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  1. haplo

    NB Smashing Pumpkin Ale Question?

    I used an extra teaspoon of pumpkin spice and it was fine, but some people who had it didn't realize it was there until i told them it was in there. I've been meaning to do it again but haven't had the time. When I do, i'll probably use more and go off other recipes.
  2. haplo

    Belgian Beers

    Right on Burgs. They're not all winners just because they're a certain style. Plus you have to find out what you like. I even find that my favorites rotate periodically(maybe batch variation or age?). I only had Orval once and didn't love it, but that was quite some time ago. Probably...
  3. haplo

    Festbier Bee Cave Brewery Oktoberfest Ale

    Mine turned out great. Probably the best I've made. Unfortunately 5 gallons wasn't close to enough and it didn't last long. I'm going to have to make at least 10 gallons if not more next time.
  4. haplo

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale Rochefort 10 clone

    How did your brewing go Yotie? Anything to add or any suggestions? I think I might brew this recipe Saturday.
  5. haplo

    Belgian Beers

    Haha, same for me growing up in Northwestern PA.
  6. haplo

    Belgian Beers

    I love trappist and trappist style beers. Not always though. The first one I ever had was a Chimay. It overwhelmed my senses that were used to PBR & Miller Lite from college. It took a while of drinking other non lite beers that had flavor and complexity until I could appreciate the flavor...
  7. haplo

    NB Smashing Pumpkin Ale Question?

    I baked it, I just meant I didn't caramelize it.
  8. haplo

    NB Smashing Pumpkin Ale Question?

    I used fresh pumpkin when I used this kit, but I can't say I really noticed that it had much impact(I didn't let it caramelize like SevenFields suggested though). The spices had more of an impact in my beer, though it was less pumpkin pie spice than I was hoping for. Still, it turned out to be...
  9. haplo

    Pumpkin in Mash?

    i've only done in the mash, but I agree with mrtrav about the spices being the main flavor component.
  10. haplo

    Grewing Yeast from the last drops left in a vial

    I actually just did this with a white labs vial. Started the starter last Wednesday. I left a tiny amount in the vial....maybe the amount you could get from one Belgian bottle. I poured some of wort I had just made for the starter into the vial, closed tightly and shook. Then I loosened...
  11. haplo

    Pumkin Ale Partial Mash?

    I don't know how much flavor you can get out of pumpkin itself. I did this last year and I don't know that the pumpkin did much. The pumpkin pie spices seem to be the main source of flavor/aroma. If you've used specialty grains before, the process won't be that much different. Instead of...
  12. haplo

    rusty caps safe?

    I'm certainly not going to say it's safe, but I have used caps that had rust on the crimp. My lack of organization caused me to fail to see the rust until I started filling the bottles. It was late and the LHBS wasn’t open and I was going out of town in the morning. I didn’t have...
  13. haplo

    Hello from Danville Pennsylvania

    Welcome to the forums! I used to live off Yuengling in college. :D
  14. haplo

    Cleveland here, just like being around brewing...

    ...and it's fun! :mug: Saturday was one of the most enjoyable brew days I've ever had. Outside in the sunny weather brewing, grilling and drinking homebrews and micros. You could start with something like EdWort's Apfelwein. I've made one gallon batches in the gallon jug the apple juice...
  15. haplo

    I have started down the path to the darkside...1st all grain!

    I've done a bunch of smaller batches myself as well. Cheaper to experiment and easier to do by myself. I find experience to be one of the best teachers, so the more batches I can get in the better. I found making a stainless steel braided hose filter to be pretty easy. Cutting it was quick...
  16. haplo

    Wee Heavy Traq Air Owl Wee Heavy

    Any comments as to how these turned out? I just had a Traquair this weekend and am frantically searching for a good recipe so I can try something close or similar.
  17. haplo

    Oktoberfest w/ Ale Yeast?

    I just brewed something similar to the Bee Cave Brewery Oktoberfest Ale that uses WLP029 (Kolsch) yeast. There is some discussion of which dry yeast to use in the thread.
  18. haplo

    No More Lifting Heavy Carboys and Buckets?

    I use one of these exoskeletons for all my heavy lifting ->
  19. haplo

    What's your favorite "big" commercial beer?

    Rochefort 10, Chimay Blue, Trois Pistoles, Victory V-12, Weyerbacher Quad
  20. haplo

    Midlothian, Va

    I started off with a Christmas gift Mr. Beer kit too. I asked for it because I wanted to know if I would enjoy brewing before I spent money on the equipment. I probably wouldn't be brewing today if there was no Mr. Beer.:)