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  1. C

    What is this taste?

    Just as a bit of an update. I put some gelatin in the fermentor and put it in the fridge for 2 days and this has got rid of the taste. Im presuming it must be from hop particles or 'hop burn' as someone suggested. At least I know I either have to be more patient and let it all drop out, or I can...
  2. C

    What is this taste?

    Each recipe was completely different. Varying calculated bitterness between each one, varying abv, different source water and water profile, different hops, different malts. It is most noticable in this recipe: 8L into fermenter 2.5kg Maris Otter 5g Citra and 5g Amarillo 60 min 10g Citra and...
  3. C

    What is this taste?

    I have brewed three batches of IPA now and they all seem to have a similar off/not pleasant flavour. The easiest way to describe it is, if you have tasted wort before putting in hops and then tasted it after hop additions, that bitter taste you get from the hops in the wort. It's not the same as...
  4. C

    Second brew day. Improvements and learning points

    The reason for adding water to the kettle instead of sparging with extra water is because the bag is sat in a colander which is resting in the kettle. I sparge until the kettle is full but then the removal of the colander and grain bag makes the wort level in the kettle drop due to the...
  5. C

    Why did you choose the biab method

    Simplicity. Just one stainless pot can be used as a HLT, mash tun and kettle. In the same pot you heat the water to strike temp, drop in the grain bag, remove the grain bag, boil, done.
  6. C

    Second brew day. Improvements and learning points

    Yes, I'd imagine I could use tap water but our water is slightly hard with 130ppm Bicarbonate. For the sake of £2, I decided to use bottled so that I could get closer to the brewers friend water profile. I don't really know how much difference it will make so I might do two batches exactly the...
  7. C

    Second brew day. Improvements and learning points

    Just to add, everything used post boil was sanitised with star san
  8. C

    Second brew day. Improvements and learning points

    I asked on here for some help after my first brew day and have implemented some of the suggestions so would just like to give an update on my second brew day and see what I can do from here to improve even further. Method: BIAB Type: IPA expected OG: 1.059 expected FG: 1.010 expected...
  9. C

    Can you use a refractometer for both OG and FG measurements?

    If you've got a hydrometer then can you use it to take a reading and compare? If not then maybe get one because it's always good to have a few sources for results just incase you're unsure on the accuracy.
  10. C

    DIY Stainless Steel Fermenters

    I know this is an old post but people seem to be commenting on it still. The original idea is great, the clamping of the lid needs refining a bit. I'm not sure how much these are, or how to order them but we use similar clamps for sealing oil drum lids where I work. They would probably be...
  11. C

    Adjusting after fermentation

    My next batch will be 2 gallons. Well, I have a 3 gallon kettle and two 3 gallon buckets, so i'd imagine it will end up being around a maximum of 2 gallons of finished beer. Yeah, i probably should have topped it up before fermenting but as it was my first ever brew I wasn't sure on the proper...
  12. C

    Adjusting after fermentation

    I think the general consensus is that adding water might work or it might not. Right now the beer is completely fine, it's just less volume than i'd like and a higher ABV. I don't think the risk is worth it, possibly ruining some good beer just because i'd like one, maybe two extra bottles.
  13. C

    Adjusting after fermentation

    Ah, right. I'm probably best just drinking it and making another one. Looks like its going to be around 7.6% instead of 5.7% then.
  14. C

    Adjusting after fermentation

    I have brewed this '1 gallon' IPA but a lot of the water boiled off so I didn't quite end up with a gallon. When bottling up, would it be okay to dissolve sugar in something like 1/3 gallon of boiled water and add the wort to this before bottling to bring the volume up and the ABV down?
  15. C

    What would you improve first?

    I'm glad I posted on here now. I didn't know yeast caused an increase in temperature, I thought this would have to be done with a heat pad/belt heater. I have my 1 gallon batch at room temp at the minute and I did think the fermentation was over pretty quickly. For the next batch, if I kept the...
  16. C

    What would you improve first?

    Annoyingly, I've just ordered the stick on ones so i'll have try them out with some warm water and a thermometer to check for accuracy/if they work. At least I know there's another option if they are no good.
  17. C

    What would you improve first?

    Thanks for the answers. I am only doing a 1 gallon batch because I was bought a kit for Christmas and that is what came with it. I can do larger batches with the kettle I have so I think i'll get a bigger or several more carboy(s) to maximize what I can make in one go. For fermentation temp...
  18. C

    What would you improve first?

    Hi Guys. I have just brewed my first 1 gallon batch and have bought ingredients to make my second batch once this one is complete. My equipment consists of: 1 gallon carboy, airlock, syphon, measuring jug, 3 gallon kettle and a hydrometer. All the basics really. I noticed a few things wrong...