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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. H

    Southern MD brewers club

    Count me in next time. I have been brewing for the past five years and have been looking for a local group to hang out with.
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    ghetto brew setups?...

    That is way cool
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    15 gal conical I put together

    I see these in my future
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    DIY Tap Handle?

    Ah-ha, legs from Lowes. I used those to make a couple of tap handles myself.
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    Fermenting Cabinet on the shelf

    Another project on my agenda, when will it ever end.
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    St. Patty's Swamp Water (green beer thread)

    Well said, Jimmy. Do what we homebrewers do best, making beer we like, for the people we like.
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    Research Paper on beer!

    I saw a piece a few weeks ago on the Discovery Channel (or one of those types of channels) that pretty much said that the whole history of mankind's evolution, industrialization, medical breakthrough revolved around the discovery of beer. Now that would make for an interesting paper.
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    Need names of terrible beers

    Anything that says Bud or Light
  9. H

    Free beer stuff (no actual stuff here)

    Abita Brewery has a free tour which techincally last for an hour (20 minutes of tasting before tour, 20 minute tour, 20 minutes of tasting after tour). It's a full size bar with help yourself taps.
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    Need some electrical help / advice.

    The 'AWG 10-3 / TYPE NM-B' is a 10 guage 3 conductor nonmetallic-sheathed cable suitalbe for up to a 30 amp breaker. I'm not an electrician, but I am betting the this could be used for an all electric set up.
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    Looking for Used Kegs in So. Maryland

    Does anyone know where I can get some used kegs for kettle conversion in Southern Maryland?
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    Wit Beer

    Jim, That's why I thought I would start with a Wit and experiment with adding the chocolate. Couldn't be that bad.
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    Wit Beer

    Thanks Bob. What about adding cocoa powder/nibs during secondary fermentation?
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    Taking the new setup for a ride

    Can you let me know what stainless steel cleaner you are going to use, I would like to invest in that company. Very Clean.
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    Wit Beer

    Has anybody tried to add Chocolate Wheat Malt in thier Belgian Wit Beer? I was thinking that it would be a good mix, orange & chocolate.
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    Squam Lakes Brewery with Pictures

    Your set up looks great, I'm looking into doing the samething when my wife retires in a few years. So I have been doing a lot of research. I have a question about your labels. Where do you find the information as to what needs to be on the label, i.e. barcodes, warnings, etc.
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    worst beer you ever made

    I had two: 1. A Belgian Spiced Ale that my wife said tasted like cough syrup, too much chamomile. 2. A Ginger Beer that I have to admit reminded me of eating sushi.
  18. H

    2 New labels for comment...

    Diablo Rojo, but that would go much better with an Irish Red Ale
  19. H

    Show us your Kegerator
