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    Keg seal is leaking.

    I had the same problem and noticed that the rim on the opening to the keg had a bend in 1 section. I pulled it back inline with some vice grips and that did the trick for me.
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    Homebrewer Ben Starr, finalist on Tv's Master Chef season 2

    Ben, Congratulations on your success with the show. I can see you integrating craft beers/homebrew into your own cooking show. I'm curious to know if you have remade the venison dish just for the hell of it. I have some venison loin and want to try to make it. If you have the chance, please...
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    Homebrewer Ben Starr, finalist on Tv's Master Chef season 2

    I'm starting to think that bald headed judge is ruining the show. He's so dramatic with his comments and dumping the food. This guy seems to get pleasure by bringing an adult to tears. It think its stupid that being a contestant on the show requires that you have to become the recipient to...
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    Homebrewer Ben Starr, finalist on Tv's Master Chef season 2

    Glad that prick got kicked off. I think Ben has a good strategy of flying under the radar until the end.
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    Homebrewer Ben Starr, finalist on Tv's Master Chef season 2

    Ben, I'll be rooting for you. My SWMBO said that your forgetting the secret ingredient then laughing about it would be something I would do. Hilarious! good luck.
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    Dark Mild Reaper's Mild, 1st place 2011 HBT Competition

    Kudos azcoob, My beer turned out great. Just poured my first sample. A refreshing, easy drinking ale. Nice clean taste thats slightly nutty and roasty.
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    Keezer lid Fail

    I built a keezer last Christmas and attached the lid with silicone sealant. Yesterday, the lid came off when I opened it. The bead i used was a little more than 1/4" thick zigg zagged around the top of the collar. Please give me some tips to get the lid to attach better.
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    Dark Mild Reaper's Mild, 1st place 2011 HBT Competition

    How long has your Krausen stayed fluffy. Mine dropped pretty quick. after 3 days.
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    Dark Mild Reaper's Mild, 1st place 2011 HBT Competition

    The og was 1.039, But I was short on volume about 1/2 gal. My boil off rate is tricky with a wide mouth pot. So I think it would have been spot on if my volume was correct. I hit my temps and double sparged as per directions.
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    Dark Mild Reaper's Mild, 1st place 2011 HBT Competition

    Mashing the grains as I type. Cant wait to hear some reports from the others who have brewed this one. Brew shop did not have crystal 60. Had to use some 80 and 45 mixed
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    Liquid CO2?

    So if the industrial supply company fills a tank and it weights 5lb more than an empty tank. And, A lhbs shop fills a tank from a larger tank (looks like the helium balloon tanks at the grocery store) and the tank also weighs 5lb more than the empty weight, What you are saying is the tank filled...
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    Liquid CO2?

    I called a gas distribution company regarding tank fills. The guy says their 5lb tank fills will last much longer because they use liquid CO2 to fill the tank rather than filling from another tank like what a lhbs would do. Is this true? I'm skeptical.
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    Pond Pump for IC

    cool it down to what? takes me about 20 minutes to get to 86 ish. My tap water in the spring and summer is about 80*
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    Recipe Help: Little Hump Spring Ale

    Mine was just a stab, you would need to put it to a computer program to calculate the OG. I could be off. I thought it should be something like 1.048-1.050 I put the sugar to dry the beer out abit. May be too much. Interested in what your lhbs says.
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    Pond Pump for IC

    I have this one and now wish I had gotten a bigger one. It takes too long to get the wort that last 20 degrees cooler.
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    Recipe Help: Little Hump Spring Ale

    I'm interested also in cloning this beer. I emailed the brewery and got no response and also saw on their fb page that someone tried to get info and they were tight lipped. The beer is light on bitterness and heavy on the flavor and aroma hops on the back end with a dry finish. It does not have...
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    Growing our own hops - Our first Hop Farm

    Looks like you amended the soil a little bit where you are planting the rhizome. I would do like 5x that. With plants, you grow roots not shoots
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    Hefe protein rest?

    I ended up doing the rest at 105*F, I noticed some sort white precipitate, for lack of a better word, in the mash. Was that the Beta glucans that to rest breaks down?
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    Hefe protein rest?

    I'm doing a basic Hefe with: 5.5# german wheat 4.5# 2 row .5#carapils Should I do a protein rest at 120F for 20 mins? Any benefits besides giving the beer more of a clove character? If I do a rest, I thinking about thinking about doing the following procedure. Start the mash thick...
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    rookies first attempt at automation

    Can you post a close up of the Flux capacitor?