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  1. TelemarkBrew

    1/2 Price BYO

    mine is promised already.
  2. TelemarkBrew

    1/2 Price BYO

    cayuga, i've got one of the gift subscription coupons as well. would be $14 for a subscription. if you or someone else wants to use mine, let me know.
  3. TelemarkBrew

    Kegerator on Craigslist in NH

    Not mine, I just saw it trolling Craigslist today. Its a commercial kegerator with a 2 and looks like a 3 tap tower listed for $150, might be a typo otherwise its a steal. I live in CT or I'd be all over this. Draft / keg system
  4. TelemarkBrew

    Octoberfest Recipe Question

    it wants you to toast some of the malt. will give you some nice toasted flavor in the end. don't need to grind before you toast them.
  5. TelemarkBrew

    Engraving/Etching my 22oz ers.

    you can buy glass etching stuff at most craft stores. uses a cream. never personally used it, but might be worth a shot unless you have sandblasting equipment
  6. TelemarkBrew


    do a search on this and you will get a lot of threads and people arguing both ways.
  7. TelemarkBrew

    Table salt for brewing water

    i would think you want to make sure what you have is non iodized(plain) salt.
  8. TelemarkBrew

    Local yeast?

    why not just let it ferment using that natural yeast from the apple skins? can't get more local than that.
  9. TelemarkBrew

    Bottling Question

    usually the suggested time to carb is 2 weeks, the difference in your situation is that those 2 weeks should be at room temp. when you put them in the kegerator the yeast would have stopped/significantly slowed down. take them out, swirl the bottle a bit and let them sit at room temp for 2 more...
  10. TelemarkBrew

    Using a pre wort chiller

    that might do something, but the plastic/rubber hose doesn't conduct nearly the same as the copper pre-chiller would.
  11. TelemarkBrew

    Using California Lager yeast for my Oktoberfest

    I wasn't trying to convince you not to build the SoFC, just letting you know there are ways to keep temps down in the meantime, before you get it built. you were saying in your original post that you wouldn't be able to keep the temp down on this next beer, etc. I was giving you the easy low...
  12. TelemarkBrew

    Yeast Cake

    you deleted the pic.?
  13. TelemarkBrew

    Using California Lager yeast for my Oktoberfest

    a lot of people who can't lager use this for octoberfests. why not use a swamp chiller or the large bucket of water with the fermenter inside it and add frozen soda bottles to keep the temp down. i use these methods and can keep my temps in the mid 60's in a 74ish degree room no problems.
  14. TelemarkBrew

    Using real blueberries in brewing

    i'd put them in the secondary. you'll probably want to wash them, then put them in star san, which should get anything off the outside, then freeze them. this will break some of the cell walls and let the flavor out more. might also want to smash them rather than put them in whole to make the...
  15. TelemarkBrew

    Yeast Pitching in Stages

    is it underattenuated/what was you SG and what is the gravity now? what yeast was it. by underpitching the yeast had to grow more, and if you get too much growth you can get some off flavors and won't have the most healthy yeast. All in though, pitching yeast in stages doesn't really work...
  16. TelemarkBrew

    Wort coming through the airlock

    take the airlock off and put a piece of sanitized foil over the opening. you don't want to have a messy explosion of krausen on your ceiling. this is normal for some yeasts.
  17. TelemarkBrew

    Is this normal.

    way too much C120. cut that back to a lb or less. as is, you will have a very high final gravity and thus would be way too sweet, i think.
  18. TelemarkBrew

    Best yeast for impy stout??

    since you need a lot of yeast, the easiest choice is 2 or 3 packets of US-05. as for the recipe, i'd drop the 1lb of dextrine malt, since you're using extract and have 1 lb of crystal (what L rating?) i think you'd end up with too high an FG. the ferment will generate a lot of heat, look into...
  19. TelemarkBrew

    help with Priming a single 12oz/22oz bottle...

    why not just keg it all then bottle off the keg? probably easier than trying to measure out that small of an amount of priming sugar. or try the coopers/muntons carb drops, though people have had inconsistent success with these and i've never used thme.