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  1. ecojack

    AHS Honey Hibiscus Wit

    Just made the all-grain version today! Tastes great! The hibiscus turned the wort a neat purple color. I cant wait for this beer to be ready! Anyone else every played with hibiscus before? I'm seriously considering adding it to some other brews for that tangy rhubarb-y taste. OOOoooooo...
  2. ecojack

    Racked to Secondary a bit High

    i originally thought this was a reference to some medicinal herb... :off: maybe let it sit for a few weeks. If there is no change in gravity since you racked, maybe add a sprinkle of some neutral dry yeast?
  3. ecojack

    How intense should I clean?

    So.... Just came back home from Easter only to find the house smelling like something died and rotted over the weekend. Found out what it was... 1) one roommate defrosted the freezer 2 weeks ago...left chicken out in the garage... it stank 2) the other roommate had a party in the garage...
  4. ecojack

    What music do you listen to while brewing? always gets me pumped up!
  5. ecojack

    Bottling sucks!

    I have bottling down to an art. Once I get in the groove it takes <30 minutes!
  6. ecojack

    SMaSH help

    10# Maris Otter & [Insert your opinion here] hops I've heard Amarillo was a good choice, and a friend of mine is making that soon...I'd like to try some different hop and compare! So toss me some suggestions!
  7. ecojack

    My hops arrived!!!!!!

    Just ordered Cascades and Fuggle for 2 gardens, one for tea and one for BEER :rockin:
  8. ecojack

    Ordered Extract Kit from Austin HB - How long?

    Straight from ...
  9. ecojack

    Holy **** great beer gods!

    Nice find!
  10. ecojack

    How to do a Strawberry Blonde?

    I also don't puree the strawberries I add.
  11. ecojack

    How to do a Strawberry Blonde?

    I also support AHS Texas Blond Ale for my fruit beers! For my strawberry I do a full extract kit (because it's a really easy kit) and secondary with 3lbs of frozen strawberries (thawed). It's been a big hit since the first time I made it! Bottling some tomorrow actually!
  12. ecojack

    AHS American Barleywine

    how long do you have to condition that stuff?
  13. ecojack

    Gas station brew?

    It seems like I definitely will not being doing this. Thanks for the quick replies.
  14. ecojack

    Gas station brew?

    A friend of mine owns a gas station here in town and is considering selling my home brew at his store. Does anyone know what kind of paperwork I, the home brewer, needs to fill out to make this legit? My friend already has the license to sell beer and wine in his gas station.
  15. ecojack

    Belgian White taste

    just cracked open a bottle of my belgian white beer. It's been bottled for about 3 weeks now, and I've noticed the flavor change pretty drastically over the bottle conditioning period. I added doubled the 15 minute boil additions to 1oz coriander and 1oz orange peel. At about 2 weeks in...
  16. ecojack

    Best starter equipment package?

    check out They have really nice start up kits for beginners!
  17. ecojack

    Will Brew 1st All-Grain this week

    doing my first AG tomorrow! woot!
  18. ecojack

    SG from partial mash "sweet wort"

    The kit instructions I've received from AHS do not mention efficiency, but I think I've seen on HBT somewhere about AHS at 75%. Can anyone confirm this?
  19. ecojack

    I want to brew a 10% beer how can i do that

    lol I wonder what would happen if you threw in 5-7 of these into a beer:
  20. ecojack

    SG from partial mash "sweet wort"

    You do know AHS provides detailed instructions on their MiniMash and Extract kits? (Haven't gotten my first AG in the mail I don't know if they do it for AG as well) Is there a different, 'better', or 'easier' way to make MiniMash kits other than the provided instructions? I...