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  1. E

    Did I add too much chalk?

    Boom, just what I was looking for. I'll get some baking soda for next time, and a digital pH-ometer, but for now I will breath easy that this batch won't be any worse than the rest. In fact, I'm still hoping some of my other changes will help the issues I've had - less chocolate and black...
  2. E

    Did I add too much chalk?

    I have not used any of those calculators, I can try them out. But, for my immediate problem - if the chalk doesn't dissolve well, then does it mean that I have effectively done nothing to my mash? I did see the strips get a bit darker, so it does appear that the chalk had an effect. For next...
  3. E

    Did I add too much chalk?

    I'm doing an AG porter recipe. Historically, I have been dissatisfied with my porters - they come out thin, and a bit acidic. Some research suggested that my issue may be mash pH, so I bought so pH strips and some chalk. I measured my mash pH using the strips and it was in the 4.9 range, so I...
  4. E

    Python Recipe Creator

    Hey, thanks for checking it out! I do realize that most people prefer some kind of GUI: it's why I couldn't find something that works for me available. I know brew target is a popular open source offering, but it's still not conducive to the work flow I like to use. I'm going to cross post this...
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    Python Recipe Creator

    Hello all! I've thrown together a simple recipe creator using python that satisfies my preferred work flow: using vim and command-line utilities. The input is a human-readable text file (I arbitrarily use a .conf extension) and the output is directly to the command-line, though you can redirect...
  6. E

    Too Much Chocolate Malt?

    I remember why I chose such a large proportion of crystal: my last amber that I mad had 20% crystal, and I was really happy with the malty/caramely profile of it. I decided to expand on that with my porter, so kept the crystal at 20% and added a bunch of chocolate to sort of balance it out. I'm...
  7. E

    Too Much Chocolate Malt?

    What do you think the problem with that much crystal will be?
  8. E

    Too Much Chocolate Malt?

    Heh, I suppose you're right, I did go a little high on the Crystal proportions, at least compared to the commercial examples listed in Designing Great Beers. I forget why I chose such a large proportion of crystal (I've had Amber Ale on the mind a lot lately ,maybe that had something to do with...
  9. E

    Too Much Chocolate Malt?

    I've made a porter and a handful of milk stouts in the past, but I've never used this much chocolate malt. I'm ok with it making my brew dark as the night, but if it will be ridiculously overpowering I'd like to know ahead of time so I can tone it down. I'd like the crystal malts to still be...
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    Too Much Chocolate Malt?

    Hm, and I go well beyond that at 1.3 lb for a 5-gallon batch.
  11. E

    Too Much Chocolate Malt?

    For a porter, I got a grain bill with ~9.5% chocolate malt by weight, as well as ~10.5% homemade brown malt. I calculated the amount of malt needed using the methods described in Designing Great Beers, and got the chocolate malt provided 7.5% of my gravity points. My question is, will such a...
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    Relay Wiring Question

    Well, I'm of the impression that on an ssr there is no "coil" per say. I am controlling the ssr with a dc pwm signal, and the ssr is controlling an ac signal.
  13. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    My ssr is as listed in my original post. It lists "vac" on the T1 T2 lugs (is there a different/better way of referring to these?)
  14. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    Sure, but the lead time on a cheap ssr from china is somewhat exorbitant (is that word even appropriate to use here? I think you get my drift though). Maybe my problem is that I used a CHEAP relay...
  15. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    Yes, that is exactly my prob.
  16. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    "Closed" would mean that it would allow current to flow, correct? i.e. a closed circuit?
  17. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    I have my own LED hooked up in parallel to the control lugs, and it blinks on and off respectively, so I'm rather confident that the pwm is working correctly.
  18. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    I've tested the continuity at the ssr with the pwm signal sent to the control and it displays as continuous even with a really small duty cycle. I'm still not convinced the ssr is bad: I want to hook up the actual working voltage and measure the current through the T1 T2 lugs and see if it...
  19. E

    Relay Wiring Question The seventh post in that thread has a diagram that depicts the wiring of my ssr. I do not have a dpdt switch wired in, however (I may add one down the line, but currently I'm just using my gfci to cut the power) and instead of a...
  20. E

    Relay Wiring Question

    I'm aware that it just switches things on/off, but I was of the impression that the average voltage would fluctuate with changin duty cycle, much like the brightness of an LED can be controlled using a PWM signal and adjusting its duty cycle.