolsch Yeast 2565

    Very cool! I didn't even think about reculturing the yeast until you mentioned it. It might be interesting to experiment and make a different "style" using the kolsch yeast.
  7. millhouse46

    Question about Kolsch Yeast 2565

    That was the funny thing that had me worried. I had it on the sun and it wasn't swelling. Maybe it was to hot. On a good note when I got home from work today the krausan had formed on the top and it seemed to be making progress. Although it was not bubbling like I would have expected. Midnight...
  8. millhouse46

    Question about Kolsch Yeast 2565

    Two_one_seven, I was thinking I may have under pitched. I didn't make a starter for it and I was having a little trouble getting cooled. I was under the gun time wise and pitched in high 70s.
  9. millhouse46

    Question about Kolsch Yeast 2565

    I have an all grain Kolsch that has a OG of 1.040 and i used the Kolsch 2565 Wyeast smack pack. I smacked it early in the day and put it in a good spot and it never swelled like the other packs I have used. When I was ready to pitch the yeast, when I opened it, it smelled off like a sharp not...
  10. millhouse46

    Mead bottling prep.

    Great response that was the info I was looking for. Thank you
  11. millhouse46

    Mead bottling prep.

    I am going to bottle my first mead soon and was hoping to get some advice on the steps for still and carbonated versions of bottling. Sorry for such a broad and noob-y-ish question but I would rather get it right than go on assumptions. I have brewed plenty of batches of beer and a few wines...
  12. millhouse46

    how to use my grains

    This a two part question about a partial or mini mash extract beer. Part 1: I am using 12 oz. of crushed pale 2 row malt. Since it is a base malt does it need to be fully mashed for 45 min at a specific temp. or can i just steep it like a caramel malt for 20 min. at a specific temp. like...
  13. millhouse46

    When is it mine to name?

    I have brewed about a dozen beers and they have all been extract and partial mash kits or using someone else's recipe from a book or magazine. How much modification to a recipe does it take for me to give it my own name? Its not a huge deal but i have a small problem giving someone else's beer...
  14. millhouse46

    Cheap and Easy Bottle Cap Labels

    Hey jcbrewer. I noticed your labels in the thread for bottle cap labels and I really like the graphics that you came up with. It is better than just text in black and white. Did you do that using the template in Microsoft or did you use a different program to get those results? I have my own...
  15. millhouse46

    gravity reading doesn't match up

    Great advice and insight. I do realize there is nothing I can do at this point but looking back I aerate the wort back and for between the brew pot and fermentor through a fine strainer and created a fine looking frothy concoction, but I did not aerate after adding the water like i have in the...
  16. millhouse46

    gravity reading doesn't match up

    I just brewed the Brewers Best Pumpkin Porter last night and I followed the directions as they were written. I added 4 lbs. of pumpkin to the wort as it boiled, which was not in the directions, and backed off the spices by about half. I put 4 tbsp. instead of the whole 2.5 oz. packet. So the...
  17. millhouse46

    Pumkin Porter Kit

    Cool that is encouraging but the kit came with 2.5 oz or pumpkin pie spice. That seems like a little much to me. What was the total amount of spices you used?
  18. millhouse46

    Pumkin Porter Kit

    I am going to brew the Brewer's Best Pumpkin Porter tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone has brewed or tasted it? I have looked for reviews but seem to be coming up a little short. I am also planning on using some fresh toasted pumpkin in the boil to enhance the brew just a little bit. I...
  19. millhouse46

    Best cheap commercial beer you've ever had?

    For light beer Old Milwaukee Lt. is pretty good and another I stumbled on is Coors Extra Gold. It is cheap and pretty good.
  20. millhouse46

    Is he right?

    Thanks for the posts everyone! I am asking about the plastic water bottles though. I want to reuse a 5 gallon water bottle for a primary or secondary fermentation. My wording was a little unclear in the OP. I wanted to buy a rubber stopper for a 5 gallon water cooler bottle and the HBS owner...