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Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider Brewing Discussion Forum

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  1. SowegaBrews

    Salvia looks like fun

    I've done salvia more times than I'd like to admit... how messed up you get really depends on the concentration and method of smoking... from my experience. I've had a few light trips, and I've had a few that were more like taking a 24 hour acid trip and condensing it into a 15 minute period...
  2. SowegaBrews

    can a person drink a sanke

    my first day at bonnaroo last year I drank 60 PBRs between 7am and 4:30am.... that's 6 gallons... which is still only roughly 3 beers an hour. To finish a sanke in even say... 48 hours you'd have to drink 4 an hour for 48 hours... 6 beers an hour will do ya in 26 hours. I'd say not a friggen'...
  3. SowegaBrews

    I've got a beer full of fridge!

    whho's with me!
  4. SowegaBrews

    Hidden Kegerator, Cubby Bar Build

    any updates??
  5. SowegaBrews

    The Member Gallery WTFs

    LOL. That cat looks quite content.
  6. SowegaBrews

    The Member Gallery WTFs

    and WTF??? :drunk::drunk:
  7. SowegaBrews

    Fermentation chamber ideas

    here's a simple sketch of what I'm workin' on...
  8. SowegaBrews

    transferring from Sanke to Corny?

    ANNNNDD if we REALLY wanna keep this thread going.... you could connect the gas out of the last corny, to the gas in of the 1/2bbl keg (after you purge with CO2 of course), elevate the 1/2BBL, and just siphon the beer into the bottom 3. Thereby transferring in a closed, pressurized system.
  9. SowegaBrews

    transferring from Sanke to Corny?

    Yup. Just making sure everyone's aware. :mug:
  10. SowegaBrews

    Full Keg Freezer Recommendations....

    can't be any harder than lifting it into the bed of a pickup truck.
  11. SowegaBrews

    transferring from Sanke to Corny?

    If you daisy chain, be aware of the possibility of beer getting into your gas lines since there will be little/no headspace in your first two cornies.
  12. SowegaBrews

    Deep Six Brewing System - v3.0

    thats what she said.
  13. SowegaBrews

    Worst Dumb Mistake You've Made While Drunk?

    Couple years back I had a birthday party (honestly, which one I can't recall) at a bar before I turned 21. I was in pretty good with the owner and bartenders, so I proceeded to get smashed with a ton of (mostly underage) friends. Small, currupt towns are good like that. When the bar closed, we...
  14. SowegaBrews

    The Member Gallery WTFs

    anyone care to explain? cause dang.
  15. SowegaBrews

    Good beer in Atlanta?

    Lol yes. The Clermont is amazing. I was tricked into my first visit. I had a blast and walked out with every intention of tricking all of my friends into going. I've been back a few too many times now but I've had an absolute blast every time. It's a must see if you have a little bit of...
  16. SowegaBrews

    Good beer in Atlanta?

    The clairmont lounge :-D
  17. SowegaBrews

    Deep Six Brewing Co - Redux

    Ha! Since we're talking about flashbacks you should see Albany right now. The river is about a foot above flood stage. We've had what seems like weeks of non-stop all day rain. Today was the first clear day we've had in awhile. How's the creek behind your house lookin' Gabe? I was wondering if...