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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. S

    Tasted our first AG - a red

    I LOVED it. J thought it a little thin, and he's right - it's still young. But overall, considering we know of two mistakes we made (not sparging efficiently and a mediocre boil), I am thrilled with it. It was my recipe, adapted from two different irish reds, and I'm very proud that it is...
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    NHL is back

    w00t! YAY WINGS!
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    Universal Studios or Magic Kingdom?

    Here's a book for you, and Hiassen is a fabulous writer.
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    am i crazy....?

    Did my BF change his user name??? :D
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    NHL is back

    I'm a Packers fan, too. Does that redeem me in any way? :p
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    NHL is back

    This Yank LOVES his wardrobe, he wouldn't be the same without it LOL GO RED WINGS!
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    NHL is back

    WOOHOO!!! I miss Don Cherry since moving to IL, this ROCKS
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    Universal Studios or Magic Kingdom?

    The consensus around here is Universal Studios.
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    Word Association

    creepy .gif
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    Are we a bunch of tightwads?

    Chiming in as a relative newcomer to brewing and a moneysaver (according to the man) ... There are things in life I don't mind spending money on, but if I can get quality at a good price simply by: researching, using coupons, waiting for a sale, etc... then I will. If this makes me...
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    How do you pick what you are brewing, and a name?

    Since we just started in December, we haven't really set a pattern for choosing what to brew. I love bocks and porters, so those were the first two since the brewing kit was "my" birthday present. Then ill.literate wanted an IPA and I wanted a red, those were next, the red being brewed on...
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    st. peter's old style porter clone

    PLEASE post about how this turns out! This is one of my fave's. I'd love to add it to the ever growing queue of things we're going to brew :D
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    Why You Brew

    You write quite well on my behalf :) You are exactly right. I love brewing, and brewing with my HWMBO is a great bonus.
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    Favorite Word

    a$$hat and a$$whacker (my favourite) are used around here a bit.
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    Hopes and Dreams?

    Little house or cabin on some land, my man, our kids, assorted four legged critters, enough room to brew, books to read, music to listen to, and a lot of love and laughter. Add various outdoorsy activities and that's my dream.
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    best beers? list them so i can try them!

    Since Dragon's Milk is listed... :) I like: Leinie's Big Butt Dopplebock (if anyone EVER sees a BB shirt or hat, let me know, I need something that says Big Butt on it) St. Peter's Old Style Porter Young's Double Chocolate Stout
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    Choose me a Avatar....

    DITTO. I vote for Little Toot! lol
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    Baby next week!

    Congrats :D I love babies :)
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    Brewery Tours/Visits?

    Thanks for all these ideas, I've added some to my list of places to see. Despite not liking Miller, Bud or Coors, I would like to see the operation.
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    Best Beer Bars in America

    This is a great thread, thanks for keeping it going. My two faves are: for a HUGE choices of beers, The Oak Cafe in Wyandotte, Michigan. Roughly 250+ brews to choose from, lots of locals that you just can't find anywhere else. for fantastic food and good local brews, Firkin in...