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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. Sunnovah

    Finally back to brewing!

    It's been over 6 months since I last got to brew. Getting married took all of my time and money for a little while. I decided to ease my way back in with my first all grain, my first batch grater than 5 gallons, and I built a mash tun from a cooler and a kettle from a 15 gallon keg. The...
  2. Sunnovah

    Possibly infected Haus Pale Ale

    I was completely being paranoid. Looked in this morning and there was a layer of bubbles over the top. obviously just co2. Guess it is still fermenting. Guess I'll have to wait to bottle for a few more days.
  3. Sunnovah

    Possibly infected Haus Pale Ale

    Thanks for the advice Revvy. I'm going to start reading those posts now. This is only my third batch of beer, but I have been trying to absorb all I can about making great beer. My Vanilla Cream Ale turned out really well, so I know I am capable. This ale also tasted really good after the...
  4. Sunnovah

    whoa, i made beer.

    It's a great feeling! I have 5 beers left from my first batch, and the second is bottle conditioning now. I think with only my 3rd and 4th batch in primaries I have now spent over $150 this month on brewing projects. I know I have definitely caught the brewing bug! Congratulations on your first...
  5. Sunnovah

    Possibly infected Haus Pale Ale

    Cool deal, I am hoping that is all it is. I will be taking pics of it tonight, if it seems to be getting larger. If not I'm going to bottle it. :p I need to go get more bottles and caps, so I will also pick up some starsan from the LHBS. All I have is about 1/4 of the bottle of Iophor I got when...
  6. Sunnovah

    Possibly infected Haus Pale Ale

    Just tried this recipe and I think I may have infected it. :( I did the extract version of it, and it has been in my primary (an Ale Pail) for 9 days now. It popped the airlock on day 2 and I had to clean it up and put a new airlock on. I took off the lid yesterday to take a hydrometer reading...
  7. Sunnovah

    Hops nibbled on... here and there...

    Hmm, Can't grow hops where I am at, but I have had something similar happen to my jalapeno's. I believe the culprit to be snails in my case. Not sure if they are fond of hops though.
  8. Sunnovah

    A Keezer is Born

    Wow, that would go great in my bar. I see stuff like this and I want to build it! Unfortunately I have to save for the wedding before I save for the hobby. Your Keezer looks awesome!
  9. Sunnovah

    Need a pseudonym for writing a weekly beer review

    I P Stout? :p Seriously, how about M G Porter. Not only a play on Mel Gibson's character from Payback, but also A style of beer. :D
  10. Sunnovah

    What is a Homebrew worth?

    Thanks for all the advice. I'll definitely invite him over and see the pump in action. My problem isn't really in giving the beer away. I am more than happy to give him a fair share, especially since we just had a party and there is so much Shiner in my fridge right now, on top of the last 6...
  11. Sunnovah

    What is a Homebrew worth?

    Got a pump from a guy at work. I can't send boiling water through it, but I think it will help cool wort with an IC. I have my latest batch bottle conditioning now, and I have 10 gallons in fermenters brewing. I was going to give him a little bit of all three, but I am not sure what a fair...
  12. Sunnovah

    Vanilla Cream Ale (Right before bottling)

    I know what you mean. We popped a bottle open yesterday, and even though it wasn't really carbinated yet, I had to wrestle it away from SWMBO to get a taste. She is going to make me make it again too. She got mad at me when I told her I had to give some away because a guy at work gave me a pump.
  13. Sunnovah

    New pump (Flojet 2125 series)

    Ok, I think when I can afford the whole HLT/MT/Keggle setup I will invest in a March pump. For now I think I am going to build an IC and use this pump to circulate the ice water from a bucket so that I don't waste quite so much water when cooling the wort. Also that will help me cool it to...
  14. Sunnovah

    Vanilla Cream Ale (Right before bottling)

    Here is the recipe, mostly based on my LHBS recipe for cream ale. Adjuncts (steeped for 30 minutes @ 160 and then sparged) 1 lb. domestic six-row pale malt 1/2 lb. cara-pils malt 1/2 lb. flaked maize (corn) Extracts: 4 1/2 lbs. light unhopped malt extract 1 1/2 lb. Brewery Grade Corn Syrup...
  15. Sunnovah

    Vanilla Cream Ale (Right before bottling)

    I Just bottled my Vanilla Cream Ale, and got a batch of EdWort's Apfelwein and an extract version of EdWort's Haus Pale Ale into fermenters. Here are a few pics of the Vanilla Cream Ale for you guys. It came in at 1.010 FG and is just under 6% ABV. :) I'll let y'all know the final...
  16. VanillaCreamAleinCarboy


    This is my Vanilla Cream Ale right before bottling. In the glass Carboy.
  17. VanillaCreamAleinGlass


    This is my Vanilla Cream Ale right before bottling. Hydrometer sample in a glass.
  18. Sunnovah

    New pump (Flojet 2125 series)

    No worries, I am just looking for something to help me cool my wort quicker. I started a batch of EdWort's Haus Pale Ale last night at about 9 pm. It was about 12:30 am before I had it cooled and pitched. Hopefully once I get a CFC built that pump will help me at least a little before I have to...
  19. Sunnovah

    New pump (Flojet 2125 series)

    Just got a Flojet 2125-030-115 for free from a guy at work. I looked it up and it is rated for 165 f with an ideal temp of 110 f. After doing some reading it seems that it is able to handle temps of over 200 f. Now I just have to build a counterflow chiller and I have a new rapid cooling...
  20. Sunnovah

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    I think I am going to Bottle the Vanilla Cream and use my glass carboy for my first batch of EdWort's Apfelwein. I'm going to try and get A PB/Choco Robust Porter down this weekend too, but that probably won't be happening, because I don't think I can get the oil out of the peanut butter by...