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  1. HillbillyDeluxe

    What does Additional Fermentation mean?

    It appears to me that they are telling you that the minimum ferm time is 14 days in primary but they reccomend 2 more months before transferring to secondary. Some on here use a secondary, some dont, they just do really long primaries. I do long primaries. I do use secondaries for...
  2. HillbillyDeluxe

    Can I keg my brew without CO2?

    I natural carb my beer all the time in kegs. I use 1/2 cup of priming sugar and set it somewhere 70deg for two weeks and its fine. Still have the option to force carb if you need to.
  3. HillbillyDeluxe

    How long does Apfelwein ferment (Bubble) ?

    DUUUUUUUUUDE!!!! Just tapped mine tonight! 4 Pints in and it is the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! I backsweetened 3.5 gal with 1/2 cup splenda and it is the bombstickdiggedy! Patience young padewan patience. Apfelwine better over time it is!!!
  4. HillbillyDeluxe

    bud light wheat?

    its crap. N'uff said
  5. HillbillyDeluxe

    Do homebrewers smoke?

    Smoke too much, drink too much, wife is too young, spend too much time in the sun, love porn, hate moderation, and am having a great ****in time. Will die from something totally unrelated to it all. i'll then donate my body to science fiction and want to be buried with both hands giving the...
  6. HillbillyDeluxe

    How long does Apfelwein ferment (Bubble) ?

    I kegged my first batch today. Tasted great, added a little splenda to backsweeten. I left it in primary for 6 weeks till gravity leveled. i give mine a few healthy swirls every nighr be fore bed to kep the yeast suspended and the action happening.
  7. HillbillyDeluxe

    FG 1.030, still need to add priming sugar?

    OG that high, i would leave in primary for 3 weeks before even taking a reading. Secondary for a t least a month. Then take readings 3 days in a row to see whats going on.
  8. HillbillyDeluxe

    am i drunk or is a hydrometer f-d!

    have you pitched yet?
  9. HillbillyDeluxe

    Thinking of starting home brew

    Me too. He just asked the wrong questions
  10. HillbillyDeluxe

    Thinking of starting home brew

    Yep, we'll never see that cat again.
  11. HillbillyDeluxe

    Removing Logos from fine beer glasswear

    Toluene....... It will remove tattoos from a rob zombie rodie. Trust me.
  12. HillbillyDeluxe

    Removing Logos from fine beer glasswear

    Yep We keep it in an XP room as well. With our PPE requirements you could walk on the moon while handling it too.
  13. HillbillyDeluxe

    Making 11% alcohol beer.. wine or beer yeast?

    Have you(OP) ever tasted an 11% beer. The problem is that when you get above 10% the beer better be very well formulated or you begin to get (HOT) flavor or noticable alcohol. Fine if thats what your into but most recipe's will seem very dry that high. This has been my experience as judged by...
  14. HillbillyDeluxe

    Second batch boiling away!

    Congrats to the new pappa. I put on my gozillianth batch yesterday. Stopped counting a long time ago. However this last batch was more fun than my counting days because now i have a pipeline to keep me occupied while it works, and i dont worry about ruining it anymore. I've only seen 1 real...
  15. HillbillyDeluxe

    A couple questions from the new guy.

    If i had it to do over, i'd have goten the best starter kit that Brewers Best carried. I ended up buying all the stuff anyway within 2 months. As for carboys, i been brewing for years and just bought my first carboy yesterday. I use ale pails. The ones with a spigot are nice for...
  16. HillbillyDeluxe

    Removing Logos from fine beer glasswear

    Toluene. Toluene will remove anything from any surface. Its not an acid its a solvent. Use proper PPE though. Its believed to be a cacinogen and you might grow a third ball. But a third ball isnt nearly as distracting as those pesky logos.
  17. HillbillyDeluxe

    HELP! I broke a thermometer in my beer pot!

    I was tasked at work 2 years ago with finding a mercury thermometer. It was a bear to find one. Had to get it from a scientific company and it came with all kinds of warning paperwork. Its highly unlikely you ended up with one without knowing.
  18. HillbillyDeluxe

    Krausen v. mold?

    +1 on waiting if your bottling. i keg and it was a bit safer. If you bottling, even if its an infection you wanna let it run its course. One of the advantages of kegging is you can iterrupt the ferm/infection process.
  19. HillbillyDeluxe

    He said I'm making too much beer!!

    HBT prolly not the place to be preachin moderation. Jesus did though believe that the whores and drunkards were his congregation. The saved are kinda a waste of time to preach too. I however will drink too much beer, love women too young and drive too fast. Leave this world too early and...
  20. HillbillyDeluxe

    Anyone making sake?

    Gonna make sake soon. Looked at some kits and recipes and ait sure where to go from here. (Condesending arrogant tone) I'm a killer beer brewer with tons of experience and always make great beer(bull****). I'm scared of this sake thing though, seems like a high maintenance endeavor. Anyone...