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  1. celestialparsnip

    American Porter Imperial Honey Porter

    Letting y'all know that this was a huge success. I feared that since I'd mashed a little high, that it'd be a bit sweet, but I got an allround thumbs up from friends and family. The Mother-In-Law™ especially was guzzling them down like nothing else. Great recipe, Sacc!
  2. celestialparsnip

    American Porter Imperial Honey Porter

    Bottling today. Added the cinnamon and nutmeg to the sugar solution. Took a sample. Final gravity was 1.022, down from 1.082 (Efficiency was a little low) for around 7.9 percent ABV. Sample again tasted awesome: smooth, velvety chocolate, hint of dried fruits. Slight bitterness from the choc...
  3. celestialparsnip

    Another Australian horse porn thread

    Hey! I read it. Now go grab yer Dick Pole and go Focke-Wulf. :P
  4. celestialparsnip

    Another Australian horse porn thread

    As an Australian, I take offense at the implication that we are all horse fawkers. This is simply not true. Sheep, on the other hand...
  5. celestialparsnip

    Happy birthday eschatz!

    Happ to the B, yo.
  6. celestialparsnip


    Earl-frigged. Earl as in the name (curl, hurl, pearl etc). The Scandinavian 'y' is a little hard to pronounce for English speakers. Round out your mouth like you're saying 'oooh' and then say 'eee'. Once you've got the general pronunciation down, say it again with a mouthful of marbles, and...
  7. celestialparsnip

    Streamline Brewing Company

    The orange fits a whole lot better, as does capitalising the font. Keep us posted!
  8. celestialparsnip

    Logo Thread

    Thanks! Now I've just gotta be bothered putting labels on my bottles :p
  9. celestialparsnip

    Crackadawn Stout

    She's a beaut I tells ya.
  10. celestialparsnip

    Forgot to shake the smack pack before smacking

    I didn't shake mine before smacking, and it's bubbling away happily upstairs. No harm done.
  11. celestialparsnip

    Streamline Brewing Company

    I'd suggest changing the font to something more 'streamlined', and choosing a different colour. The turquoise doesn't really stand out. Otherwise, a nice concept :D
  12. celestialparsnip

    The stupidest comment on your beer

    Don't give up because of other people's opinions! As long as YOU'RE digging your own beer, it's all good. Keep brewing!
  13. celestialparsnip

    American Porter Imperial Honey Porter

    Naturally, I forgot the spices. Thinking of adding them when I bottle. Just popping them into the sugar solution when boiling it up. Pre-pitch hydro sample tasted amazing, which is nice, since it usually tastes like gunk. I have a good feeling about this one.
  14. celestialparsnip

    American Porter Imperial Honey Porter

    This one's currently boiling away happily. I'm only making a 2.5 gallon batch... it'll be more than enough for Christmas. Speaking of which, gonna add some nutmeg and cinnamon to give it that xmas cheer and whatnot. Really should have made this weeks ago, to give it some proper aging, but...
  15. celestialparsnip

    The greatest beer reviewer ever!

    I'm not too sure about this guy. He seems willing to try new things, but damn. I keep wishing he'd just do a little research before blabbing on about something which he's obviously not familiar (Oh crap, I do that too... but not in an obnoxious way, I promise!). Not a guy I'd share a beer with...
  16. celestialparsnip

    Nirvana gets Rick rolled

    Well that made my day, that did. Sheer genius.
  17. celestialparsnip

    FOX to emasculate Futurama

    No. 'Tis not right. Not at all.
  18. celestialparsnip

    Show us your SWMBO...

    There is a strong resemblance there, you have to admit.