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  1. staffVAJoe

    "Spike Your Juice"

    I doubt anyone on here has enough money to get me to drink some, but does this mean that my apfelwein that has been fermenting for 3 days has alcohol already???? wow 48hours sounds WAY to early, if I wanted to get drunk that quick I would just go to 7-11 and buy some 9-11
  2. staffVAJoe

    Transfered to secondary,do i need to top up?

    leave it alone, water is bad, do you have any idea what fish do in that stuff? the co2 will blanket it, I am the last person to actually listen to the advice about not screwing with a good thing but most people will tell you that if you add water you are watering down the beer, but it is...
  3. staffVAJoe

    Transfered to secondary,do i need to top up?

    Milwaukee's best "tops off" their beer with water - I think
  4. staffVAJoe

    How did you guys get so smart

    Just ask a lot of questions and brew a lot of beer ... I played "what if I... ..." with Revvy yesterday and he convinced me not to dry hop my 5gl cider I have fermenting, so I got 2- 1 gal jugs and made a hell of an experiment. I added hops to cider and DME + Hopps to cider. it's bubbling...
  5. staffVAJoe

    A funny thing happened at the LHB

    I find the difference between a good beer and a great beer has a LOT to do with patience
  6. staffVAJoe

    Bottling question- Critique my steps please?

    I made friends with the owner of a local bar, when I need bottles I stop by around last call, collect all the bottles I want, bring them into the kitchen and run them through his industrial dishwasher until clean. I also do the rest of the dishes and mop up the area. he gets free help, I get...
  7. staffVAJoe

    if you dont stop me I WILL DO IT!

    good point revvy, good point
  8. staffVAJoe

    Bottling question- Critique my steps please?

    Not claiming to be the best but I think oxyclean is a pita to get out of bottles and the dishwasher is not going to do anything for you. my steps are: 1- as bottles are acquired they are rinces and rinsed until water from them tastes fresh, then I store them upside down in milk crates that i...
  9. staffVAJoe

    if you dont stop me I WILL DO IT!

    well Revvy, I think the Sierra Nevada celebration ale I had last night made me think it would be a good idea, since I have come to respect your opinions on brewing over the past year let me pose the question to you this way; do you think it's a bad idea or just a weird idea, will it add a hop...
  10. staffVAJoe

    if you dont stop me I WILL DO IT!

    so I cave had my cider fermenting for about 5 days now (cider +2lbs brown sugar + cinnamon sticks + oak chips + yeastie things ) and all looks good... ... the voices inside my head are telling me to go to my brew cave and add an ounce of hops pellets just dump them into the carboy and...
  11. staffVAJoe

    ooops, rusty @ this and made mistake

    Hey guys I am back from my 4 month sabbatical and I have a new mistake with 2 options for correction: I just brewed my cider recipe (apple cider, cinnamon sticks, wood chips, brown sugar, and Lavin dry wine yeast) and I lost track of air space in my carboy - it is now DARN FULL (like as full...
  12. staffVAJoe

    bottled and have sludge

    Send me a few and I will drink it to make sure it is safe:D After 10 or 12 brews you will have refined your siphoning skills and you will have less and less trub. Right now it is important to learn how to pour your beer from bottle to glass leaving that trub behind. Prob. normal...
  13. staffVAJoe

    After initial fermentation - add more fermentables???

    Sam Calagione (owner of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery) wrote a book called EXTREME BREWING. The majority of his recipies have the directions "after initial fermentation takes off add ... (and has you add more fermentable sugar).:confused: Anyone do this? Why and should I??? Good book BTW...
  14. staffVAJoe

    Boston bound

    Across from fenway is a bar called BB Wolfs. BEST RIBS EVER And at 3 in the morning go to Buzzy's roast beef (everyone knows ware it is) Have one for me!!!
  15. staffVAJoe

    Apfelwein Question

    Mott's is too expensive, buy the cheap stuff:D
  16. staffVAJoe

    How to make a BMC beer

    I'll have to brew some for my sister-in-law... I hate wasting my Stouts on people who would rather drink BMC:mug: Thanks for posting on this forum, otherwise I would have never known.... and we know what GI Joe said:D
  17. staffVAJoe

    trying a different twist on apple wine

    Although I am not experienced enough to answer this question I feel bad that this is an un-answered thread so I'll give it a shot (this way the more experienced people will submit reply's if I am wrong and you will get the advice you need. "sugar is fermentable so this will not effect the...
  18. staffVAJoe

    everyone have a drink for my POOCH tonight

    My boyhood friend Onyx (black cocker spaniel) was put to sleep after one more day at the ocean chasing sea gulls... I am drinking a flat Oatmeal stout in honor of monty (only bottled yesterday). peace man. Sorry about your loss
  19. staffVAJoe

    Oatmeal stout questions

    Not an AG expert, I do partial mashes BUT my oats are mixed in with my grains:drunk: Also... ... I use a thicking agent with my stouts... .... any oatmeal stout recipe I have done is not as thick as my palette feels like it should be: BUT the viscosity question needs to be commented upon by...
  20. staffVAJoe

    Cider with Champagne Yeast

    until you can clearly see through it. a few things are different between cider and beer: 1- higher ABV = longer fermentation 2- the smell (see rhino farts) 3- taste at time of bottling (after 2 months the taste may still gag you; at 1 month it is putrid) At 4 months it is appreciable...