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  1. MRbutlertron

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    well hello there...
  2. MRbutlertron

    Irish Stout Ó Flannagáin Standard

    I don't think wheat malt would be a problem, I subbed it before for Carapils and everything tasted fine
  3. MRbutlertron

    Should i be worried about krausen coming thru my airlock?

    Perhaps you shouldn't use a blowoff tube then... If CO2 is getting out and you're not concerned about a clog then there isn't really a need for a blowoff, I just like that extra comfort. As far as if you're keeping more beer that all depends on how much beer you lose through your airlock, but...
  4. MRbutlertron

    Should i be worried about krausen coming thru my airlock?

    I wouldn't be overly worried about sterilization but I would clean your airlock out if there is beer in it. Also, I would put on a blowoff tube. I know you said you never needed one but in this scenario it sounds like you do, also it's much easier to attach a blowoff tube then to clean beer...
  5. MRbutlertron

    First time Brewer

    It didn't stop prematurely, sometimes the bulk ok fermentation can be completed within 2-4 days. However I would let it sit for another week or two so the yeast can clean up. Welcome to the forum, and have fun brewing.
  6. MRbutlertron

    is this kit worth $300?

    I agree no brew kettle=I wouldn't do it, and 300 seems a bit overpriced
  7. MRbutlertron

    A gross IPA

  8. MRbutlertron

    What did you bottle / Keg today?

    Kegged some Bavarian Hefeweizen
  9. MRbutlertron

    Free Brewing timer for Mac OS X?

    Thanks! I just downloaded it and it will definitely do the trick.
  10. MRbutlertron

    Philadelphia Draught Horse Homebrew Contest

    Hey just thought I would let everyone know that the Draught Horse (right by Temple University, off Broad Street) is having a homebrew contest June 7th, 2011 with the style judged being wheat beers. Some cool prizes and sure to be a good time...
  11. MRbutlertron

    Had to dump my first batch. Sad.

    Never knew that thanks, I got the impression from the OP that it was dumped because of a lack of airlock activity so I just thought I would offer my .02 Sorry about your batch, better luck next time!
  12. MRbutlertron

    bottling for the first time..what did you do wrong?

    Ya I would make sure you rack your beer on top of your priming sugar.
  13. MRbutlertron

    Had to dump my first batch. Sad.

    Did you use your hydrometer?
  14. MRbutlertron

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2011?

    +5 Bavarian Hefeweizen 13716.5 + 5 = 13721.5
  15. MRbutlertron

    Keezer photos

    Where in Philly? I'm planning on building a Keezer this summer and that looks awesome!
  16. MRbutlertron

    May the 4th be with you.

    Not a Star Wars beer name but a funny clip I came across nonetheless
  17. MRbutlertron

    Foamy beer but flat

    Do you have a fan circulating the air to ensure that your lines are staying cool?
  18. MRbutlertron

    Proper way to transfer from 2ndary to Keg?

    I use a racking cane and siphon the beer from secondary into the bottom of my keg. If I feel that I need to use a strainer I will wrap a muslin bag either around my racking cane or the end of my siphon hose. I'm not sure what you mean when you say pour your beer into the keg? You want to be...
  19. MRbutlertron

    Better Bottle 5 Gallon Carboy

    I don't want to go to the hospital because of a broken carboy so I use better bottles. I have never had a problem with them and would highly recommend them. Price Payed: $35.00 Recommended? Yes Pros: See through, durable Cons: won't shatter