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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. rockgeek

    Easy Stove-Top Pasteurizing - With Pics

    Apologies if this question has been asked in this thread, I tried searching but didn't really get anywhere... I've got cider that's at the right carbonation in 22oz bottles and I like to try the stove top pasteurization. Here's the question: Has anyone had the experience of not being able to...
  2. rockgeek

    Homebrewtalk Carboy Cleaner Giveaway

    A carboy cleaner perfect for cleaning carboys and spanking my wife. (no wives were harmed in the creation of this haiku)
  3. rockgeek

    Enough yeast for high gravity saison?

    According to Wyeast's site the temperature range for this yeast is 65-77 and it sounds like many have fermented in that range. I might try to get it into the low 70s to start with a heating pad (until it gets going).
  4. rockgeek

    Enough yeast for high gravity saison?

    Thanks all for the input... leaning toward just pitching the pack. Would there be a downside to brewing today and pitching tomorrow? I would imagine you give aerated wort more time to lose oxygen out of solution and give wort more contact time with air (before CO2 would push air out of...
  5. rockgeek

    Most aggressive yeast strain?

    planning on using 3711 today for the first time... is it aggressive enough that I'd need a blowoff for a 5 gallon batch in a 6.5 gallon carboy?
  6. rockgeek

    Enough yeast for high gravity saison?

    thanks bottlebomber! question though... I'm brewing all grain and don't have any DME lying around, suitable substitute?
  7. rockgeek

    Enough yeast for high gravity saison?

    I'm planning to brew a high gravity saison tomorrow with wyeast 3711 (125ml smack pack)... here's my concern: the week has been pretty crazy and I didn't think about making a starter until now. I really want to brew tomorrow but don't want to screw my batch by not having sufficient cells...
  8. rockgeek

    Back in Black IPA

    I've been looking for a good recipe in this style... I like the sound of this one, I'm gonna try it this weekend!
  9. rockgeek

    American Pale Ale Citra Pale Ale

    Brewed a GREAT citra pale recently... agree that citra needs a slight malt backbone. I used maris otter, delicious.
  10. rockgeek

    Picking an Aromatic

    hops = aromatic flower, right? And why the assumption that those of us that are exploring are new brewers? I've had some killer beers with added aromatics... don't tell me you've never had Elysian's Avatar Jasmine IPA?
  11. rockgeek

    Picking an Aromatic

    I'm also curious about linden... my wife and I collected linden flowers this evening at our local park, the smell was incredible! Seems like they would make a great addition to an APA. Anybody have any experience making beer with linden or tasting?
  12. rockgeek

    Graff (Malty, slightly hopped cider)

    just pitched... variations (based on what I had in house): British ale yeast 1 lb light DME 1 lb dark brown sugar malt - 12 oz melanoiden hops - 0.5 oz fuggles (6.0%AA) 1.060 OG - delightful flavor! thanks for the recipe....
  13. rockgeek

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

  14. rockgeek

    Brewing with Cedar

    My wife distills essential oils so I have a lot of byproduct around in the form of hydrosols, ie condensed water saturated with particular parts of the essential oil... she distills a number of evergreens including cedar. I've been trying to figure out some way to include in one of my brews...