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  1. J

    Two Brothers "Dog Days" Clone Recipe Wanted

    Not sure if this is the place or not. Have any of you successfully cloned Two Brothers' "Dog Days" Dortmunder Lager? I can't get enough of it.
  2. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    Just an update. I bumped the regulator up to 15lbs for a couple days afterward the beer was fine. For what it's worth, five feet of 1/4 inch line is giving me absolutely no trouble. The party never happened so I've pretty much killed the whole thing by myself.
  3. J

    What are these??? Sanke adapters?

    Thank you.
  4. J

    What are these??? Sanke adapters?

    I bought a few boxes of stuff from a guy at work and these were in there. I'm pretty sure the first two pics are of a sanke adapter, it's very dirty, but does it appear to be complete? I have no clue what this is. Or this Or this Any help would be...
  5. J

    50 foot 1/2 inch SS coil Here's a 3/8" X 25' SS immersion chiller with hose connections for ~50 bucks.
  6. J

    Welding Near Rockford, IL?

    I'm in Rockford, I only have a Harbor Freight welder though, bought it in December of '04. It's still going strong. What do you need welded?
  7. J

    Reusable CO2 Cartridges?

    I don't think they were refillable. IIRC, he JB welded a fitting to the bottom of a spent cart and used it with a 20 oz paintball tank.
  8. J

    Store Question - Blichmann Beer Gun + Accessories It works great.
  9. J

    Interested in brewing my 1st lager, but overwhelmed. Should I be?

    Will do, thanks for posting. I'm super excited.
  10. J

    Interested in brewing my 1st lager, but overwhelmed. Should I be?

    I'd like to try brewing a lager. I think I may have read a bit too much about it and now my head is spinning. I've only done a few all grain batches, all BIAB. Please help me weed out the unnecesary and add anything I may have missed. I plan on brewing a 2.5 gallon batch for the first...
  11. J

    We no need no stinking beer gun...

    Works like a charm, thanks.
  12. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    Exactly what I did. First time kegging, also my first time using a fermentation chamber with an eBay temp controller. The beer tastes amazing other than it's flat. Here's to hoping the longer line fixes things. :mug:
  13. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    I bumped the pressure up to 14 and I'll get some extra line tomorrow.
  14. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    I pulled a half-pint or so and it was basically all foam. Makes me think you were right Yooper. I'm going to get some more line on Monday and see what happens.
  15. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    I was just thinking, there is more beer in the line itself right now than the amount that I took for a sample. In fact, there is probably at least two, if not three times the volume of my sample in the beer line. Now, I'm going to plead ignorance here again, would the beer in the line...
  16. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    I've got plenty of CO2. If the CO2 is knocked out of suspension, where does it go? Would I get all foam then? I'm not getting all foam, in fact there's only a little foam. I'm only taking a very small sample at a time, would it make a difference if I took a bigger sample?
  17. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    When I pull the relief valve, it hisses and then I can hear the gas running into the keg until it balances. If there was no pressure would the beer come out of the tap when opened?
  18. J

    2.4 Volumes of CO2??

    Let me start by saying this is my first attempt at kegging. According to CO2 charts that I've seen, 2.4 volumes of CO2 is a typical carbonation level for an ale. I've had my keg at 40 degrees for 13 days at 12 PSI. Per the chart, that should be about 2.47 volumes of CO2. I've been trying a...