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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Jknapp

    Closed-system pressurized fermentation technique!

    Brewed my 1st batch with a spunding valve 2.5 weeks ago. Its already kegged and tastes great! It was an Apricot Wheat - I know, I know - wheats are good beers to get through a system fast, BUT, I've never turned around a beer this fast. I brewed it and 10 days later kegged it. Tastes great. No...
  2. Jknapp

    Are you fit or fat?

    I'm pretty fit at the moment. Just finished a by-the-book round of P90x. 40 yr old, 6'3" 191lbs. I started at the beginning of Feb & the results are friggin great - although it took grit to finish it. I brewed 30 gals of beer last fall and it sat in corny's waiting for me. In the 90 days of...
  3. Jknapp

    Closed-system pressurized fermentation technique!

    O. M. G. What an epic thread! I just got done reading this entire thread and I have a question that isn't answered here.. I'm an Ale brewer only. I keg my beers, but serve out of 3 gal kegs. I normally ferment in an Ale Pail, but I have a functioning 10 gallon Corny. I don't have the...
  4. Jknapp

    Sam Calagione on "Beer Geeks"

    This +100. I love me the guy and his passion. But his beer I generally don't.
  5. Jknapp

    Electric Brewing - Scorched Wort Issues

    This, is the answer.. I've scorched two batches with my 2k elements - the flavor is a putrid, mouth puckering burnt taste/aftertaste. Very different from a "smokey" flavor. Even a hearty stout could not conceal the scorched flavor. I sadly dumped both batches. My issue was in not thouroughly...
  6. Jknapp

    Pink hops?

    My emerging hops have a slight pink hue to them.. Is that normal?
  7. Jknapp

    Items to trade, Seattle: Heatsticks & Bottle dryer

    Yes, I ran these on a 20 amp circuit(s). I don't think there would be anyway to run these on a 15amp circuit.. maybe with a variac, but I don't think it'll hold. If you've got 15amp circuits, I'd say you're better off to build sticks with 1500w elements.
  8. Jknapp

    Items to trade, Seattle: Heatsticks & Bottle dryer

    Hey guys - I was thinking about trading them not really selling them.. But, Sheepy & Bill33525, I'll post pics. If'n you're interested after the pics, PM me your address and I'll mail you each one (I've got two). You can send me what you think they're worth to you + a little extra for shipping.
  9. Jknapp

    Items to trade, Seattle: Heatsticks & Bottle dryer

    Hey there - Couple of items I want to trade - I've got a couple of 2000w Heatsticks that I'm not using anymore (mounted elements in my kettle instead of using the sticks).. They work great and I've used them many times to heat water in my Mash Tun. I've also got a multi-level bottle...
  10. Jknapp

    Tell of your past brewer self.

    Here's a couple things I'd tell myslef: "save the $ on the immersion chiller. You're going to No-Chill and make perfectly great beer". "Get into Kegging ASAP". "Leave it on the yeast for at least 3 weeks". Those are mine!
  11. Jknapp

    Cascade: burr to harvest estimate?

    I'm growing Cascades, 1st year, although I have about 22-25' of growth (they were starts not rhizomes). My burrs have just shown up everywhere. Is there any general time estimates from burr to ready-to-harvest time?
  12. Jknapp

    3 Gallon Keg Poppits

    You've helped me out quite a few times now P-J. Thanks!
  13. Jknapp

    Scorching - 2000w 120v LWD or ULWD Avail?

    Dang brother! My love of e-brewing was fading till you posted that link. Thanks a ton!
  14. Jknapp

    Scorching - 2000w 120v LWD or ULWD Avail?

    I've ran into an issue of wort scorching onto my elements in my ekettle (I run 2 x 2000w HWD 120v elements to boil 7 gallons). This is probably becuase I didn't really do a great job of cleaning my elements after each boil, I basically just rinsed them off. This scorching essentially ruined 3...
  15. Jknapp

    Is it the Melanoiden??

    A follow up: I figured out the problem.. I am an electric brewer, and had not realized my elements had developed a "crust" or several layers of gunk from not scrubbing the elements after brewing - I only rinsed them off. The encapsulated gunk layers began to scorch, thus causing the...
  16. Jknapp

    Is it the Melanoiden??

    Thrice now I've brewed a certain pale ale. The original recipe was from Austin Homebrew, the next two batches were with grains from my LHBS. The 2 recent batches with grains from my LHBS have had this, well, strange flavor/aftertaste I'd call "smokey or ashy". I mean, it could be a malty...
  17. Jknapp

    No Chill Results Thread - Post your good or bad notes here.

    1st let me say that I am a no chill brewer. I've been no-chilling for 8+ batches and been really digging the time & water savings.. but.. I have a question that keeps bouncing around in my head.. I mostly use pellet hops. I DONT bag or filter my hops, I put them straight into the kettle...