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    Is a 5 gallon water bottle the same as a carboy/better bottle?

    You also get the domed bottom in the better bottle which helps with all of the yeast cake when you're siphoning.
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    Starter kit with everything included

    After you bottle your beer the yeast will consume the priming sugar and release CO2 into the bottles. The bottles are sealed so the CO2 has nowhere to go but back into your beer creating carbonation (head). The process of the CO2 going back into the beer takes time, this is why we suggest to...
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    What has happened to the American people?

    I would be happy to pm you my address for further testing. :mug:
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    So who's brewing this weekend?

    This weekend I will be brewing a Dry Irish Stout from
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    If it's dry yeast you don't need a starter, just pitch. :mug:
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    What temperature was it?
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    First time brewer - stupid questions.

    Congratulations on the new hobby! My first beer was also an Irish Red Ale. Aluminum (aluminium for you guys across the pond) is fine for boiling. Just make sure you boil some water in the pot before you start making beer in there. This is to prepare the surface of the aluminum pot for your...
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    kit shelf life

    It should be fine if you can throw it in the fridge. Why can't you buy closer to brew day? EDIT: Nevermind I reread your question and now understand why you can't buy closer to brew day. You could stage out your shipments (slightly more expensive since you'll pay shipping on each kit)
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    Getting started, Need input and correction

    I'm no pro but I've left a beer in the primary (on the yeast cake) for a few months with no problems.
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    First Brew, lots of questions

    Wrong thread! HHAHA
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    Full boil - extract kit

    Thank you for all of the replies. Now my next newb question... How do you guys measure the hops you are removing? By eye? Scale? I hope to do a video on my first full boil. If I do, I'll post it up for other newbs like myself.
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    Full boil - extract kit

    Thanks for the replies. Downloading now... Do I need to make any other adjustments to the recipe aside from hops? EDIT btw.. The bags of hops say Cluster 1oz. 7.5% alpha. (two bags, one ounce each)
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    Full boil - extract kit

    Thanks for the reply. So, according to the recipe I posted; I should be using 1.25 ounces of hops. I'll take a look at Beersmith, how easy is it to use?
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    Full boil - extract kit

    Howdy folks, I am planning to do a full boil with my extract kit from I have a few questions about the recipe. I understand that the hops will need to be adjusted for the larger boil? But I am not sure how to adjust the hops since I'm still a newb. The kit recommends...
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    What is your gender?

    Hold on let me check again before answering...
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    Bucket Primary VS Carboy Primary?

    I can sum it all up for you :p You can't see through a bucket, glass might cut you and plastic might scratch (possibly harboring bacteria).
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    Cooling Wort the Michigan way

    You would probably be better off just setting it on the concrete than in a snow mound. The snow will probably insulate the pot, keeping the heat inside. If you set it on the concrete the wind and ambient air is going to cool it much quicker.
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    My Tastebuds Have Revolted!

    Congratulations! I had some Stone IPAs last night. Freaking Fantastic! And I am no Hop Head. I can't wait to back up to the Taco Mac and have more!
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    Steak sauce smell from starter

    mmm A1, far superior to heinz 57.
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    Bottling Mr.Beer after 7 days and letting the rest sit?

    3 weeks primary fermenter. 3 weeks bottle conditioning.