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  1. Nash91

    First BIAB all-grain brew

    Is my hydrometer junk or could this be legit results? OG read as 1.072 FG is currently at 1.006 (Both numbers temperature corrected) FG is still dropping yet no signs of infection in taste, smell or appearance. According to Brewlog my mash efficiency was only 39%....
  2. Nash91

    First BIAB all-grain brew

    Update Beer has been fermenting for few days now (died down a couple of days ago however has been intensely bubbling again this morning) It’s tasting great and has a great colour on it. No off flavours or smells currently. Now up to 8% ABV.
  3. Nash91

    Help for a friend (yeast)

    Just over 24hrs in. By this time I usuallyend up with a very light foamy krausen and thought that looked rather dense. But I am relatively new so I appreciate the help
  4. Nash91

    How do you clean a stove after boil over?

    Got this mess cleaned up by covering with baking powder, then pourring on vinegar. Leave it for a couple of minutes then scrape with a wooden spatula then repeat once or twice more.
  5. Nash91

    Beer Bottle Labels?

    I use stickers international. Very good quality on their clear ones at least
  6. Nash91

    Help for a friend (yeast)

    I’m assured it smells fine
  7. Nash91

    Help for a friend (yeast)

    A friend of mine has recently collected some “wild yeast” and started brewing with it (before brewing I warned him that there is a chance he has other beasties in it) Today he has posted a pic to see if this looks ok. It’s unlike any krausen or pellicle I have ever seen and wondered if anyone...
  8. Nash91

    2 Step Wort

    Thankyou so much, I really appreciate it
  9. Nash91

    2 Step Wort

    today I begin brewing my “Sahti” recipe sadly as i’m working I only have a few hours before bed and so I’m wondering if leaving the wort (after mash rests) covered over night and then boiling tomorrow would be perfectly fine or is there still a good chance souring beasties will ruin the wort...
  10. Nash91

    Juniper Infusion or juniper in boil?

    Came here looking for answers to the sane query. What did you do in the end and gow did they come through Owly?
  11. Nash91

    First BIAB all-grain brew

    If it goes bad i like sours but yeah if it goes wrong it’s going to be a lot of waste however I believe in myself enough to think it will be drinkable. I was going to do a smaller batch initially but that would mean getting a smaller brew kettle and money is tight same reason i haven’t hotten a...
  12. Nash91

    First BIAB all-grain brew

    This looks helpful, upon trying though it seems i can’t just put in the volume of strike water without it erroring telling me i need to put in the grain / volume ratio. (My maths isn’t good enough to work that out)
  13. Nash91

    First BIAB all-grain brew

    I was going to go with bottled water as i’ve read a lot about it being very low risk and one i’m willing to take. I wanted to use an ice bath unfortunately my kettle is too wide to fit in anything and the handles are not strong enough to support the weight for transporting from stove top. The...
  14. Nash91

    First BIAB all-grain brew

    Today I have finally taken the plunge and ordered 10kg of grains to make some beer. The equipment I have is a ~100L stainless brew kettle (this will only be a 40L batch) and 2x 20L fermenters. I shall be using ice (home made) thrown into the kettle to cool the wort. I am aware of the risks of...
  15. Nash91

    Feedback on Bayou Classic burner 2212?

    Reviving this as I’d like to know what weight / full kettle size these can take?
  16. Nash91

    Braggot base (feedback and criticism wanted)

    Thankyou guys for your input i will take this in and really think hard about al that has been said. Also, that sounds really good and promising Tandem post a pic when it’s ready please
  17. Nash91

    Braggot base (feedback and criticism wanted)

    I’m currently looking into brewing a braggot next year with the intention of making it close to what would historically be close to what our beloved viking friends did. I’m wanting to come up with a grain bill that would fit the brief but as a relatively novice brewer I would like any feedback...
  18. Nash91

    Grain bill and speciality grains

    If using flaked rye i imagine i’d have to mash that right?
  19. Nash91

    Grain bill and speciality grains

    Thankyou all for your response. I’m asking as i recently did a beer with cara-rye as the speciality and found that it just wasn’t coming through enough (at 14% of my grain bill)