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  1. kallen

    question on a keg for a keggle conversion

    First, lets clarify that I am talking about the literal direct interpretation of ownership of said keg. Kegs are OWNED by the brewery. The distributors/retailers/customers pay deposits, so that the brewery gets the kegs back. The ONLY entity that has legal right to dispose/sell of the kegs...
  2. kallen

    question on a keg for a keggle conversion

    Sorry man, I work in the brewing industry. Kegs are the property of the brewery, not the distributor. The distributor has no right to give the kegs away. The brewery charges the distributor a deposit, that deposit gets passed down to the retail customer. Aluminum is expensive, and lost/stolen...
  3. kallen

    Noob needs help

    Yes, I used a recipe. But by the time I started brewing myself I was unsatisfied with the kits at the LHBS. I wanted my own beer, I didn't want to make something I could buy at a store. I did look up some reference information on ratios of base malts to other malts and typical hopping...
  4. kallen


    From Wyeast Labs... "High pitch rates can lead to: •Very low ester production •Very fast fermentations •Thin or lacking body/mouthfeel •Autolysis (Yeasty flavors due to lysing of cells)"
  5. kallen

    bottles keep building pressure

    What temperature do you keep your fridge at? I had bottle bomb issues with a root beer I made. The champagne yeast kept carbonating in my fridge at 42F, and they would spray 7ft in the air. I have the scars on my hands from one exploding on me to prove it too. Possibly you may not be...
  6. kallen

    Noob needs help

    This is one reason why I don't clone beers. Why try to make someone elses beer? I would much rather enjoy my own. If the gravity has stopped dropping, it is ready. Bottle it, wait, and enjoy.
  7. kallen


    No, I haven't made a starter for any of my beers and haven't had any problems using WL yeast. It is a matter of storage and time that I don't make starters.
  8. kallen


    I use WLP004 for all my stouts.
  9. kallen

    Hydro reading drop massive

    If I am deciphering your post right, you forgot to put the airlock back on. If so, put the air lock on immediately! If there was still active fermentation going on while the air lock is off, the yeast is still producing CO2. CO2 is heavier then air, so hopefully there is a blanket of CO2 on...
  10. kallen

    Hello Folks

    Boiling with the lid off allows any DMS from mashing to escape. But I used to boil with the lid cracked and never had any DMS present in my beers. Believe me, if you have DMS in your beer, you will know it! High surface tension causes boil overs, constant stirring or having a small fan blow...
  11. kallen

    IPA Fermentation Question

    WL001 optimal range is 68-73, which is just that, optimal. It's still an ale yeast that will ferment at lower/higher temps. What temperature did it get up to during active fermentation, that is more pertinent? At the lower end of the optimal range you will produce phenolic flavors and at the...
  12. kallen

    What's the worst craft brew (commercial) you've had?

    Shock Top Pumpkin Spice; tasted like they spilled the whole bottle of nutmeg into the bottle. What do you expect from AB?
  13. kallen

    question on a keg for a keggle conversion

    Gotta love how people are "willing" to sell stolen items. Not that using commercial kegs in home brewing is new or uncommon. Just ironically funny. Good luck with the build, I am jealous. I don't have any place for a brew sculpture, unless I want to permanently park outside. Which isn't...
  14. kallen

    It's a sad day....

    BLASPHEMY! I would love to make beer for a living. Although I work in the conditioning department of a macro brewery, it would be heaven to actually get to create beers for others to enjoy. But I am too risk adverse to open my own brewery, and SHMBO agrees. And I thought I brewed a lot (5...
  15. kallen

    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    Said the hipster at a beer festival "My favorite beer is PBR, they are a small brewery and don't get sucked into that corporate greed crap." There was just too much wrong with not only his statement, but with the whole situation.
  16. kallen

    Cocoa nibs, chocolate powder, and coffee beans

    In my Chocolate Coffee Stout, I used 4oz of cold pressed espresso in the boil during the last 10 minutes. Then once my beer was in secondary I added an additional 4oz of the cold pressed espresso and 8oz of cacao nibs. I let that sit for 4 weeks. (5 gallon batch) I wouldn't recommend...
  17. kallen

    Primary fermentation question

    I brew on a glass top electric range. Don't have any issues with the boil, since I start the heat at the start of sparging and it's at a full boil by the time my 30 quart kettle is full. And I know the set point to keep the kettle at a steady boil. The only problem I have is that I step mash...
  18. kallen

    aging porter

    Is it a new barrel or a used barrel? The infusion of oak character fades over time/use. I bought a new barrel and got a great oak flavor out of just 4 weeks aging. However the second batch through the barrel went 8 weeks and I got the same level of oak flavor.
  19. kallen

    Do you think the professional breweries tell the truth

    Your big macro level breweries blend batches to match particular flavor profiles. Smaller micro and local breweries don't have the storage capacity to do this. So there can be nuance differences from batch to batch. Which to me is the beauty and art of brewing beer. Every time it is...
  20. kallen

    Cocoa nibs, chocolate powder, and coffee beans

    Unless you are using a pad filter, don't use chocolate powder. The other two should be fine either in secondary or extract like stated above.